How to cite this article
Boonsathirakul, J., & Kerdsomboon, C. (2023). Synthesis of critical thinking research of basic education level students using Meta-analysis in Thailand during 2010 to 2021. Educational Research and Reviews, 18(1), 1-8.
Chicago /
Boonsathirakul Jittinun and Kerdsomboon Chakree . "Synthesis of critical thinking research of basic education level students using Meta-analysis in Thailand during 2010 to 2021." Educational Research and Reviews 18, no. 1 (2023): 1-8.
Boonsathirakul Jittinun and Kerdsomboon Chakree . "Synthesis of critical thinking research of basic education level students using Meta-analysis in Thailand during 2010 to 2021." Educational Research and Reviews 18.1 (2023): 1-8.