Assessment and correlation of adiponectin level as a monitoring marker in type 2 diabetes in Benin City: A case-control study
December 2024
Diabetes mellitus, a chronic metabolic condition that can lead to retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy, causes hyperglycemia due to reduced insulin action and secretion. This study investigated the use of adiponectin, insulin, HbA1c, and homeostatic model assessment for insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) as monitoring and treatment markers for type 2 diabetes. The study included 90 participants from Benin City, 60 of whom...
Effective competency-based assessment model for senior schools in Kenya
November 2024
The education systems globally are rapidly evolving due to their dynamic nature. This swift transformation necessitates a corresponding pace in assessment models, which should be realistic and effective for the targeted learners. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, there were concerns about the reliability and validity of the assessment tools used in Kenyan post-primary schools. With the introduction of the...
Epidemiology of circulating influenza viruses in Ethiopia during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from National Severe Acute Respiratory Infection and Influenza-Like Illness Sentinel Surveillance (January 2021-August 2022)
July 2024
Influenza is an acute viral respiratory tract disease in humans, often characterized by fever, headache, myalgia, prostration, coryza, sore throat and cough. Influenza infection is clinically indistinguishable from other respiratory viral diseases without laboratory confirmation. This study aims to estimate the proportion of confirmed influenza cases among patients presenting with a severe acute respiratory infection...
Factors determining adherence to follow-up care for the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV among pregnant women in Cross River State, Nigeria
November 2023
Adherence to the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in developing countries faces several barriers. The aim of the study is to identify factors determining adherence to follow-up care in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission among pregnant women living with HIV in Cross River State, Nigeria. It is a cross-sectional study applying systematic sampling techniques among antenatal attendees living...
Clinical characteristics and induction outcome of pediatric acute myeloid leukemia (AML) patients treated at Tertiary Referral Hospital, Addis Ababa,Ethiopia: a retrospective cross-sectional study
September 2023
The outcome of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has remained a major concern in low- and middle-income countries. It is envisaged that the outcome will be far worse in resource limited settings. However, studies are lacking and many of these low-income countries lack an effective cancer registry. The study was conducted to assess the socio-demographics, clinical patterns and induction outcomes of children with AML. All bone...
Patterns of presentation of rotator cuff tendinopathy and the role of abnormal ultrasonography findings in its early detection among overhead sport athletes
July 2023
Rotator cuff tendinopathy (RCT), a common shoulder disorder in overhead sports, has different presentation patterns. The presentation mode may help identify altered biomechanics, a common cause of impingement of the rotator cuff tendon. Therefore, this study investigated the patterns of presentation of RCT and their association with selected biomechanical variables in overhead sport athletes. This cross-sectional study...
Frequency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase in holoendemic village of Sub-Saharan Africa
July 2023
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase enzyme deficiency (G6PD) is one of the malaria hypotheses, in addition to haemoglobinopathy, ovalocytosis, and thalassaemia, among others, that confer resistance to the severity of malaria infection to their carriers. High prevalent rates of these red blood cell abnormalities are known to correlate with malaria endemicity of an area as a natural selection. This study, which was part of...
Prevalence of HBV/HIV co-infection and effect of HAART on HBSAg seroreactivity in Ayder Referral Hospital, Mekelle, Tigray, Ethiopia
April 2023
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) co-infection with HIV is becoming a major challenge due to shared routes of transmission. Therefore screening HBV in HIV infected individuals should be a routine clinical practice. In Ethiopia practice of routine HBV screening, Use of HAART regimens with dual Anti HIV/HBV action & their effect on HBSAg sero reactivity is not well studied. To determine the sero prevalence of HBSAg in HIV...
Analysis of measles case-based surveillance data in Afar Regional State, Ethiopia, from 2013 to 2017
September 2022
Measles is a highly contagious viral disease caused by morbillivirus, a member of the Paramyxoviridae family, of which humans are the only reservoirs. Person-to-person transmission occurs via aerosolized droplets and infected people's throat secretions. The aim of study is to identify major gaps and assess the trend of reporting measles disease, the positivity rate of measles samples, identify the age group most...
Psychometric Testing of a Cross-Culturally Adapted Fall Efficacy Scale (FES) Scale for Igbo Stroke Survivors
December 2021
Stroke Survivors are predisposed to certain fall risk factors like impaired gait, impaired balance and coordination, as a result of associated motor dysfunctions and disability. This influences their quality of life and causes limitations in their daily living activities. FES is a reliable and valid instrument for assessing confidence level while performing activities of daily living without falling. However, its...
Awareness of the Importance and Utilization of Physiotherapy Services among Nurses in Tertiary Hospitals in Anambra State, Nigeria.
December 2021
Utilization of individual professional skills depends on the cooperation among health team members and the extent to which they value the knowledge of other team members in discharging their services to the patient, who is the main focus of the team. The study aims to determine the awareness of the importance and utilization of physiotherapy services among nurses in tertiary hospitals in Anambra state. This was a cross...
Sociodemographic and Clinical Characteristics of Children with Erb’s Palsy and the Clinical Specialization of Their Therapists - A Retrospective Study
December 2021
Erb’s palsy accounts for 45% of brachial plexus birth injury (BPEP), with a 0.8-1 per 1,000 births incidence. Management of Erb’s palsy requires the services of a physiotherapist, occupational therapist and other rehabilitation specialists. The socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with Erb’s Palsy and the clinical competencies of their therapists in Southeast Nigeria are unknown....
Forward-Backward Translation and Psychometric Testing of Fugl-Meyer Assessment Scale for Igbo Stroke Survivors
June 2021
Stroke survivors experience impaired motor function of affected limbs. However, improvements in motor function are possible and important as it helps reduce its negative effects on the activities of daily living, contributing to better quality of life. Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) is a tool for determining impaired motor functions. This has not been translated to Igbo language and so poses some restrictions for most...
The Contribution of X-Ray Equipment Control Panel Design Type to the Control of Nosocomial Infection: Soft Touch Button versus Knob Design
June 2021
The control panel of x-ray equipment is exposed to contamination from the radiographer during routine use, hence the need for constant disinfection. Older x-ray equipment designs have a control knob design (CKD), while newer designs have soft touch buttons or touch screens (STB). The aim of this study is to evaluate the rate at which nosocomial infection accumulates in each control panel design type by taking swab...
Correlation between Foot Arch Index and Quadriceps Angle among Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis in National Orthopaedics Hospital Enugu.
June 2021
Osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative joint disease characterised by breakdown of cartilages in joints which may further alter the joint biomechanics such as the quadriceps (Q) angle. Patello-femoral joint biomechanics is influenced by the direction and magnitude of force exerted by quadriceps muscle which may impact on the foot biomechanics. This study sought to determine the relationship between foot arch index...
A Systematic Review of Ankle Injury Epidemiology in Dance
June 2021
To systematically review the ankle injury epidemiology among dancers. Design: Systematic review. Data sources: MEDLINE, PEDro, Google Scholar, PubMed databases were searched from their inceptions to 17th of March, 2021. Reference lists of identified studies were hand-searched for additional relevant studies. The guideline for Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) was adopted for...
Perceived Readiness to Practice among Pre-Clinical and Clinical Undergraduates of Physiotherapy Department in University of Nigeria, Enugu-Campus
December 2020
Physiotherapy undergraduates undergo a rigorous training process which predisposes them to stress. One’s ability to cope with the stress and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills that accrue to confidence and competence in practice is expected to develop while in school. However, level of study and exposure could influence the readiness to go into professional practice. This study aims to determine the...
Some Haemostatic Parameters among Malaria Infected Patients in Semi-urban Setting of Malaria Endemic Region.
December 2020
Malaria a mosquito-borne protozoon infection is one of the health challenges facing majority of people living in sub-Sahara Africa including Nigeria (an endemic region). The causative agents Plasmodium species parasitizes host erythrocytes and destroys its hemoglobin thereby causing anaemia in some of the infected individuals. This study evaluated some haemostatic parameters of malaria parasitized subjects living in...
Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Activity-Specific Balance Confidence (ABC) Scale for Igbo Stroke Survivors
December 2020
Individuals post stroke are at high risk for devastating consequences from falls especially while performing their activities of daily living. This is due to postural instability and abnormal gait pattern resulting from balance impairment acquired post injury. The Activity-Specific Balance Confidence (ABC) scale is an instrument used to measure confidence in balance that hitherto was not available in Igbo language....
Adult cephalic index of the Igbo people in and around Nnewi town in Nigeria using computed tomography
December 2020
In disaster victims’ identification in forensic science, every piece of evidence is relevant. Biochemical assays, anthropometry, and recently, medical imaging, have all provided some form of evidence. Cephalic index, popular derived by ultrasound in utero, and with sliding calipers ex utero, can also be accurately derived ex utero using the medical imaging tool of computed tomography. To derive cephalic index for...
Attitudes and Barriers towards Continuing Professional Development among Physiotherapists in South-Eastern Nigeria
June 2020
Continuing professional development (CPD) programmes are important components of professional training to maintain competence. There is insufficient information regarding physiotherapists’ participation in CPD activities in South-Eastern Nigeria. This study aimed to determine the attitude and barriers towards CPD among Physiotherapists in South-Eastern Nigeria. A cross-sectional survey involving 104 clinical...
Attitude and Barriers to Community Based Rehabilitation Among Physiotherapists in Enugu Metropolis
June 2020
The frequent occurrence of disabilities in our communities and the near non-existence of Physiotherapists participation and other health care professionals in Community Based Rehabilitation (CBR) programmes in the management of this mayhem to curb the increasing incidences is on the increase. There are limited studies on the attitudes and barriers to participation in Community Based Rehabilitation among Nigerian...
Assessment of Health and Wellness Lifestyle Practices of Tertiary Institution Workers in the Phase of Prevalent Lifestyle Related Diseases
June 2020
Improved technologies and advances in vaccines have resulted in reductions in morbidities and mortalities from infectious diseases like HIV/AIDs, tuberculosis etc; but deaths and disabilities resulting from non-communicable diseases are on the increase globally. Lifestyle behaviours (LB) are believed to be related to health, wellness and quality of life of the citizenry. Therefore, this study assessed the health and...
Psychometric Testing of a Cross-Culturally Adapted Reintegration to Normal Living Index Scale for Igbo Stroke Survivors – A Preliminary Investigation
June 2020
Stroke is a major cause of long-term disability and the second leading cause of death globally. Majority of stroke survivors (SS) have varying degrees of disability that restrict their community reintegration (CR). The Reintegration to Normal Living Index (RNLI) is a good measure for assessing CR, but cannot be used by Non-English Speaking SS and thus the need to cross-culturally adapt it for Igbo-Speaking SS. This...
Effects of Ultrasound Therapy on Pain Intensity of Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis - A systematic Review of Evidence
December 2019
The knee is the major weight bearing joint of the body. It is therefore expected that the knee more than most joints of the body will be more prone to the development of Ostearthritis (OA). Literature appears unsettled regarding the most preferred treatment parameters and the effects of ultrasound in the management of knee OA. This study systematically reviewed randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on the effects of...
Assessment of Adiposity Indices among Female Staff in University of Nigeria Primary School Enugu Campus
December 2019
A central fat pattern has adverse health implications in both children and adult. Because adiposity tracks from childhood into adulthood, the ability of simple anthropometric techniques to correctly measure truncal adiposity in adulthood needs to be assessed. This study assessed the adiposity indices among female staff of University of Nigeria Primary School Enugu Campus. A total number of forty nine (49) female staff...
Influence of Sleep Surface on Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Pain among Undergraduate Students in Lagos, Nigeria
December 2019
Certain sleep surfaces may trigger complaints of musculoskeletal pain and discomfort among otherwise healthy individuals. Thus, studies investigating the association between sleep surfaces and the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain and discomfort are imperative. This study investigated the influence of sleep surfaces on musculoskeletal pain among undergraduate students in Lagos, Nigeria. Five hundred undergraduate...
Do Engineers Know and Practice Ergonomics better than Healthcare Professionals or Vice-Versa?
December 2019
Ergonomics is a multidisciplinary field that seeks to promote the wellbeing of a person within a system, thereby fostering productivity with its concomitant economic effects. Professional training may impacts differently on the knowledge, awareness and practice (KAP) of certain constructs like ergonomics. Engineers and healthcare professional (HCP) are deeply involved in the promotion of ergonomics. However it is not...
Histomorphometric Studies of Oral Contraceptives on the Ovaries of Adult Female Wistar Rats (Rattus Norvegicus)
June 2019
Contraception is the intentional prevention of fertilization from taking place through various means. Histomorphometry is the study of microscopic organization and structure of a tissue especially by computer-assisted analysis of images formed by a microscope. The aim of the study was to check the effects of oral contraceptives on histomorphometrical parameters in adult female Wistar rats. Twenty-four (24) adult female...
Influence of Demographic and Academic Variables on Physical Fitness Level of Undergraduates in a Nigerian University
June 2019
Physical inactivity and sedentariness are modifiable risk factors of cardiovascular diseases and a variety of chronic diseases; it is therefore pertinent to improve on one’s physical activity and encourage regular assessment of Physical Fitness Level (PFL) especially among young adults. The level of PF and the factors that influence them among Nigerian Undergraduates appear unknown. This study assessed the PFL and...
Femoral Neck Shaft Angle in an Adult Population in Southeast Nigeria
June 2019
The Neck Shaft Angle is an important morphological feature of the proximal femur. It plays an important role during walking. It is also an important parameter during the orthopaedic evaluation of the proximal femur especially when planning for total hip replacement. This angle has been found to vary among individuals of different race, ethnicity, age groups and gender. The aim of this study is to establish the normal...
Risks of Disability Among Adults Living with Musculoskeletal Pain in Enugu, Nigeria: A Cross-Sectional Survey
June 2019
Pain has remained one of the disabling conditions in humans. Several survey studies have emphasized the magnitude of pain as a public health issue, citing its negative impact on patients' functional status and quality of life. This study sought to ascertain the disability risks among adults with low back pain in Enugu State with respect to age, gender, marital status, Body Mass Index (BMI) and occupation. A standard...
Low Back Pain Among Practicing Radiographers in a Nigerian Population and their Coping Mechanisms
June 2019
Low back pain (LBP) affects majority of the population but common among workers. It affects diagnostic radiographers mainly due to occupational physical activities and age. This study sought to determine the prevalence, risk factors and coping mechanisms among practicing radiographers in Enugu and Ebonyi States, Nigeria. Cross sectional survey was adopted using a structured questionnaire and the data analyzed using Chi...
Midwives Services Scheme: A Purposive Assessment of Performance in Enugu State, Nigeria
June 2019
Ending preventable maternal and infant deaths can be achieved by improving access to skilled health professionals. This study examined and elicited the contributions of the intervention of Midwives Services Scheme (MSS) on maternal, newborn and child health (MNCH) in participating rural primary health facilities in Enugu State of Nigeria, between 2009 and 2015 when the programme was properly funded. The study was...
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