International Journal of
Educational Administration and Policy Studies

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Educ. Admin. Pol. Stud.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6656
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJEAPS
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 245

IJEAPS Articles

Study of the relationship between study habits and academic achievement of students: A case of Spicer Higher Secondary School, India

September 2015

The studies on the correlation of academic achievement have paved way for control and manipulation of related variables for quality results in schools. In spite of the facts that schools impart uniform classroom instructions to all students, wide range of difference is observed in their academic achievement. The study sought to determine the relationship between study habits and academic achievement of students. A...

Author(s): Evans Atsiaya siahi and Julius K. Maiyo

Education and poverty correlates: A case of Trans-Nzoia County, Kenya

September 2015

Education is widely accepted as the main backbone of growth and development of individuals and the nation. However, its achievement continues to elude many who are poverty stricken. Government of Kenya introduced free primary education in 2003 and tuition free secondary education in 2008. It is estimated that about 3 millions children are not enrolled in primary schools. For the children who enrolled in grade one, only...

Author(s): Julius Maiyo

Self assessment in higher education: An empirical evidence from the Department of Business Administration of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh

August 2015

The paper aimed to explore the self assessment practices in higher education in Bangladesh with special reference to Department of Business Administration of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology. For self assessment purpose the researchers have collected opinion from students, alumni, employer and faculty members on eight areas. In collecting data the study used a semi-structured questionnaire on four point...

Author(s): Nazrul Islam and Mohmmad Ashraful Ferdous Chowdhury

Students’ satisfaction with service delivery in federal universities in South-south geo-political Zone, Nigeria

July 2015

The study was designed to investigate the level of students’ satisfaction with service delivery in federal universities in South-south geopolitical zone of Nigeria in terms of educational, library, security, medical, transport, hostel, and ICT services. Survey design was used to carry out the study, the hypothesis was formulated and literature reviewed. Using the stratified random sampling technique 1,700 students...

Author(s): Roseline M. Akpoiroro and James E. Okon

Professional development needs of school principals in the context of educational reform

June 2015

Retraining and upskilling of human resources in organizations are deemed vital whenever a reform takes place, or whenever a huge policy is being implemented on a comprehensive scale. In an education system, officers, principals, and teachers need to be retrained so as to enable them implement and manage new changes, which are manifested in the form of new policies and strategic development plan mooted by the government....

Author(s): Sufean Hussin and Saleh Al Abri

Do small rural high schools differ from larger schools in relation to absentee rates in physical education?

June 2015

The aims of the study were twofold: (a) to investigate how school size affects absentee rates in physical education (PE) and (b) to examine the experiences of students and teachers at a small rural high school in relation to attendance in PE at their school. The absentee rates in PE among all students (N = 6928 students) in a county in Norway were collected, and interviews with 15 students and two teachers at a small...

Author(s): Pål Lagestad, Vebjørn Rånes and Boye Welde

Investigating policy implications for the abolition of corporal punishment in secondary schools in Kenya

May 2015

The main objective of this study is to investigate policy implications for the abolition of corporal punishment in secondary schools in Kenya. Adopting a survey design, using questionnaires, interviews and documentation, a sample of 355 was selected from target population of 3228 teachers, students and parents. The data were analysed thematically. Results indicate that awareness concerning abolition of corporal...

Author(s): Jonah Nyaga Kindiki

Teacher qualification and students’ academic performance in science mathematics and technology subjects in Kenya

May 2015

Performance in Science, Mathematics and Technology (SMT) subjects among students in Kitui County, Kenya has perpetually been unsatisfactory. The aim of this study was to look into the extent to which teacher qualification influenced students’ academic performance in SMT subjects. The study applied ex-post-facto survey research design. Random sampling was used to select eight secondary schools in Kitui County. It...

Author(s): Lydia M. Musau and Joash A. Migosi

The Nigeria education system and vision 20: 2020: A critical development planning perspective

March 2015

The study examines the call for Nigeria becoming one of the twenty most developed economies by the year 2020, as it relates to development planning in Nigeria using the educational system as a unit of analysis. It aims at examining the relevance of this call within the context of existing facilities in the Nigeria educational system both - material and human from the point of view of academic planning. It adopts a...

Author(s): Franklins A. SANUBI and Nelson E. AKPOTU

Development of a knowledge management model for the development of a quality public sector management system for the office of the primary educational service area

March 2015

The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the current situation and problem of Knowledge Management of the office of the primary education service area, 2) to develop a Knowledge Management model, 3) to study the success of the implementation of the Knowledge Management system. There were 25 persons in the target group. There were 2 kinds of instrument: the instrument for work development was the Handbook for...

Author(s): Wijitra Khotbancha, Chalard Chantarasombat and Anan Sriampai

Values and context: Taiwan principal preparation and practice from an American perspective

March 2015

This qualitative study explores the preparation and practice of school leaders in Taiwan based on in-depth interviews and observations with six Taiwan school directors serving geographically diverse student populations. The journey leading to school leadership and the challenges that this representative group of educational leaders face are discussed and also compared to the preparation of American school leaders and...

Author(s): Linda R. Vogel

Impact of teenage motherhood on the academic performance in public primary schools in Bungoma County, Kenya

March 2015

Teenage pregnancy is a concern in both developed and developing countries; however the re-entry of teenage mothers into the school system continues to demand attention as society’s negative attitude towards pregnant girls and teenage mothers persists. Those who do return to school suffer from stigmatisation, ridicule, and abuse from both teachers and other learners. This study sought to investigate the impact of...

Author(s): Catherine Barmao-Kiptanui, Jonah Nyaga Kindiki and Joseph K. Lelan

Technical-vocational education and language policy in Ghana

February 2015

Technical and vocational graduates in Ghana are often ill-equipped to become self-reliant or well-fitted into the demands of the job market. This pattern can be examined in terms of the educational language policy implementation that disregards regional linguistic needs. This seems to arise as a result of the medium of instruction that is implemented in wholesale. This paper illustrates the need for the adoption of...

Author(s): James Nsoh Adogpa

Breaking the fetters of Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa

February 2015

Higher education institutions (HEI) are established to address human resource needs by producing graduates with the relevant knowledge, skills and attitude for the labour market and improving the country’s ability to maximize its long-term economic, social and political developments. The fetters of higher education are the challenges bedeviling its growth and development. This paper focuses on appropriate...

Author(s): Moses Kumi Asamoah and Eva Esi Mackin

Bujang Syaifar

February 2015

Based on a preliminary survey, it was found that the education and training management of the public servant at the Center of Education and Training of Ministry of Domestic Affairs Regional Bukittinggi does not give significant impact to increase the official government performance. To find out the level of effectiveness of the training offered in the Center of Education and Training of Ministry of Domestic Affairs...

Author(s): Bujang Syaifar

Parents’ involvement in inclusive education: An empirical test for the psycho-educational development of learners with special educational needs (SENs)

December 2014

There is mounting evidence that involvement paradigm is a major strategy that supports positive learning outcomes and is critically vital for educating learners with special educational needs (SENs). To illuminate the parental involvement concept and potential in a concrete context, this paper explains 1) the empirical literature that explains the interaction between parental involvement, inclusive education and...

Author(s): Olusegun Emmanuel Afolabi

Impact of performance contracts on the utilization of teaching and learning resources in technical institutes in Kenya

November 2014

Performance contracting has been acclaimed as an effective and promising means of improving the performance of public enterprises as well as government departments. The government of Kenya introduced performance contract signing in 2004. The aim of performance contracts was to improve resource utilization in public institutions among other objectives. This study sought to establish the perceptions of Kenyan tutors in...

Author(s): Biutha Manwa Mosomi, Jonah N. Kindiki and John M. Boit

Correlates of examination malpractice among secondary school students in Oyo State, Nigeria

November 2014

The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlates of examination malpractice among secondary school students in Oyo State, Nigeria. The instrument used for the study was tagged Predisposing Factors towards Examination Malpractice Questionnaire (PFTEMQ). The instrument was administered to 300 students randomly selected from 20  multi staged selected secondary schools of five randomly selected local...

Author(s): Animasahun, R.A. and Ogunniran, J.O.

A statistical study on higher educational institutions in India

November 2014

This study aims to observe the increased effectiveness of Higher Educational Institutions in India and its competitiveness. It proposes to develop the interest in enhancing the quality in Educational Institutions. It is monitored and evaluated through rapid growth of information technology, which makes sophisticated data collection possible. This study aims to create an awareness or self competitiveness among...

Author(s): Neelaveni C. and Manimaran S.

Institutional factors as predictors of students’ academic achievement in colleges of education in South western Nigeria

October 2014

The enhancement of the academic achievement of the Nigerian students has continued to engage the attention of educational practitioners and policy makers.  This paper investigated institutional factors as predictors of students’ academic performance in Colleges of Education in South-Western Nigeria.  The study employed the ex post facto design using a survey design and a multiple regression model. ...

Author(s): ADEYEMI, Abisola Moradeyo and ADEYEMI, Semiu Babatunde

Enrichment and strengthening of Indian biotechnolgy industry along with academic interface

October 2014

For many years, humankind has been incorporating biosciences in different places- from agriculture to food and medicine. Today, the nomenclature of biology has been recoined as Biotechnology, a technological science with a perfect blend of sophisticated techniques, manuals and application of fast delivery equipment and vehicles. It encompasses chemical engineering, bioprocess engineering, bioinformatics (computer aided...

Author(s): Shalini Singh

Does the organizational structure affect the management of universities in Uganda? An empirical analysis

October 2014

The organisational structure of universities follows particular models that distinguish them from other learning institutions. This research investigated the effect of the organisational structure on the management of universities in Uganda using a sample of 361, 44 % of whom were members of academic staff, and the rest contained university top management officials, administrative and support staff of universities. The...

Author(s): Gertrude Zziwa

Assessment of instructional and administrative strategies applied by principals to improve academic performance

September 2014

  The study is based on the assessment of instructional and administrative strategies applied by principals to improve academic performance of students in schools. This simply means that the individual talents of everyone in school needs to be maximized for the effective benefit of the school, students, parents, and the society at large. It is therefore obvious that principals should apply numerous...

Author(s): Agharuwhe A. Akiri

Women aspiring to administrative positions in Kenya municipal primary schools

September 2014

  Even though female teachers in Kenya municipal primary schools are majority and highly qualified, they fill fewer administrative positions than men. This study assesses the extent of women's participation in leadership positions, society's perception of female leaders, selection criteria of educational administrators, and barriers that affect or hinder them from participation in leadership positions....

Author(s): Victor F. O. Combat

Orientation impact on performance of undergraduate students in University of Cape Coast (Ghana)

September 2014

  Orientation is widely conceived to encompass activities that support the transition into educational institutions. The University of Cape Coast, Ghana places a premium on orientation for fresh year students and yet the impact of such programmes on students’ performance remains a difficult thing to determine. This study, therefore, focuses on finding out the impact of orientation on the academic...

Author(s): Georgina Asi Owusu, Millan Ahema Tawiah, Cynthia Sena-Kpeglo and Jeff Teye Onyame

Evaluating education quality in terms of ISO9000 standards

August 2014

  While nations measure the quality of educational systems by different standards, many nations, such as China, have adopted the ISO9000 quality standards to assess the quality of schools. This article explores the various elements of the the ISO 9000 standards and how each element relates to the various groups that are consumers or stakeholders in the educational process. The authors then develop a model to...

Author(s): Cheng Fengchun, Linda R. Vogel and Zheng Zhaoyu

An examination of the impact of safe school funding on the incidences of violent behaviors in the school environment of a rural and urban school district

August 2014

  The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of additional revenues for safe school programs and services on the incidences of violent behaviors in the educational environment of a rural and urban school retrieving data from the fourth and final calculation of the Florida Education Finance Program (FEFP) for the 2001 to 2002, 2002 to 2003, 2003 to 2004, school years through the Florida Department of...

Author(s): Robert Malone Jr, Elizabeth K. Davenport, Brian M. Hickey and Melvin Robinson

The leadership practices of the dean of Combined Arms Academy

June 2014

This study is on the leadership practices of the dean of Combined Army Academy. The research is a qualitative design. The academic staff members were the participants of the study. Formal and informal conversational interview approaches, personal observation and document analysis were the instruments of the study. Thematic analysis was used for analyzing the data. Accordingly, the research findings revealed serious...

Author(s): Matebe Tafere

Instructional strategies and students’ academic performance in electrical installation in technical colleges in Akwa Ibom State: Instructional skills for structuring appropriate learning experiences for students

June 2014

The study investigated the effects of instructional strategies on students’ academic performance in Electrical Installation in Technical Colleges in Akwa Ibom State. Instructional skills are the most specific category of teaching behaviours. A non-equivalent control group quasi experimental design was adopted for the study. Four intact classes from four technical colleges were selected to give a sample size of...

Author(s): Vincent E. Onweh and Udeme Timothy Akpan

Influence of Leadership styles on Teachers’ job satisfaction: A case of selected Primary Schools in Songea and Morogoro Districts, Tanzania

April 2014

This study reports on the kind of school leadership style that best suits for promoting teachers’ job satisfaction in primary schools in Tanzania. The study employed cross sectional research design with samples of 200 teachers from 20 selected primary schools in Songea and Morogoro districts. Interviews, documentary analysis and questionnaires were used to collect data. The data were analyzed both qualitatively...

Author(s): Haruni J. Machumu and Mafwimbo M. Kaitila

Teacher competence and teacher quality in Cambodia's educational context linked to in-service teacher training: an examination based on a questionnaire survey

April 2014

Competent teacher is an indispensable pillar for students’ learning outcome and education quality improvement. This paper examines Cambodian teachers’ perception regarding: (1) teacher competence and improving education quality and (2) ensuring teacher quality and in-service teacher training. This study used questionnaire that targeted a line of educational staff of Cambodia: from school to central level. In...

Author(s): Chankea Phin

Spatial dependency and contextual effects on Academic Achievement

March 2014

This study investigated the influences of district-related variables on a district’s academic performance. Arkansas augmented benchmark examination scores were used to measure a district’s scholastic achievement. Spatial analysis fit each district’s performance to its geographical location; spatial autocorrelation measured the amount of influence one district’s scores has on its neighbours....

Author(s): Ki Matlock, Joon Jin Song and Christian Z. Goering

An X-ray of Inter-governmental Relation conflicts and resource control in the fourth Republic in Nigeria

March 2014

Intergovernmental relation is a necessary political tool for mutual intertwines among the levels of government for the realization and facilitation of government goals and objectives. Intergovernmental wrangling has been a morphological characteristic of Nigerian federalism. The 1999 Nigerian constitution stipulates unequivocal and unambiguous demarcation of functions, powers and jurisdictional ecology within the...

Author(s): Ojo, John Sunday

Myths in African concept of reality

February 2014

Myths are accounts of the origin of societies and institutions not subject to rationalization but often used by historians and philosophers in their quest to study African history; for it is only thus that we can comprehend the various aspects of the continent’s history and culture. This paper examines the critical understanding of African worldview, the place of African philosophy and the significance of myths in...

Author(s): Jones M. Jaja

An investigation on the relationship between the school level of funding and performance at K.C.S.E. in Mumias District, Western Province, Kenya

February 2014

The Kenyan government has been spending between 20% to 40% of its revenue on education with the aim to improving access and quality.  Much of these resources have been devoted towards establishment and procurement of school inputs such as classrooms, teachers and textbooks.  This study investigated the effects of funding on performance in Mumias District. Statistical   proportionate and purposive sampling...

Author(s): Z. Sisungo, L. Kaberia and P. Buhere

The impact of education on rural women’s participation in political and economic activities

February 2014

This study endeavored to investigate the impact of education on rural women’s participation in political and economic activities. Six hundred rural women and 12 gender Activists were selected for this study from three Zones of Amhara Region, Ethiopia using multi-stage random sampling technique and purposeful sampling techniques respectively. Questionnaire and interviews were used as instruments of data collection....

Author(s): Alemayehu Bishaw

Structured-exercise-program (SEP): An effective training approach to key healthcare professionals

January 2014

Structured exercise program is an effective approach to technology dependent resource limited healthcare area for professional training. The result of a recently conducted data analysis revealed this. The aim of the study is to know the effectiveness of the applied approach that was designed to observe the level of adherence to newly adopted guidelines and also to find out the critical reasons for non-adherence...

Author(s): Mosharaf H. Miazi, Taleb Hossain and C. Tiroyakgosi

Effects of democratizations of university education on quality of higher education in Kenya: A case of Moi University

January 2014

In the last few years, Kenyan public universities have mounted parallel degree programmes for students who are qualified and are financially able to pay for their university education. Moi University introduced such a programme in 1998. As a result of these developments, there has arisen concern amongst the stakeholders on the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of higher education offered. The paper reports the...

Author(s): John Mugun Boit and Lydia Cheruto Kipkoech

Cost indices in open and distance education in Nigerian universities

December 2013

The paper focused on general cost indices in open and distance learning (ODL) in Nigeria. Existing literaturesat the international level and in the only single mode open and distance learning in Nigeria (National Open University of Nigeria – NOUN) were reviewed to ascertain the factors that affect cost in open and distance learning. The findings revealed neglect of some factors during cost consideration. The cost...

Author(s): Juliet O. Inegbedion and Julius K. AdeyemiJuliet O. Inegbedion and Julius K. Adeyemi

Appraising the role of information communication technology (ICT) as a change agent for higher education in Nigeria

December 2013

Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have become inseparable entities in all aspects of human life.  The use of ICT has fundamentally changed the practices and procedures of nearly all forms of endeavour within business, governance and civil service.  In education, ICT has begun to have a presence but the impact has not been as extensive as in other fields of endeavour. The moving of the world to...

Author(s): Yusuf Musibau Adeoye, Afolabi Festus Oluwole, Loto Antonia Blessing

Implementation of Generic Equipment Model (E30 Standard) for Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) automation tool

November 2013

The Semi Equipment Communication standard (SECS) defines a communication interface suitable for the exchange of messages between semiconductor processing equipment intended for wafer manufacturing, wafer processing and a host. This standard provides a means to communicate between different equipment without knowledge of their protocols. SECS is a layered protocol, which helps to understand meaning of messages between...

Author(s): Manjiri Hoshing

Higher education financing in Nigeria: Issues and trends

November 2013

The potential of the higher education system to act as an agent of growth and development in Nigeria is being challenged by the long-standing problems of limited access, inadequate financing, poor governance, declining quality and relevance. Thus, this paper provides an overview of the trends and nature of public funding of higher education in Nigeria. The arguments in this paper support increased public investment in...

Author(s): Adewuyi, Jacob Olusayo and Okemakinde, Timothy

Right to education of Scheduled Tribe: An Indian perspective

November 2013

Education seeks to unfold the latent qualities of a person, thereby giving full development to the individual. As such, it has been described as the act or art of developing, or creating,  cultivating the various physical intellectual, aesthetic and moral faculties of the individual. Scheduled Tribe has a history of social and economic deprivation, and the underlying causes of their educational marginalization are...

Author(s): Madhurima Chowdhury and Atrayee Banerjee

The Power of the poor… Stop the financial terrorism

November 2013

Since 2008 serial of financial crises occurring in big financial institutions and banks, economists have been actively working on and searching for solutions. Several calls have been made to reshape the international financial system under a proposed Britton Woods II system.  Some calls identify one or more component of the Islamic Financial system but not in a compressive paradigm. To truly revive the world...

Author(s): Abeer Bassiouny

Determinants of non-compliance of public procurement regulations in Kenyan secondary schools

November 2013

Kenya’s public procurement and disposal Act of 2005 sets out clear rules and procedures for public procurement entities to follow; however this does not seem to be the case. This study sought to examine determinants of Non-compliance to the Public Procurement Regulations in Kenyan Secondary Schools. The study adopted a descriptive survey research. A sample of twelve (12) schools was utilized in this study from a...

Author(s): Joash Migosi, Charles Ombuki, Kennedy N. Ombuki and Zablon Evusa

Violation of students’ legal rights as correlate of organization climate in Imo State secondary schools, in Nigeria

November 2013

The purpose of this study is to determine whether violation of students’ legal rights has relationship with organizational climate in secondary schools in Imo State, Nigeria. Three research questions and null hypothesis were put forward and tested in order to make one’s decisions on the issues investigated. Relevant literature to the study was adequately reviewed. The study was carried out in the three...

Author(s): M.C Anuna, F.O Mbonu and R.N. Amanchukwu

The Implementation of cooperative learning in English class of favorite School of secondary high school 5 Batusangkar, West Sumatera

October 2013

The aim of this research is to explain the implementation of cooperative learning in English class of favorite school of Secondary High School 5 Batusangkar, West Sumatera; to find out the achievement of Cooperative Learning in English class of Favorite School of Secondary High School 5 Batusangkar, West Sumatera; and to know how is the strengths and weaknesses of cooperative learning methods in English class in...

Author(s): Muhammad Kristiawan

A model of continuing professional competency development by using ICT (study at senior high school teachers Padangsidimpuan, north sumatera)

October 2013

In order to solve the weakness of current status of high school teachers’ professional competency in Padangsidimpuan the researcher purposed this study to implement A Model of Continuing Professional Competency Development by using Information Communication Technology (ICT). This study was conducted by using a Research and Development (R&D). Two high schools were used as pilot test to determine the effect of...

Author(s): Sarmadan Hasibuan

A comparison of Zimbabwe’s rural and urban primary school pupils’ views about homework: A case of Masvingo District

October 2013

The study sought to establish and compare the views of rural and urban primary school pupils on homework in Zimbabwe, using six purposively sampled Masvingo rural and urban primary schools. The inquiry employed a qualitative methodology in which data were gathered through semi-structured personal interviews and document analysis. A sample of thirty rural and thirty urban Grade Five pupils were interviewed. Forty-five...

Author(s): Felix Petros Mapako, Rugare Mareva and Winnet Chindedza

Basic education from early childhood: Impacts of free primary education and subsidized secondary education on public ECDE centers in Nyahururu District, Kenya

October 2013

Kenya must invest more in education to realize her vision 2030. The government commitment to Education for All’s goal has been expressed through provision of basic education in pre-primary, primary and secondary school levels. To this end, the government introduced two kitties; Free Primary Education in 2003 and Subsidized Secondary Education in 2008 (where the government paid tuition fees for the students in...

Author(s): Peter Murage Mwangi and T.D.K Serem

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