International Journal of
Livestock Production

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Livest. Prod.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2448
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJLP
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 291

IJLP Articles

Effect of diets fortified with garlic organic extract and streptomycin sulphate on growth performance and carcass characteristics of broilers

April 2012

  An experiment was carried out to study the comparative effects of garlic organic extract and streptomycin sulphate on growth performance and carcass characteristics of broilers. Forty-eight Hubbard line day-old chicks with equal numbers of males and females were randomly allocated to eight (8) treatment combinations to conduct a 4×2 factorial experiment in a completely randomised...

Author(s): Dieumou F. E., Teguia A., Kuiate J. R., Tamokou J. D., Doma U. D., Abdullahi U. S. and Chiroma A. E.

Grading of table eggs as a marketing strategy for Nigerian smallholder farmers

April 2012

  The major challenges of marketing livestock products are appropriate pricing, preservation and storage. The usual practice on smallholder poultry farms is to sell eggs unsorted. This result in loss of income, decreased marketability and increased wastages. This study aimed at assessing the profitability of sorting eggs and its implication on the farmer’s revenue. A total of 100 trays of unsorted eggs...

Author(s):   O.T.F. Abanikannda and A.O. Leigh

Genetic analysis of growth and feed conversion efficiency of Muzaffarnagari lambs under intensive feeding system

April 2012

  Data on 534 Muzaffarnagari lambs, maintained under intensive feeding management system at the Central Institute for Research on Goats, Makhdoom, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India were recorded between 1989 to 2002, so as to study the growth performance and feed conversion efficiency of lambs and their genetic control. The overall least-squares means for 3-month weight, 6-month weight and average daily weight gain...

Author(s): A. Mandal, G. Dass and P. K. Rout

Reproductive performance of crossbred dairy cows under smallholder condition in Ethiopia

March 2012

  A study was carried out to assess the reproductive performance of crossbred dairy cows under smallholder conditions in Asella town, Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. A total of sixty crossbred dairy cow farmers that owned 3 to 5 cows were interviewed using a structured questionnaire to collect information on age at first service, age at first calving, days open and calving...

Author(s): Hunduma Dinka

Improving dairy production in Bangladesh: Application of integrated agriculture and ecohealth concepts

March 2012

  This work investigates the management and veterinary health interventions for dairy cattle in an integrated agricultural system practiced by 1,500 poor villagers living in 300 households in the Jamuna River Chars (Bogra, Jamalpur and Sirajganj Districts) of Bangladesh. The average production after one lactation for indigenous cattle was 2.53 L/cow/day (229 day lactation) and for cross-bred cattle was 7.72...

Author(s): David C. Hall, Md. Golam Shah Alam and Shankar K. Raha

Milk production performance of Black Bengal goats in West Bengal

February 2012

  This study was conducted to investigate the milk production performance of Black Bengal goats in different parities reared in a semi-intensive system. The 112 female Black Bengal goats were selected on the basis of their phenotypic characteristics and ancestral history from Goat Farm, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal, India. Milk production records of the Black Bengal goat were recorded in the 9th week of kidding...

Author(s): K. C. Dhara, N. Ray, S.Taraphder and S. Guha

The effect of PGF2α on persistent corpus luteum in Sahiwal cows

January 2012

  In dairy animals, there are so many different conditions, which affect reproductive performance, and persistent corpus luteum (PCL) is one of those. It was suggested that this condition was difficult to treat and consequently result in lengthening of service period and calving interval. If this condition was not diagnosed and treated timely, it may result into permanent infertility and thereby huge loss to...

Author(s): Mushtaq H. Lashari and Zahida Tasawar

Association of transferrin polymorphism with different economic traits of Garole sheep

January 2012

The present study was carried out on 52 apparently healthy adult ewes of Garole sheep reared at Sheep and Goat Breeding Farm of West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences , during April to September 2009 to investigate the association of transferrin polymorphism with different economic traits. The nine transferrin genotypes were identified by Vertical Sodium Dodecyl sulfate Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis...

Author(s): D. K. Yadav, S. Taraphder,  K. C. Dhara , S. Batabyal, I. Samanta and M. Mitra

Laying chickens’ response to various levels of palm kernel cake in diets

January 2012

  The response of 120 Lohmann Brown laying hens which were fed on graded levels of palm kernel cake (PKC) meal was studied. Four dietary treatments incorporating 0, 5, 10 and 15% of PKC meals were used and the birds were randomly assigned in equal members in a completely randomized design. The diets were isocaloric and iso-nitrogenenous and were fed ad libitum. Water was also provided free choice. The...

Author(s): Zanu H. K., Abangiba J., Arthur-Badoo W., Akparibo A. D. and Sam R.

Therapeutic potential of Johne’s disease vaccine: A follow up post vaccination study in a goatherd of endangered Jamunapari breed, naturally infected with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis

December 2011

  The study evaluated ‘therapeutic potential’ of ‘Indigenous Johne’s Disease Vaccine’ in a goat herd (important endangered Jamunapari breed) endemically infected withMycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). A total of 526 goats from this herd were vaccinated subcutaneously. Therapeutic potential’ was evaluated on the basis of physical improvement,...

Author(s):   S. V. Singh, P. K. Singh, M. K. Singh, A. V. Singh and J. S. Sohal

Effect of storage temperature on shelf life of standardized buffalo milk Ujani basundi

December 2011

  The effects of storage of buffalo milk Ujani basundi, incorporated with or without potassium sorbate (0.1% w/w) and with or without cardamom (0.1% w/w) under ambient (30±1°C) and refrigerated temperature (5±1°C) over a period of 20 days were studied. The physicochemical as well as sensory quality of stored product samples were studied. The stored product samples at refrigerated and...

Author(s): Gaikwad S. M. and Hembade A. S.

Buffalo population (Bubalus bubalis) characteristics in Kosovo

November 2011


Author(s): Bytyqi Hysen, Muji Skender, Jahja Ardita and Aliu Sali

Presence of antibiotics in Panicum maximum and soil around poultry manure dumping site in derived savannah zone of Nigeria

November 2011

  The presence of antibiotics in Panicum maximum and soil around poultry manure dumping site was investigated. The antibiotics investigated were Penicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline and chloramphenicol. P. maximum and soil samples were collected at distance of 0, 30 and 60 m from the dumping site. Qualitatively, these antibiotics were found positive in all the samples. Decreases in values...

Author(s):   Aderinola O. A., Akinwumi A. O., Ojebiyi O. O., Sodehinde F. G., Tona G. and Arowoogun A. B.

Susceptibility to natural gastro-intestinal nematode infection during different physiological stages in goat and sheep in the semi arid tropics

October 2011

  The study was undertaken in Barbari, Jamunapari goats and Muzaffarnagari sheep to evaluate the variability in resistance during periparturient rise in faecal egg counts and the impact of periparturient rise on animal’s weight at kidding and birth weights of their progenies. The investigation was carried out in 169 Barbari does, 107 Jamunapari does and 82 Muzaffarnagri ewes distributed over two breeding...

Author(s): Chauhan K. K., Rout P. K., G. Das, Singh S. K., Shukla S. N.and Roy R.

Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the sequences of candidate genes involved in milk production traits in riverine buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

October 2011

  Domestic buffalo and cattle are two extremely important livestock species in worldwide agricultural production. Despite some similarities with respect to morphologic and genetic characters, cattle and buffalo are divergent evolutionarily and are classified as different genera within the subfamily of Bovinae (Bos and Bubalus). The present study aimed at partial bayesian phylogenetic reconstruction of bovini...

Author(s): Aditi Sharma, S. S. Kanwar, M. S. Tantia and R. K. Vijh

Economywide impact of Avian influenza in Ghana – A dynamic computable general equilibrium (DCGE) model analysis

October 2011

  A dynamic computable general equilibrium (DCGE) model is used to quantitatively assess the economywide impact of HPAI in Ghana. The likely effect of an Avian influenza outbreak is modeled as demand or supply shocks to the poultry sector. The analysis shows that while the chicken sector is quite a small sector of the Ghanaian economy, the shock in chicken demand due to consumers’ anxieties is the...

Author(s): Xinshen Diao

Preweaning growth performance of Lagune cattle in Benin

October 2011

  The aim of the present paper was to evaluate the birth weight (BW, kg) and weaning (WW, kg) weight and the corresponding average daily gain (ADG, g) of Lagune cattle reared in the Samiondji breeding farm of Benin. A total of 1,414 records from 707 calves, born from 1997 to 2003, were analysed using a general linear procedure (proc GLM). Fixed factors were sex, calving number and year of birth. The weaning age...

Author(s): A. B. Gbangboche, T. I. Alkoiret, C. A. A. M. Chrysostome, S. Salifou and J. L. Hornick

Genetic analyses of generation means for a cross between two local breeds of chickens: Ш-inheritance of egg quality in F3 and backcross generations

September 2011

  External and internal egg quality traits are the primary selection objectives of breeders to maximize the return of saleable eggs. In order to help for developing an effective improvement program for egg quality traits, performances of F3 and backcrosses generations, derived from crossing Gimmizah with Bandarah developed strains, were used to estimate the components of genetic variability of egg quality...

Author(s): Abou El-Ghar, R. Sh

Abattoir survey on the prevalence and monitory loss associated with Fasciolosis in sheep and goats

September 2011

  Study was conducted to assess the prevalence and economic loss associated to Fasciolosis in small ruminants slaughtered at Modjo Modern Export Abattoir (MMEA) Modjo in East Shawa, Oromia regional State, central Ethiopia. A total of 1000 animals (500 sheep and 500 goats; 250 animals each from 4 origins) were examined for the presence of Fasciola sp. Species, age and origin of animals was taken in to...

Author(s): Dawit Kifle and Adem Hiko

Performance of broiler chicken in early life on methionine deficient feed with added choline and betaine

September 2011

  The experiment was designed and conducted to evaluate the availability of betaine (betaine anhydrous 97%) as methionine sparing for broilers. Two hundred and fifty day old chicks were randomly divided into five treatment groups which were divided into five replicates of ten chicks each. Primarily, a single starter ration deficient in methionine was formulated using NRC standards. The five treatment groups...

Author(s): Majed Rafeeq, Talat Naseer Pasha, Muhammad Masood Tariq and Masroor Ahmad Bajwa

Nutritional and managemental control of ascites syndrome in poultry

August 2011

Ascites or pulmonary hypertension is a multifactorial syndrome, caused by interactions among genetic, environmental, dietary and physiological factors. Forced selection to achieve faster growing chickens has improved genetic potential; but, due to some anatomical and physiological limitations, the same improved potential could have adverse effects on bird health. Impaired oxygen supply to sustain a continuous fast...

Author(s): P. K. Singh, Pallav Shekhar and Kaushal Kumar

Introduction and evaluation of modified hay-box brooder, Fayoumi chicken and layers housing, addressing small-scale semi- intensive poultry farming at Beresa Watershade, Gurage Zone, Ethiopia

August 2011

  The study was conducted in two peasant associations at Meskan Woreda of Gurage Zone, Ethiopia. The objective of the study was to introduce and evaluate Fayoumi chicken, two types of hay-box brooders and small-scale poultry houses at the farmers condition. Twelve farmers were selected for the study and separated into two groups. One group undertook chicks rearing using one box brooder (modified hay-box...

Author(s): Simeamelak Mekonnen, T/Yohanse Berehanu and Amare Argaw

Standardization and production of traditional Indian milk product ‘Ujani basundi’ from buffalo milk

August 2011

  A study on the standardization of “Ujani basundi” was carried out by using buffalo milk. Milk was standardized to 6% fat and 9% SNF. The attempts have been made to study the effect of different levels of sugar (6, 8 and 10% w/w of original milk) and rate of concentration (2.5, 3.0 and 3.5X including sugar) on sensorial and chemical quality of Ujani basundi. The results have...

Author(s):   Gaikwad, S. M., Hembade, A. S.

Performance and economic efficiency of browsing Arsi-Bale goats supplemented with sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) vines as replacement for concentrate

July 2011

  A total of forty Arsi-Bale male goats weighing on average (±SE) 16.8 ± 0.61 kg were used over a 132-day feeding period to determine the optimum level for substitution of concentrate with fresh sweet potato vines (SPV), having dry matter of 92%, crude protein of 19% and gross energy of 15.6 KJ/g DM for both biological and economic benefits. Five SPV substitution treatments in percentage: SPV0 as...

Author(s): Tesfaye Kebede, Tekalign Gutu and Estifanos Tadesse

Assessment of past and current status of large dairy farms to assist future management concerns and as a model for expanding dairies worldwide

July 2011

In order to predict future management needs the dairy industry needs to constantly assess the past and the current status of the industry. The objectives of this study were to: (1) Identify the past changes and current status of large well-managed dairies, (2) To provide management goals and identify areas of concerns for dairies that are stable or expanding, worldwide (3) assist in identifying and developing areas for...

Author(s): Kalynn D. Baldock, Alexandra D. Brooks and Darron L. Smith

Effect of long-term heat stress on key enzyme activities and T3 levels in commercial layer hens

July 2011

  High environmental temperatures are the most important inhibiting factors to poultry production in hot regions. The objective was to test adaptive responses of different chicken genotypes to long-term high temperature and identify suitable indicators of physiological parameters. Forty eight female chickens from each genotype of Lohmann Brown (LB), Lohmann White (LW), New Hampshire (NH), White Leghorn selected...

Author(s): A. Melesse, S. Maak, R. Schmidt and G. von Lengerken

Laying performances and egg quality characteristics of F1 crossbred hens resulting from Label Rouge (T55XSA51) and two local ecotypes as parental lines

June 2011

  The laying performances and the egg quality characteristics of hens of different genotypes were studied, namely:  the; local hens of savannah ecotype (Es) , the local hens of forest ecotype (Ef), the Label Rouge (Lr or T55xSA51) and its crossbred products with local ecotypes: LrxEs, EsxLr and EfxLr. In family poultry farms, the hatching rate (HR), the fertility rate (FR), the...

Author(s): Youssao A. K. I., Senou M., Dahouda M., Idrissou N. D., Amoussou-Sydol E., Tougan U. P.,  Ahounou S., Yapi-Gnaoré V. , Kayang B., Rognon X.,Tixier-Boichard M. and Kpodékon M. T.

Six novel PCR-RFLP loci in milk quality candidate genes in Bubalus bubalis

June 2011

  Prolactin receptor (PRLR) and Peroxisome Proliferator Receptor Gamma Coactivator 1 Alpha (PPARGC1A) are candidate genes associated with milk protein and fat yield in dairy cattle. These genes were sequence characterized to identify exonic SNPs in water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). Six novel buffalo specific SNPs were identified and novel PCR-RFLP loci for these SNPs were developed and validated. These loci can...

Author(s): R. Javed, S. K. Gautam, R. K. Vijh and M. S. Tantia

Genetic parameter estimates of pre-weaning weight of Horro (Zebu) and their crosses with Holstein Friesian and Jersey cattle breeds in Ethiopia

June 2011

  The study was carried out between 2006 and 2009 to determine the critical period for cattle farming in Cameroon. Data were collected on-farm using diachronic observations of cattle herds and pastures for 24 months. These data analysed with descriptive and Duncan multiple range test statistics, permitted to show that the period from December to April was critical. This period was characterized by poor forage...

Author(s): Habtamu Abera, Solomon Abegaz and Yosphe Mekasha

A case of diprosopus monauchenos in a day old calf (White Fulani × Friesian cross) in an integrated dairy farm

May 2011

  A rare case of ‘diprosopus monauchenos’ is reported in a newborn calf that died soon after birth. The ‘diprosopus’ consisted of four eyes (tetraophthalmus), two pairs of nostrils, two mouths, each with a tongue and two pinae. The two faces were fused caudally by a single parietal bone and joined ventrally by the medial rhami of the mandible. It was delivered from a five year-old...

Author(s): Salami O. S., Okaiyeto S. O., Danbirni S., Ibe C., Allam L. and Kudi A. C.

Determination of the critical period for cattle farming in Cameroon

May 2011

  The study was carried out between 2006 and 2009 to determine the critical period for cattle farming in Cameroon. Data were collected on-farm using diachronic observations of cattle herds and pastures for 24 months. These data analysed with descriptive and Duncan multiple range test statistics, permitted to show that the period from December to April was critical. This period was characterized by poor forage...

Author(s): Deffo V., Pamo E. T., Tchotsoua M., Lieugomg M., Arene C. J. and Nwagbo E. C.

A prevalence of parasites in black bengal goats in Chittagong, Bangladesh

April 2011

  An investigation was carried out to measure the prevalence of ecto- and endopatasites in semi-scavenging black bengal goat (Capra hircus) at Pahartali Thana under Chittagong district, Bangladesh during the period of February to May/2006. The overall prevalence of gastrointestinal helminths in goat were 63.41% (N=317). In these positive samples, Strongyloides spp. (51.74%) was more prevalent...

Author(s): M. M. Hassan, M. A. Hoque, S. K. M. A. Islam, S. A. Khan, K. Roy and Q. Banu

Dietary fibers as functional ingredients in meat products and their role in human health

April 2011

  The article evaluates the effect of dietary fibers as functional ingredient in meat products and their physiological role in human health. Fibers are naturally occurring compounds present in variety of vegetables, fruits, cereal flours etc in abundance, and act through their solubility, viscosity, gel forming ability, water-binding capacity, oil adsorption capacity, fermentability, and mineral...

Author(s): A. K. Biswas, V. Kumar, S. Bhosle, J. Sahoo and M. K. Chatli

Factors affecting the milk yield and composition of Rahmani and Chios sheep

March 2011

Milk production and milk constituents were studied in 74 ewes of two purebred groups, Rahmani and Chios at the Experimental Animal Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Al-Azhar University, Assiut, Egypt. Milk yield was recorded at weekly interval starting from the second week of lambing till the 15th week using lamb-suckling technique plus hand milking. Milk samples were collected for chemical analysis during early lactation...

Author(s): Julie Ann Luiz Adrian and Norman Q. Arancon

Effect of high forage oxalate and calcium consumption on goat urine characteristics

March 2011

  Goat production in Hawaii has grown steadily in the past decade and this growth necessitated a more controlled diet to sustain production. Local goat pastures on the Big Island, Hawaii, are dominated by Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureumSchumach.), yellow foxtail (Seteria glauca L.), and guava trees (Psidium guajavaL.). These plants contain compounds such as calcium and oxalates that could have...

Author(s):   Julie Ann Luiz Adrian and Norman Q. Arancon

Sources and utilization of poultry production information among poultry farmers in Oyo State

February 2011

  The study was conducted to determine the sources and utilization of poultry production information among poultry farmers in Oyo state. A multi-stage random sampling procedure was used to select 120 poultry farmers who were interviewed for the study. Findings revealed that majority of the poultry farmers were male within the age bracket 31 to 50 years and were literate. The farmers did not belong to any...

Author(s):   Oladeji, J. O.

Quality and acceptability of duck patties stored at ambient and refrigeration temperature

January 2011

  Effect of storage periods at ambient and refrigeration temperature on duck patties was studied. pH of duck patties significantly increased (P < 0.01) at ambient temperature and decreased (P < 0.01) at refrigeration temperature. TBA and Tyrosine values increased significantly (P < 0.01) with increased storage period at both temperatures. A higher rate of increase in TBA values occurred at...

Author(s): S. Biswas, A. Chakraborty, G. Patra and A. Dhargupta

Effect of clipping feathers, dietary ascorbic acid supplementation and season on performance of laying chickens

January 2011

Feathers may be problematic to chickens in thermoregulation during heat stress. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of clipping feathers, dietary ascorbic acid supplementation and season on performance of laying chickens. 180 ‘Isa Brown’ (IB) layers of about 30 weeks old were subjected to a 2×2×2 factorial combination of feather conditions (intact and clipping), dietary ascorbic...

Author(s): A. A. Adeyemo, K. L. Ayorinde and D. F. Apata

Effect of feeding crop residues of different cereals and legumes on weight gain of Yankassa rams

February 2010

  Crop residues from maize (Zea mays L.), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench), millet (Pennisetum glaucum), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) are important livestock feed in the West African savannas particularly during the long dry season. The residues from cereal crops are relatively in abundance, but of low nutritive value compared to the leguminous...

Author(s):   B. B. Singh, A. Musa,  H. A. Ajeigbe and S. A. Tarawali

Buffalo as a potential food animal

August 2009

Indian sub-continent is the home tract of world buffaloes. Buffalo is the only potential animal that can boost meat industry in India. Buffalo meat is the healthiest meat among red meats known for human consumption since it is low in calories and cholesterol. Buffalo meat is well comparable to beef in many of the physicochemical, nutritional, functional properties and palatability attributes. Meat from buffalo is called...

Author(s): G. Kandeepan, S. Biswas and R. S. Rajkumar

Effects of malate level and cassava hay in high-quality feed block on rumen ecology and digestibility of nutrients in lactating dairy cows raised under tropical condition

August 2009

Four, lactating dairy cows were randomly assigned according to a 2 x 2 Factorial arrangement in a 4 x 4 Latin square design to study supplementation of malate two levels as 500 and 1,000 g and cassava hay in high-quality feed block. The treatments were as follows T1 (supplementation of high-quality feed block without cassava hay + malate at 500 g); T2 (supplementation of high-quality feed block without cassava hay +...

Author(s): Sittisak Khampa

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