Journal of
Public Health and Epidemiology

  • Abbreviation: J. Public Health Epidemiol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2316
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPHE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 666

JPHE Articles

An analysis of tuberculosis in developing and developed world: Nigeria and UK as a case study

June 2012

Tuberculosis (TB) is a re-emerging infectious disease of international health priority. It is particularly worrisome in Africa, which informed the declaration of public health emergency by the World Health Organisation in 2005. In this study, inferences were drawn from the literature, secondary data and empirical observations. The results indicated that TB still remains a major public health challenge, particularly in...

Author(s): Semeeh A. Omoleke

Waste management options for health care wastes in Nigeria: A case study of Port Harcourt hospitals

June 2012

This study was undertaken to identify the waste disposal options adopted by the different hospital authorities in managing wastes generated as well as determining their awareness level on hospital waste management issues. A daily waste inventory study of each hospital department was carried out for six months in five different hospitals as representative healthcare institutions in Port Harcourt, Nigeria to estimate the...

Author(s): David N. Ogbonna, Alex Chindah and Ndubuisi Ubani

Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in pregnant women

June 2012

The present work aimed to evaluate the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and their associated risk factors among the pregnant women. This study was carried out from 2009 to 2010 in 232 pregnant women attending the private hospitals in and around Salem, Tamil Nadu. Anti-toxoplasma specific IgG and IgM were assessed using Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test kits. Of these 232 samples,...

Author(s): Malarvizhi A., Viswanathan T., Lavanya V., Arul Sheeba Malar S. and Moorthy K.

Sero-prevalence study of Hepatitis C virus infection among blood donors attending selected blood banks in some Local Government Areas in Kano, Nigeria

June 2012

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection afflicts more than 170 million people worldwide, with the great majority of patients having acute hepatitis C later developing into chronic HCV infection. 320 participants (80 in each of four blood banks from Wudil, Gaya, Sumaila and Takai Local Government Areas (LGA)) were tested for antibodies to HCV. Out of a total of the 320 subjects, 319 were males and 1 female between the...

Author(s): A. H. Kawo, J. A. Bala and Y. U. Dabai

The perception and beliefs on tuberculosis among traditional healers in Remo North Local Government Area, Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria

June 2012

With the aid of a pre-tested semi-structured interview questionnaire, 30 traditional healers in Remo North Local Government Area of Ogun State in the Southwestern part of Nigeria were identified by their certificate of apprenticeship. A cross-sectional study was carried out to assess their knowledge on the symptoms of tuberculosis, their perceptions, beliefs and their practices as regards to the management of...

Author(s): Albert Adekunle Salako and O. O. Sholeye

Demographic characteristics of stroke patients in developing countries: Example from Jordanian government hospitals

May 2012

The aim of this study was to identify for the first time, the characteristics of stroke patients in Jordan. In this retrospective study, the case records of 1,287 stroke patients admitted to Al-basher Hospital during a three-year period were reviewed. The stroke patient cohort included 60% men and 40% women. The mean age for men was 59.5±9.7 and 58.95±10.7 for women. Three quarters of all...

Author(s): AL-Oraibi, Saleh

Female genital mutilation in Southeast Nigeria: A survey on the current knowledge and practice

May 2012

Female genital mutilation (FGM) has been recognised as a major reproductive health problem and a dehumanising practice that has resisted change especially in developing countries. The study reviews the current knowledge and practice of FGM in Southeast Nigeria. This is a questionnaire based descriptive study involving women of reproductive age in Abakaliki, South east Nigeria. A semi-structured questionnaire was...

Author(s): Ibekwe Perpetus C., Onoh Robinson C, Onyebuchi Azubike K., Ezeonu Paul O. andIbekwe Rosemary O.

Diagnosis of invasive squamous cell carcinoma: Impact of opportunistic screening in >70 year-old women in Trentino (Northern region of Italy)

May 2012

The objective of this paper is to assess the value of opportunistic screening in diagnosis of invasive squamous carcinoma found in >70 years old women in Trentino (Italy). From 2007 to 2010, the Cytopathology Section of Institute of Anatomic Pathology of Rovereto Hospital have been examined; 28589 opportunistic pap-smears was performed in all histological specimens with diagnosis of low, high grade...

Author(s): Teresa Pusiol, Doriana Morichetti and Maria Grazia Zorzi

Adolescent fertility in selected countries of Latin America and the Caribbean

May 2012

This article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of different sources of quantitative data to measure teenage pregnancy in Latin American and the Caribbean countries. Previous studies discuss how low education, poverty, family background, low expectation of the girls about their future promote the increases in adolescent pregnancy observed in Latin American countries in the last decades. This study provides a...

Author(s): Cristina Gomes

Impact of human papillomavirus vaccination on anal cancer incidence in French women

May 2012

Human papillomavirus (HPV) 16 and 18 are found to be involved in 80% of anal cancers. Two vaccines against HPV infections are currently available, and vaccination policies aim to decrease mainly, incidence of cervical cancers. Moreover, an impact of HPV vaccination on the incidence of anal cancer can also be expected. Our aim was to assess the potential benefits of HPV vaccination on the occurrence of female anal cancer...

Author(s): L. Ribassin-Majed, R. Lounes and S. Clémençon

A cross-sectional internet-based survey of influenza A (H1N1) pandemic: Risk perceptions, behavioural responses and vaccination practices at Lund University, Sweden

April 2012

The 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic caused worldwide panic. Response to the pandemic varied widely between and within countries. The Swedish National Board of Health and Social Welfare responded by recommending vaccination of the entire population and a wide range of community mitigation measures. This study assessed the impact of the Swedish policy interventions. The study employed an internet-based questionnaire...

Author(s): Geofrey Musinguzi, Nicodemus Mandere Mandere, Benedict Oppong Asamoahand Eden Foreman

Socio-demographic correlates of sexual behaviours II: A cross sectional survey of adolescents in Imo State secondary schools

April 2012

The study was designed to determine the socio-demographic correlates of sexual behaviours of the adolescents in Imo State secondary schools. The objectives are to determine the influence of peer pressure on sexual behaviours of the adolescents, the levels of sexual behaviours of the adolescents with various ages at first sexual intercourse and the levels of the sexual behaviours of the older and younger adolescents in...

Author(s): Nwoke E. A., Okafor J. O. and Nwankwo B. O.

Perception of female population health hazards associated with indoor air pollution in Karachi

April 2012

This study identified health hazards associated with indoor air pollution (IAP) in Karachi. The main purpose of the paper was to examine the extent to which female domestic cook experience health threats related with cooking environment, and to understand their perceptions of the link between IAP exposure and poor health outcomes. One hundred female domestic cook in Karachi City, Pakistan, were interviewed using a...

Author(s): Durdana Rais Hashmi, Akhtar Shareef, Farhan Aziz Abbasi, Imtiaz Ahmed and Alia Bano Munshi

Different types of aero-allergens causing nasobronchial allergy in District Kupwara of Jammu and Kashmir State -India

April 2012

Nasobronchial allergy is one important type of respiratory disorder. Aero allergens like pollen, dust, fungus, dander and many others play important role in nasobronchial allergies particularly in asthma and rhinitis. The prevalence of nasobronchial allergy among populations all over the world has been increasing rapidly. The role of different inhalant allergens in nasobronchial allergy varies with environmental...

Author(s): Nisar A. Wani, Zafar Amin Shah and Mahrukh Hameed

Examining the nutritional knowledge of nurses: A theoretical perspective

April 2012

Nurses have a fundamental responsibility of promoting good health and educating the patients they care for. This research explores nurses’ general knowledge about nutrition and whether the knowledge they have acquired is used in caring for their patients. The MEDLINE and the OVID database were searched for papers relating to the topic from 1990 to 2010 using “nurses and knowledge”, “nurses”...

Author(s): Aishat T. Bakre, Ashiyat K. Akodu C. and Babatunde A. Akodu

Diagnosis of invasive squamous cell carcinoma: Impact of opportunistic screening in >70 years old women in Trentino (northern region of Italy)

March 2012

To assess the value of opportunistic screening in diagnosis of invasive squamous carcinoma found in >70 years old women in Trentino (northern region of Italy) in the period 2007 to 2010, the cytopathology Section of Rovereto Hospital examined 28589 opportunistic Pap smears. papillomavirus (HPV) genotyping by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed in all histological specimens with diagnosis of low grade and...

Author(s): Teresa Pusiol, Doriana Morichetti and Maria Grazia Zorzi

Sero-prevalence of peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) in small ruminants in Blue Nile, Gadaref and North Kordofan States of Sudan

March 2012

The present cross-sectional survey was conducted in Blue Nile, Gadarif and North Kordofan states of Sudan. The study was conducted during the period May 2005 to September 2006 to provide an overview of the most important diseases affecting small ruminants’ productivity. Results of interviews with small ruminants’ keepers indicated thatpeste des petitis ruminants (PPR) was found to be one of the most...

Author(s): A. S. Abdalla, A. A. Majok, K. H. El Malik and A. S. Ali

Cutaneous infectious diseases in Tunisian adolescents

March 2012

Few studies have been completed in adolescent’s cutaneous diseases. The aim of this work is to assess the adolescent epidemiological profile of the cutaneous infectious diseases and its evolution between 1997 and 2007. We have performed a comparative retrospective study on all adolescent outpatients attending Charles Nicolle’s Hospital Dermatological Department on 1997 and 2007 and focused on cutaneous...

Author(s): El Fekih Nadia, Aounallah-Skhiri Hajer, Ben Thabet-Dorbane Imen, Zéglaoui Faten, kamoun Mohamed Ridha and Fazaa Becima

Knowledge and awareness on HIV/AIDS among blood donors: A Study at Rajshahi, Bangladesh

March 2012

Human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is the most devastating disease that mankind has ever faced. For being neighboring country of India, Bangladesh has been highly vulnerable to HIV infection. Though Bangladesh continues to maintain low HIV prevalence status, however the infection rate is on the rise at Rajshahi Division. Some studies have been carried out on the knowledge...

Author(s): Abdul Goni and Mahfuzur Rahman

A descriptive study of behavioural patterns associated with gastrointestinal illness in the general Swedish population

February 2012

A nation-wide survey was conducted in 2009 to collect information about behavioural patterns possibly associated with gastrointestinal illness (GI) in the general Swedish population. One-third of the respondents used various internet and/or telephone resources to find information about GI. Nearly eighty percent said that they buy and consume certain food products or beverages, and one-third of the respondents claimed...

Author(s): Jonas Toljander and Nina Karnehed

Prevalence and transmission of Trichomonas vaginalis infection among women in Khartoum State, Sudan

February 2012

This study was carried out from January 2008 to December 2009 to determine the prevalence of trichomoniasis among women in Khartoum State, Sudan. Two different hospitals were selected. The two hospitals were Ibrahim Malik hospital which is serving an urban area and Ombada hospital which is serving a rural area and migrant people coming from other parts of Sudan particularly Western Sudan. Monthly data was collected...

Author(s): Dahab M. M., Koko W. S., Osman E. E. and Hilali A. H. M.  

Enteric pathogens and diarrhea disease potentials of water sources in Ahiazu Mbaise, Eastern Nigeria

February 2012

This research was targeted at determining the load of enteric pathogens and possible diarrheal disease potentials of the water sources to prevent possible disease outbreak through improved portable water supply for the inhabitants. Water samples were collected from boreholes, underground tanks, and streams and subjected to standard microbiological analysis. The result of total heterotrophic bacterial count (THBC) and...

Author(s): Esomonu Onyenonachi Charity, Abanobi Okwouma C. and Ihejirika Chinedu Emeka

Prevalence and factors associated with healing outcomes of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers among patients with spinal cord injury

February 2012

Pressure ulcers remain a perennial challenge in the management of patients with spinal cord injury in developing countries due to lack of preventive facilities and trained personnel. This study assessed the prevalence and factors associated with healing outcomes of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers among patients with spinal cord injury in a Nigerian tertiary hospital. A retrospective case chart review of patients with...

Author(s): Ezema Charles Ikechukwu, Idowu Opeyemi Ayodiipo, Anekwe David Emeka, Adelugba Julius Kayode, Nwoba Izuchukwu Michael and Ogunbameru Temitope Deborah

Assessment of awareness on food borne zoonoses and its relation with veterinary public health services in and around Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

February 2012

A qualitative survey was conducted to assess the awareness on food borne zoonoses and its relation with veterinary public health services in Addis Ababa and its surrounding districts. Structured questionnaire was used in the study. Factors like educational level, information source, and profession, were considered for possible explanation of the results. The most frequently known zoonotic diseases were rabies (100%),...

Author(s): Sisay Girma, Girma Zewde, Ketema Tafess, and Tariku Jibat

The plight of Haitian refugees in the Dominican Republic: Physical/psychosocial consequences

January 2012

Haitians are the largest minority living in Dominican Republic. These destitute people escaped the deprivations and disasters of their home country only to face other more tyrannical situations at asylums in the Dominican Republic. This manuscript focuses on the health consequences facing Haitians living on the north coast of the Dominican Republic. Their plight is a humanitarian crisis that requires the joint efforts...

Author(s): AbdulKareem Al-Obaidi, and Ghazwan Maqur

Primary health care services in Nigeria: Critical issues and strategies for enhancing the use by the rural communities

January 2012

Quality health is a fundamental right of all Nigerian citizens. While primary health care (PHC) centres are relatively uniformly distributed throughout local government areas (LGAs) in Nigeria, the rural people tend to underuse the basic health services. This article examines some cross cutting issues in PHC and outlines strategies to enhance the utilization of health services by rural people. The responsibility...

Author(s): Abdulraheem I. S., Olapipo A. R. and Amodu M. O.

A study of fertility intentions of women in Uyo, Nigeria

January 2012

Fertility desires are known to reflect subsequent fertility behaviour, therefore, understanding these desires therefore could help in planning strategies to modify fertility behaviour. We undertook the study to contribute useful information in planning future family planning strategies in our region. This was a questionnaire-based cross-sectional study among antenatal women in two health facilities in Uyo, Nigeria....

Author(s): Umoh A. V, Abah G. M and Ekanem U. S

Antimicrobial susceptibility of Salmonella serotypes isolated from human and animals in Sudan

January 2012

The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of multidrug resistance among Salmonella enterica serotypes recovered from human and animals in Sudan. A total of 119 Salmonella isolates recovered from stools of humans, cattle, camels and poultry were subjected to in vitro susceptibility against 10 commonly prescribed antibacterial agents. The test was done by the disc diffusion...

Author(s): Imad M.T. Fadlalla, Mohamed E. Hamid, Ahmed G. Abdel Rahim and Mohamed T. Ibrahim

An ecological view of the risk factors for tuberculosis in the United States

January 2012

There is scientific evidence of socio-demographic, behavioral and health risk factors associated with tuberculosis (TB) infection and TB disease. The primary objective of the study was to examine the correlation of TB risk factors at the state level in the United States (US) to obtain insights specific to the state of TB in the US. Secondary data from the centers for disease control and prevention (CDC) and US Census...

Author(s): David Young and Sheryl Strasser

Obesity: A major public health challenge of 21st century in the United Kingdom (UK)

December 2011

Obesity is one of the greatest public health challenges of modern times, especially in the UK, with its attendant negative health consequences and huge wider cost to the society. This paper aims to shed more light, stimulate debate and further research into the fifth wave of public health as well as emphasizing the strength and pitfall of basic principles of public health in addressing obesity. It examines the problem...

Author(s): Semeeh A. Omoleke

Gender differentials in factors associated with HIV testing intentions in Kenya: An application of the health belief model

December 2011

Demand for HIV testing and counseling has been growing with intensified efforts to scale up antiretroviral treatment globally. In Kenya, HIV testing and counselling programs have been expanding at an unprecedented pace. Knowledge of levels and associates of testing intentions is of essence. To obtain such knowledge, a recent nationally representative sample of reproductive-aged women and men was analyzed applying the...

Author(s): Li Liu

Maternal education and child nutritional status in the Democratic Republic of Congo

December 2011

Using data from the 2001 Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)-Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey, this study examines association between maternal education and child nutritional status in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Analyses are based on chi-square tests and logit generalized estimating equations. The results showed that maternal education difference in child nutritional status depends on the nutritional status...

Author(s): Jacques Be-Ofuriyua EMINA, Ngianga-Bakwin KANDALA, Joseph INUNGU and Yazoume YE

A systematic review of epidemiological studies on the association between smokeless tobacco use and coronary heart disease

December 2011

A systematic review was conducted of epidemiological studies focusing on the association between smokeless tobacco (SLT) use and coronary heart disease (CHD) in order to summarize the evidence and to identify scope for further study in South Asian countries. PubMed and ISI Web of Science databases were searched to find epidemiological studies (cohort, case-control and cross-sectional) published until 27 October, 2011....

Author(s): Muhammad Aziz Rahman, Mohammad Afzal Mahmood, Nicola Spurrier, Mahmudur Rahman and Stephen Leeder

A meta analysis of prevalence rate of hypertension in Nigerian populations

December 2011

This study aimed at synthesizing population-based studies on prevalence of hypertension in Nigeria from 1990 to 2009. General databases and subject-specific databases were searched for primary studies. Manuscripts of appropriate studies were retrieved. Based on some criteria, only eligible studies were included in the study. A total of 9 studies all from South-West region of Nigeria that fulfilled the inclusion criteria...

Author(s): Obinna Ikechukwu Ekwunife and Cletus Nze Aguwa

Combined intervention of intermittent preventive therapy and long-lasting insecticide treated nets among pregnant women in Nigeria

December 2011

Sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) prophylaxis and use of Long Lasting Insecticide Treated nets (LLINs) are the main interventions recommended by WHO to reduce malaria risks during pregnancy. To assess the degree of coverage against malaria afforded by treated mosquito net alone or combined with sulphadoxine-pyrimethamine among currently pregnant women (cpw) in Nigeria. A population-based cross-sectional household survey...

Author(s): Bamgboye M. Afolabi, Festus Okoh, Bayo S Fatunmbi, William Komakech, Oladele Saliu, Felicia Ewoigbokhan, Aro Modiu, James Ujor and Marmoud Omo-eboh

Attitudes of antenatal patients at a tertiary hospital in Southern Nigeria towards caesarean section

December 2011

Caesarean section has contributed immensely to improved obstetric care throughout the world. In developing countries especially the sub-Saharan Africa, there is a great aversion to caesarean section. This study aims to assess the attitudes of antenatal patients at the University of Port-Harcourt Teaching Hospital towards caesarean section. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 400 antenatal clients seen at the...

Author(s): Israel Jeremiah, Esther Nonye-Enyidah and Preye Fiebai

Studying physical and sociological environment of malaria to implement an indoor insecticide spraying campaign in Oueme region, Benin

December 2011

Malaria is among the main problems of public health in Africa. In Benin, indoor residual spraying (IRS) of bendiocarb has been proposed by the National Malaria Control Programme in the districts of Adjohoun, Dangbo, Misserete and Seme to help eradicate the malaria-causing mosquito. Prior to implementing an IRS program, a study of the local physical and sociological environment was assessed to identify the...

Author(s): G. G. Padonou,G. L. Gbédjissi, H. S. Bankolé,  H. Noukpo, A. Yadouléton, M. C. Akogbéto,

Are Muslim women behind in their knowledge and use of contraception in India?

December 2011

This paper uses District Level House Survey (DLHS) and National Family Health Survey (NFHS) data to investigate the use and knowledge of contraceptive methods within two religious communities in India, Muslim and Hindu. The obligations and tenets of their religion require Muslim women to defer from using any contraceptive method. Such commitments to one’s faith may turn out to be a deterrent in the use of...

Author(s): Suresh Sharmaand Atika Pasha  

Education, poor antenatal care coverage and teenage pregnancy at Kassala Hospital, Eastern Sudan

December 2011

The present study was conducted at Kassala hospital in eastern Sudan over six month’s duration (April to October, 2009) to determine antenatal care coverage, risk of anemia, obstructed labor, preterm birth and low birth weight among teenage primiparous women (<20 years) with singleton deliveries compared with the similar group of women aged 20 to 35 years. All primiparous women who delivered single...

Author(s): Abdel Aziem A. Ali, Abdalla A. Mohammed and Mohammed A. Sulaiman

Quality of General Practitioner Referral Letters to a South African Tertiary Hospital: Determinants of Quality Content and Good Practice

November 2011

The aim of this paper is to describe the essential elements of information, to assess the quality of content, to audit the referral practice and to identify the determinants of both good referral and practice from the general practitioners’ referral letters received at a tertiary hospital. A cross-sectional descriptive and evaluative study was conducted at theOutpatient Department of the Dr. George...

Author(s): Mabuza Langalibalele, Maduna Patrick M. H, Mhlongo Samuel W. P, Ndimande John V and Longo-Mbenza Benjamin

A Study on Outbreak of Dengue from Bihar, India-Establishing New Foci, Attributable to Climatic Changes Ragini Mishra1* and Prashant Kumar2

November 2011

Dengue fever (DF) is a mosquito-borne viral infection which is emerging fast in terms of mortality and morbidity in humans worldwide, particularly in tropical and subtropical countries. DF is characterized clinically by headache, retro-orbital pain, myalgia, arthralgia, integumentary rashes, and sometimes with haemorrhagic manifestations. Aedes aegypti, the main vector species of dengue fever/dengue haemorrhagic...

Author(s): Ragini Mishra and Prashant Kumar

Community Attitudes Towards Male Involvement in Home Based Care Activities for People Living with HIV and AIDS in Maseno Division, Western Kenya

November 2011

Home-based care has emerged as an effective method of providing cost-effective and compassionate care to those infected with HIV and AIDS. Traditionally, women have been in the forefront in the provision of care for those infected with HIV/AIDS. However, there was low male involvement in home-based care services and little research has been done. This paper assesses community attitudes towards male involvement in...

Author(s): R. K. Makori, R. O. Onyango, R. Kakai and J. O. S. Osero

Prescription Errors Prevalent in Four Units of a University Teaching Hospital in Nigeria

November 2011

Errors in prescription in medical practice are a source of adverse events that can be prevented. This study aimed at assessing the prevalence of prescription errors and predisposing factors in four units (medical out-patient, general out-patient, wards, accident and emergency) of the University College Hospital (UCH) Ibadan. Twelve error descriptors developed from literature review were used to review the 1866...

Author(s): Oyedunni S. Arulogun, Simon K. Oluwole and Musibau A. Titiloye

Socio-Economic Inequalities in the Risk of Diseases and Associated Risk Factors in India

November 2011

Extant literature is full of studies on socio-economic inequalities in maternal and child health in India but studies on inequalities in risk of diseases are limited. We use data from India Human Development Survey (IHDS) conducted in 2004-05 to test two hypotheses: first, diabetes and high blood pressure are associated with affluence; and second, tuberculosis and mental illness are associated with poverty. We use...

Author(s): Mohammad Hifzur Rahman and Abhishek Singh

Esthetic Self-Perception of HIV/AIDS Patients under Antiretroviral Therapy Suffering from Lipodystrophic Syndrome and its Influence on the Quality of Life in a City of the Brazilian Northeast

November 2011

This paper aims to evaluate the impact of lipodystrophic syndrome (LDS) on the quality of life and esthetic self-perception of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) under highly activeantiretroviral therapy (HAART). This is an exploratory observational study, with quantitative and qualitative data, using world health organization quality of life instrument – HIV(WHOQOL-HIV BREF) and esthetic...

Author(s): Carla Glenda Souza da Silva and João Carlos Alchieri

Risk for Unplanned Early Hospital Re-admission for Patients with Respiratory Tract Diseases: A Retrospective Study

November 2011

The purpose of this study was to identify unplanned hospital re-admission risk factors in patients with respiratory tract diseases in Taiwan. This was a retrospective study. Study subjects were patients with primary diagnosis of respiratory tract diseases, which were defined by using the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes. Eight hundred and seventy-six...

Author(s): Tzu-Chun Chen and Su-Hsien Chang

Impacts of HIV/AIDS on Secondary School Science Teachers and Learners in Namibia

November 2011

Namibia’s secondary school science teachers and learners are critical to the success of the country’s science, technology, engineering, and mathematics renaissance project. However, due to the high prevalence of HIV, there are fears that they may succumb to AIDS. Despite the eminent threats of HIV/AIDS on science education, there are no specific data that speak to the impacts of HIV/AIDS on science teachers...

Author(s): Kazhila C. Chinsembu, Choshi D. Kasanda, and Cornelia N. Shimwooshili-Shaimemanya

Prevalence of Dog Gastrointestinal Parasites and Risk Perception of Zoonotic Infection by Dog Owners in Wondo Genet, Southern Ethiopia

November 2011

Gastrointestinal parasites in dogs that inhabit in close proximity to humans have been shown to increase the risk of infection to humans, especially those living in rural areas. This study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of gastrointestinal helminth species found in partially owned/stray dogs and the potential impact these infection rates had on the surrounding communities in Wondo Genet, Southern Nations and...

Author(s): Octavius Jones, Nigatu Kebede, Tesfu Kassa, Getachew Tilahun, Chanda Macias

Prevalence of Dementia in an Elderly illiterate Native Mexican Population of Indigenous Origin

November 2011

This study aimed to clarify whether or not low level of education may function as a risk factor for dementia among native Mexicans. A door-to-door survey study in an elderly illiterate native Mexican subpopulation of indigenous origin was performed in order to detect prevalence of dementia using both DSM-IV criteria and the Brookdale test. The total village population surveyed included 2226 inhabitants, of which 65...

Author(s): Rafael Stryjer , , Baruch Spivak, , Roni Shiloh, , Lea Polak, ,Abraham Weizman,  and Josè Martin Rabey,

Glutathione–S-transferase polymorphic status modifies the arsenic induced clinical manifestation in Nadia District of West Bengal, India

October 2011

Subsoil water contamination with arsenic is a burning global health issue. People experiencing exposure to contaminated water by arsenic throughout years can give rise to development of myriad clinical manifestations with a chief of arsenicosis which is the collective form of pigmentation and keratotic lesion of the skin. We surveyed over a population of above 500 people in West Bengal who are chronically exposed to...

Author(s): Sarmishtha Chanda, Bhaswati Ganguli, Uma B. Dasgupta and Debendranath Guha Mazumder

Page 11 of 14, showing 50 records out of 666 total, starting on record 501, ending on 550