Routine dissemination of summary syndromic surveillance data leads to greater usage at local health departments in North Carolina
January 2015
Public health surveillance data is critical as it provides actionable information to guide public health response. Thirty interviews were conducted across North Carolina from May to September, 2009 with local public health department staff to describe the use of routine syndromic surveillance data during a local outbreak and compared this to usage during a large, statewide outbreak, during which the state disseminated...
Knowledge, attitude and acceptance of voluntary male medical circumcision among male students attending Botswana University
January 2015
In recent years safe voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC) has been recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) as one of the preventive strategies for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infection for those countries with high HIV prevalence and low medical male circumcision rates. This study aimed to assess the level of knowledge, attitude, and acceptance of safe VMMC among male university students...
Knowledge, attitudes and participation of community pharmacists in Lagos State, Nigeria towards primary health care (PHC)
January 2015
The general objective of this study was to evaluate community pharmacists’ participation in primary health care as well as to assess community pharmacists’ knowledge of primary health care and determine their level of participation in health promotion, disease prevention and curative primary health care activities in Lagos, Nigera. A total of 120 community pharmacists were used for this study. Data was...
Environmental human faecal contamination in pig raising in Soroti district of Uganda: A short communication
January 2015
Environmental faecal contamination is the defecation on the ground or failure to dispose faeces into the latrine; it could be because of lack of latrines or even a deliberate shunning of latrines. This contamination is a worldwide problem that is perhaps exercabating parasitic neglected tropical diseases (NTDs).The vice enables the lifecycle of parasitic zoonoses like taeniasis which is associated with...
Co-infections with Schistosoma haematobium and soil-transmitted helminths among school-aged children in Saki, Oyo State, Nigeria
December 2014
A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence and intensity of soil-transmitted helminthiasis and urinary schistosomiasis and the co-infection of these intestinal helminths among school children in Saki town, Oyo state, Nigeria. Early morning stool samples were collected and a Kato-Katz thick smear technique was used to examine and count parasitic load.Urine samples were also collected and examined...
Distribution of enteric bacterial pathogens among patients with gastrointestinal tract infections and food vendors in Lagos, Nigeria
December 2014
Stool samples from 2,200 patients with gastrointestinal tract (GIT) infections and 900 apparently healthy food vendors were collected in Lagos, Nigeria and examined to determine incidence and distribution of bacterial pathogens using standard microbiological methods. The isolates recovered were identified to belong to seven genera which include Salmonella, Shigella, Escherichia, Proteus, Klebsiella, Vibrio and...
Study on community knowledge, attitude and practice of rabies in and nearby Gondar town, North West Ethiopia
December 2014
Rabies is one of the disastrous diseases for both animal and human beings. Questionaire based cross-sectional study was conducted in and nearby Gondar town from November 2013 to June 2014. A semi-structured questionnaire was administered to 139 respondents comprised of 96 from urban and 43 from peri-urban areas to assess knowledge, attitude and practice of community about rabies. The current study generally illustrated...
Permeability and breakage status of male condoms artificially and naturally aged in humid tropical climate, the case of Jimma town, South-western Ethiopia
December 2014
Condoms are made up of polymers of rubber latex which undergoes gradual deterioration upon exposure to environmental conditions like high heat, ultraviolet light and humidity. This natural aging can also be simulated in laboratory and comparable results observed within short time. Deteriorated condoms show poor tensile strength and higher breakage rates. The breakage rate and permeability of condoms can be tested in...
Social determinants of health and inequity among people with disabilities: A Brazilian experience
November 2014
This paper presents a discussion concerning the results of research conducted between 2011 and 2012 in the city of Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil, in which the general objectives were to understand the socio-familial inclusion of people with disabilities and their daily living needs. The methodological approach was qualitative and the data collection techniques were open life history interviews. The research subjects...
Heath Care in the rural areas in Chad: Accessibility and catch of load (case study of the sub-prefecture of Donon Manga in East Tandjilé)
November 2014
The Health sector occupies the 2nd of those which have profited from the financings of the oil incomes after education and agriculture for one decade. But in spite of this attention particularly given to the sector, the future remains dark. The average distance between the medical households and structures is 14 km at the national level against 26 km in the rural mediums which concentrate 80% of the...
Denoising a model employing automated bandwidth selection procedures and pre-whitened Euclidean-based quadratic surrogates in PROC ARIMA for optimizing asymptotic expansions and simulations of onchocerciasis endemic transmission zones in Burkina Faso
November 2014
In this research we constructed multiple predictive ArcGIS Euclidean distance–based autoregressive infectious disease transmission oriented models for predicting geographic locations of endemic onchocerciasis (“river blindness”) transmission risk zones in Burkina Faso. We employed multiple spatiotemporal-sampled empirical ecological data sets of georeferenced covariates of riverine larval...
Epidemiology of malaria among children aged 1 to 15 years in Southeast Nigeria
November 2014
An epidemiological survey was conducted on prevalence of malaria among children aged 1-15yrs in south east Nigeria. A total of 498 children were surveyed for malaria and other morbidity indicators. Out of these, 369 which include 195 (52.8%) males and 174 (47.2%) females were from experimental household and 129, including 66 (51.2%) males and 63 (48.8%) females from control household. Before the deployment of...
Prevalence of malnutrition among preschool children (6-59 months) in Western Province, Kenya
November 2014
Malnutrition being one of the major public health problems in developing countries, it is still unacceptably high and progress to reduce it in most regions of the world is low. In Eastern Africa region, stunting and being underweight is estimated at 48 and 36% and are expected to increase over the next decade. There is limited information available on the prevalence of malnutrition in this area. This study...
Evaluation of measles surveillance systems in Afghanistan-2010
November 2014
Measles is a leading cause of death among children under five years world-wide. In Afghanistan, measles claimed 35,000 lives in 2001. Despite reported measles vaccination coverage of 75%, the number of outbreaks was increasing in 2008. The systems involved in measles surveillance in Afghanistan include: Health Management Information System (HMIS), Disease Early Warning System (DEWS), and the Expanded Program...
Psychosocial wellbeing of orphan and vulnerable children at orphanages in Gondar Town, North West Ethiopia
October 2014
The aim of this study was to explore the psychosocial problems and coping strategies of orphan and vulnerable children living in two orphanages, namely Yenege Tesfa and Bridge of Hope Ethiopia orphan and vulnerable children care and support centers in Gondar town, North West Ethiopia. The research primarily used a phenomenological study design of the qualitative method. Qualitative data was collected from 1...
Formula for mid-age of incidence from age-specific prevalence of chronic disease and its application
October 2014
This study was aimed to devise a theoretical formula for the mid-age of incidence (MAI) from the prevalence of age groups and to confirm its application. The formula was devised using the concept of lost years of health and then simulated. In the inhabitants’ survey, MAI was calculated from the prevalence of liver disease in the areas, and the main cause of disease was analyzed between those areas where...
Status of modern contraceptive use among married women in Debre Birhan District, Ethiopia
October 2014
Unless evidence based decisions are made based on local contexts, the low prevalence level of contraceptive use and the corresponding higher total fertility rate will make Ethiopia to remain the most populous country in Africa. The purpose of this study was to assess the status of modern contraceptive use among married women in Debre Birhan district, Ethiopia. A community based cross-sectional study was...
Interaction of sex with age at diagnosis and radiation therapy in the survival of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia
September 2014
Sex is a significant prognostic factor in the survival of pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) with girls having superior outcome. This phenomenon could be partly due to the intrinsic relationship between sex and other prognostic factors. The present study aimed to assess the effect of sex on ALL survival after accounting for interactions of sex with age at diagnosis and radiation, in addition to known...
Impact of environmental factors on the prevalence of autistic disorder after 1979
September 2014
The aim of this study was to investigate a previously overlooked, universally introduced environmental factor, fetal and retroviral contaminants in childhood vaccines, absent prior to change points (CPs) in autistic disorder (AD) prevalence with subsequent dose-effect evidence and known pathologic mechanisms of action. Worldwide population based cohort study was used for the design of this study. The United...
Factors associated with endemicity of Yersinia pestis in Namwala District of Zambia
September 2014
Plague which is a flea borne zoonotic disease of mammals caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis has occurred in Eastern and Southern parts of Zambia as epizootics. This study was conducted to determine factors associated with these outbreaks. The study was done in Namwala district of Zambia and a cross-sectional study design was used. The two stage cluster sampling technique was used. The first stage involved...
Client satisfaction with quality of health care in a rural area in Southern India
August 2014
Client satisfaction is an important method to assess the pattern of utilization of health care services amongst all sectors indirectly reflecting on the quality of services. Most of the clients prefer private over government services due to multiple reasons. The aim of this study was to assess the level of satisfaction of patients attending rural government and private health facilities in rural Andhra Pradesh. Ten...
Prevalence of common childhood illnesses and immunization status in infants and young children in two districts of Zambia
August 2014
Scaling-up the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) strategy, Expanded Programme of Immunization (EPI) and improved infant feeding practices have contributed to a decline in child mortality in Zambia. Despite this progress, documentation on EPI and common childhood illnesses that are addressed in IMCI in the two districts where the study was conducted are scanty. The report below highlights findings on...
Traditional birth attendants and women’s health practices: A case study of Patani in Southern Nigeria
August 2014
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), current estimate of maternal mortality ratios is at more than 1000 per 100,000 live births in most African countries. Despite the existence of modern health facilities in Nigeria, over 58% of deliveries take place at home whereas only 37% take place in hospitals. As outcomes of pregnancy and their sequelae are purely left to the providence of women in many rural...
Magnitude of risky sexual behavior among high school adolescents in Ethiopia: A cross-sectional study
July 2014
Risky sexual behavior increases the likelihood of adverse sexual and reproductive health consequences such as unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortion, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) including (HIV/AIDS). Adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa including Ethiopia are highly exposed to various risky sexual behaviors. The aim of this study was to determine the magnitude of risky sexual behaviors among Boditti Secondary...
Prevalence, associated risk factors and consequences of premarital sex among female students in Aletawondo High School, Sidama Zone, Ethiopia
July 2014
Youth age is the period when majority of youths become sexually active. However, majority of the youths lack sufficient knowledge about (HIV/AIDS) and other reproductive health issues. As a result, youths have multitude of reproductive problems, including HIV, other sexually transmitted infections (STIs), unwanted pregnancy, induced abortion and dropping out of school due to unwanted pregnancy. The objective of this...
Nightmares: Knowledge and attitudes in health care providers and nightmare sufferers
July 2014
Chronic nightmares have a prevalence of 3 to 8% in the general population, but they seem not to play a relevant role in the health care system despite the existence of evidence-based treatments. The aim of this study was to identify nightmare-related knowledge, attitudes and coping approaches in the German mental health care system. A total of 219 health-care providers (primary care, psychiatrists, psychotherapists,...
Confessions: Suicidal ideation on a Ghanaian radio program
July 2014
On July 17, 2013, listeners to a Ghanaian radio program were invited to telephone in and describe their personal experiences of suicidal ideation on air. Those who called the studio were asked four pointed questions by the program’s host: (1) Have you ever formed a suicidal intention? (2) What precipitated the formation of the suicidal ideation? (3) What suicide method did you plan to use? (4) Why did you refrain...
Underweight, overweight and obesity amongst young adults in Ota, Nigeria
July 2014
The pattern of body weight abnormality amongst persons in their early adulthood in Ota, Southwest Nigeria was investigated. A total of 341 healthy young adults (194 male; 147 female), aged 20 – 35 years participated in the study. Anthropometric measurements and WHO cut-offs were used to categorize their body weights into normal weight, underweight, overweight and obesity. Males were significantly (p<0.05)...
Prevalence of antibody titre in healthy individual and enteric fever patients in Owerri, Nigeria
June 2014
The aim of this study was to establish the prevalence of enteric fever amongst individuals in Owerri municipal area of Imo state. The study shows that 61 (24.4%) patients had typhoid fever based on clinical examination and serological test results (Widal test). It was observed that prevalence of enteric fever was high among the patients of age group 26 to 35 years (44.3%). Similarly, prevalence of typhoid fever was...
Epidemiology of schistosomiasis in school aged children in some riverine areas of Sokoto, Nigeria
June 2014
Prevalence of Schistosomiasis in primary school pupils in riverine areas of Sokoto, where most of the population is dependent on river and well water for their everyday activities, was surveyed using stool and urine samples. The stool samples were analysed using kato-katz thick faecal smear technique while the urine samples were processed by filtration technique. The overall prevalence of urinary schistosomiasis...
Daytime sleepiness, circadian preference, caffeine consumption and use of other stimulants among Thai college students
June 2014
This study was conducted to evaluate the prevalence of daytime sleepiness and evening chronotype and to assess the extent to which both are associated with the use of caffeinated stimulants among 3,000 Thai college students. Demographic and behavioral characteristics were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale and the Horne and OstbergMorningness-Eveningness Questionnaire were...
Breast self examination among secondary school teachers in South-South, Nigeria: A survey of perception and practice
May 2014
Breast cancer continues to claim the lives of hundreds of women all over the world inspite of the existence of simple to perform procedures that could ensure the early detection of breast changes. The study aimed to assess the practice and perceptions towards breast self examination (BSE) among secondary school teachers in Benin City. A cross-sectional study was conducted in July, 2010 among 300 female secondary school...
A survey of hygiene and sanitary practices of street food vendors in the Central State of Northern Nigeria
May 2014
This study examined the general hygiene and sanitary practices of street food venders in Nigeria. 110 random samples of street food venders were selected to represent 18% of street food venders in the study area. Data was collected using pre-test structured questionnaire and observation checklists. The relationships in the factors studied were determined. Food venders lacked basic training on hygiene and only 2.7% had...
Vaginal douching behavior among young adult women and the perceived adverse health effects
May 2014
Several health belief models suggest that health risk perception could enhance behavioral modification to reduce lifestyle-related risks. Perceived health risks associated with vaginal douching (VD), propensity to douche and effects on douching behaviors were assessed in a cross-sectional survey of 1,463 female undergraduates, aged 18 to 35 years, randomly selected in a tertiary institution between 2011 and 2012. A...
Perceived health believes of breast cancer and knowledge of its early detection measures among rural women in Umuduru Mbano
April 2014
Breast cancer is one of the commonest causes of cancer morbidity and mortality in women in the world, but early detection measure (EDM) has been found to be the solution. This article presents perceived health belief of breast cancer and knowledge of its early detection measures among rural women in Umuduru Mbano, Imo State, Eastern Nigeria. A cross-sectional design was used in the study. A total of 440 young and old...
Household food security among pregnant women in Ogun - East senatorial zone: a rural – urban comparison
April 2014
The burden of disease caused by adverse pregnancy outcomes, including maternal and child morbidity and mortality, in developing countries, has been enormous. An important contributor to good pregnancy outcome is the nutritional status of the mother, which is a factor of adequacy or otherwise of the dietary intake in pregnancy. Household food security is a determinant of adequate dietary intake. This study assessed and...
Prevalent home management techniques and outcome among mothers of febrile children in Eastern Nigeria
March 2014
The magnitude of the consequences and the extent of problem associated with febrile illnesses in children have been shown to be associated to mothers’ behaviour in treatment, decision making and prevention of childhood illnesses which are in turn influenced by social, cultural and intra-household relations. This study employed a cross-sectional survey design to assess the method employed by caregivers in the...
Knowledge, perception and predictors of uptake of cervical screening among rural Nigerian women
March 2014
Cervical screening is effective in mitigating the morbidity and mortality of cervical cancer. However, the uptake of cervical screening is still unsatisfactory in many countries. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge and perception of rural Nigerian women about cervical cancer and screening. The study also investigated the predictors of cervical screening. A survey with interviewer administered...
Academic achievement among radiography students in a Nigerian university: Does program interest count?
March 2014
This research assessed the relationship between the level of interest and academic achievement among Radiography students in a Nigerian University, and implications for career counseling. From the population of all the Radiography students (65) in the third, fourth and fifth (final) years, a sample size of forty students was drawn through stratified sampling technique. The ex-post facto research survey method was...
Mothers’ health seeking behaviour and socio-economic differentials: A factor analysis of full childhood immunization in South-Western Nigeria
March 2014
As many countries have achieved 85% full childhood immunization coverage with a sharp drop in the incidence of six major diseases, the situation in many other countries especially in Nigeria still call for concern and thereby suggesting that this indicator may not have been responding to prior policy and technical interventions. Globally, mothers play a major role in determining the health of their children. Thus,...
Absence of vancomycin-resistance genes in Staphylococcus aureus isolated from potable water
February 2014
The aim of this study was to investigate the carriage of vancomycin-resistance genes by Staphylococcus aureus found in drinking water supplies. A total of 100 samples (potable water and faucet swabs) were analyzed for the presence of S. aureus and their carriage of vancomycin-resistance genes. Mannitol salt agar was used for the isolation of staphylococci, and confirmation of S. aureus was carried out by means of Gram...
Assessment of long-lasting insecticidal net coverage, use and physical integrity one year after universal distribution campaign in Plateau department in South-East Benin
February 2014
Long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) have proved to be an important tool for the malaria control and other vector-borne diseases. Benin, by its National Malaria Control Program, conducted in July, 2011 a universal distribution campaign where approximately 5 million of nets were distributed. But after this mass-distribution, questions arise: Do people effectively use or not use the mosquito nets freely distributed? To...
Risk factors of osteoporosis among adults in Ethiopia, the case of Tigrai region: A case control study
February 2014
Osteoporosis is one of the most common public health problems affecting adults and elderlies in developing countries. This study aims to examine the potential risk factors of osteoporosis among adults in Tigrai, Northern Ethiopia. This is a case-control study. Cases and controls were assigned by two radiologists after radiographic examination of the wrist. An interviewer administered questionnaire was used and...
Patient satisfaction with outpatient health services in Hawassa University Teaching Hospital, Southern Ethiopia
February 2014
The level of patients’ satisfaction is one among the mechanisms used in assessing the quality of health care services. This cross sectional study was conducted in Hawassa University Teaching Hospital to assess level of satisfaction of patients with outpatient health services and factors associated with it. Multiple logistic regression was used to assess the relationship between patients’ satisfaction and...
Implication of coliforms as a major public health problem in Nigeria
January 2014
Water, the essence of life, is threatened by bacterial contamination. Coliform count is the major tool to determine the bacteriological quality of water. The determination is quite easy and informative. The different methodologies are employed depending on suitability by maximum probable number (MPN) which is the most accepted. The environment conditions like sunlight, water salinity, temperature etc. provide simple...
Correlation of obesity indicies and blood pressure among non obese adults in Zaria, Northern Nigeria
January 2014
Epidemiological studies from different populations have reported significant association between different anthropometric indicators and hypertension in obese adults but few data are available for the non obese adults of this study population. This study assessed the association between adiposity measures and hypertension risk and analyzed various anthropometric indices (body mass index (BMI), waist-height ratio,...
Abattoir operations, waste generation and management in the Tamale metropolis: Case study of the Tamale slaughterhouse
January 2014
The study was conducted to assess the rate of effluent generation and management at the Tamale abattoir. It also investigated the methods adopted in processing animal carcasses, including handling/transportation to retail centres. The investigative approach to data collection was adopted in combination with desk research and other strategies. Waste material generated was estimated based on calculations by Aniebo et al....
First mass screening of the human population to estimate the bio-load of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in North India
January 2014
Bio-load of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) was estimated in the first mass screening of human population in Mathura region of South Uttar Pradesh. 48,919 samples were collected between December, 2010 and March, 2013 from Pathology laboratories, 26,390 were screened by indigenous ELISA kit, IS900 blood and stool PCR, IS1311 PCR_RE and stool microscopy. From 23,196 serum samples screened by...
The use of chart review to elucidate the epidemiology of leprosy in the Mbingo leprosarium of Cameroon
January 2014
The WHO introduced MDT for the treatment of leprosy in 1982 because dapsone monotherapy was life long and resistant. "The objective of this study was to determine the impact of MDT on leprosy control and its epidemiology in Mbingo leprosarium'. Patients who attended the Mbingo leprosarium from 1961 to 1998 were identified through a thorough manual review of hospital records in 2002. A structured data collection...
Knowledge, attitude to hypertension and lifestyle habits of rural dwellers in Owerre-Nkwoji, Imo State Nigeria
January 2014
Hypertension accounts for 13% of global mortality, with 25% prevalence in Nigeria. Current trends in management is lifestyle modification. Information on lifestyle habits is needed for effective intervention programe. A study was done among rural dwellers between ages 20 and 75 in Owerre- Nkwoji, Imo State, to determine their knowledge, attitude to hypertension and lifestyle habits. Information gathered would be used to...
Page 8 of 14, showing 50 records out of 665 total, starting on record 351, ending on 400