The health and well-being of people with a previous diagnosis of cancer: A record-linkage study in Scotland
October 2011
Routinely collected health care data (the Scottish Cancer Registry) were record-linked to representative survey data on health and health behaviours (the Government-funded Scottish Health Survey) to compare the health and well-being of cancer survivors in Scotland with people who had never had cancer; a methodological approach which has been under-utilised. After adjusting for age, sex and occupational classification,...
Assessment of public awareness on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Athens, Greece, and the effects of an awareness-raising national action plan
October 2011
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) lacks public recognition despite its high prevalence. Given the absence of an awareness assessing disease-specific questionnaire, we developed the 10-item Athens COPD awareness questionnaire (10-ACAQ, with 4 demographic and 6 COPD-oriented questions) in an attempt to assess the level of public awareness on COPD in 2002. Then, a 6-year action plan (2003 to 2008) was designed...
An assessment of the impact of health education on maternal knowledge and practice of childhood immunization in Kware, Sokoto State
October 2011
Immunization is one of the most powerful and cost effective weapons of modern medicine, and is a major tool being used to achieve the 4th Millennium Development Goals (MDG). This study was therefore aimed at assessing the impact of health education using the Community Level Nutrition Information System for Action (COLNISA) strategy on knowledge and practice of childhood immunization among mothers in Kware town, Sokoto...
Prevalence of hydatidosis in small ruminants and its economic significance in Modjo Modern Export Abattoir, Ethiopia
October 2011
This study was conducted from November 2009 to April 2010 with a purpose to assess the prevalence and economic significance of hydatid cyst in slaughtered sheep and goats at Modjo Modern Export Abattoir (MMEA), Ethiopia. The result of this study revealed that a total of 1115 small ruminants (348 sheep and 767 goats) were randomly sampled and examined after slaughter for the presence of hydatid cysts in the visceral...
Use of oncology drugs in Japan compared to France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, the UK and the USA: A comparison based on data from 1999 to 2009
October 2011
The development of new compounds over the past decades has provided a significant potential for improvements of cancer therapy and outcome. This study compares the use of oncology drugs in Japan with the use in the US and selected European countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the UK). The patterns of use of cancer drugs differ between the countries. Japan, France and the US spend more per capita than...
Incidence of vulvovaginal candidiasis among Nigeria women in tight fitting underwears: The need for counseling and health education
October 2011
This cross sectional study aimed at investigating the effect of tight fitting underwears on the incidence of vulvovaginal candidiasis among non-pregnant women between aged 16 to 35 years. The study took place in seven health institutions between January and July 2009 in Uyo Metropolis, Nigeria. About 191(76.4%) of the 250 participants who were selected by sequential randomization met the inclusion criteria. Structured...
Operational impacts of the tamale abattoir on the environment
September 2011
The study was conducted to assess the water and noise quality of the Tamale Abattoir to evaluate their effects on the environment. The abattoir is located in Tamale, the regional capital of the Northern Region of Ghana. Data on noise quality was taken using the Integrated Noise Level Meter at five different locations. The results of maximum and minimum noise levels generated at the abattoir were 95.4 and 60.4 dB(A),...
Prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its associated factors among female nurses in a teaching hospital in North-Eastern state of Malaysia
September 2011
Nurses who are mostly shift workers were found to be at risk for coronary heart disease (CHD). This study was designed to determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and its associated factors among female nurses working in a teaching hospital. A cross sectional study was conducted among 404 female nurses working in a teaching hospital in north-eastern state of Malaysia. Data were collected using a proforma on...
Exploring Fayoum (Upper Egypt) preparatory school students’ and teachers’ attitude towards obesity as health risk
September 2011
Childhood obesity is a serious non-communicable public health problem with negative physical, social, and mental health consequences. Factors contributing to childhood obesity are school nutrition, excessive snacks, fast food, lack of physical activity and family behavior. The objective of this study is to explore Fayoum preparatory of school students’ and teacher’s attitude concerning obesity and...
Stroke in Nigerian Children with Sickle Cell Anaemia
September 2011
Stroke is a leading cause of physical disability worldwide. Sickle cell anaemia (SCA) is the most common cause of stroke in children. The aim is to determine the prevalence of stroke in children with SCA at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital, Nigeria. Retrospective studies of patients with SCA (6 months to 16years) with stroke, over a 5 year period were carried out. Data was extracted...
Reproducibility regarding the age of introduction of complementary foods to infants as self-reported by urban and rural low-income mothers in Guatemala
September 2011
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life with the introduction of adequate complementary foods thereafter. The association between the early introduction of complementary foods and negative health outcomes may be underestimated by inconsistencies in reported age-of-introduction of complementary foods. We aimed to determine the...
Alcohol consumption in Lusaka urban district, Zambia: A population based survey, 2007
September 2011
Alcohol use is an important preventable risk factor for several non-communicable diseases (NCDs) and injuries that is related to lifestyle choices. The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence of alcohol consumption and its correlates. A cross sectional study utilizing a WHO stepwise approach to surveillance of NCDs was conducted in Lusaka district, Zambia. Current alcohol consumption was defined as having...
Prevalence of goitre and assessment of iodine nutritional status in 6-12 years primary school children of Narmada District, Gujarat, India
August 2011
Iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) are major public health problems in India, including Gujarat. Narmada district is a tribal area. The present study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of goitre in primary school children; to determine median urinary iodine concentration; to assess level of iodine in salt samples at household and retail shop level; and to study profile of salt sold at retail shops in Narmada...
Uranium concentration in ground water samples belonging to some areas of Western Haryana, India using fission track registration technique
August 2011
Concentration of uranium was assessed in ground water samples taken from hand pumps at different areas from Bhiwani, Hisar, Fatehabad and Sirsa districts of Western Haryana, India. Fission track registration technique was used to estimate the uranium content in water samples. Uranium content in the water ranges from 6.37 µg/L (Sirsa) to 43.31 µg/L(Bhiwani) with an average value of...
Chemical and silt-induced eutrophication syndrome at Otamiri River, Owerri, Nigeria
August 2011
Partially eutrophicated site (A) and free-flowing site (B) of Otamiri River in Owerri, Nigeria, separated by a barricade were evaluated to determine their relative pollution status. Microbiological analysis using membrance-filtration techniques detected high presence ofSalmonella spp., Vibro spp., Staphylococus aureus and faecal Streptococci. Aerobic bacterial counts of 5.0 x...
Demographic, cultural and environmental factors associated with frequency and severity of malnutrition among Zambian children less than five years of age
August 2011
Under-nutrition prevents growth and development in children and is the leading factor to illness and death among children less than five years of age in developing countries. The objective of the study was to determine associations of demographic, cultural and environmental factors with frequency and severity of malnutrition among children less than five years of age in Zambia. We used data from the Zambia multiple...
Prevalence of waterborne infections in Northwest Nigeria: A retrospective study
August 2011
Northwest Nigeria is frequently beset with inadequate water supply. The safety of drinking water to the people in this part of the country has been of major concern as a result of frequently reported incidences of waterborne infections. To ascertain incidences of waterborne infections in this study, patient medical records in several primary health care centres in Sokoto, Shuni and Tambuwal towns in Northwest Nigeria...
Disease dynamics, distribution and surveillance of malaria in arid ecology of Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India during 2002 to 2006
July 2011
Malaria is under regular and ongoing surveillance, to detect changes in its trends or distribution in order to initiate investigative or control measures in the country. Owing to limited availability of resources and rational use under the program, prevention and control activities against malaria varies in areas with different intensity of malaria transmission. Transmission dynamics, surveillance, mapping of disease...
Prevalence, distribution and behavioural determinants of coital activity among High School students in Namibia: A cross-sectional study
July 2011
Although HIV transmission among Namibian in-school adolescents is mainly heterosexual, previous data on sexual activity are not disaggregated, making it difficult to target interventions. This study conducted a disaggregated analysis of coital activity and explored various factors associated with coital activity among Namibian High School students. A cross-sectional survey was carried out in 18 schools located in six...
A study of travel medicine among National and International travellers in Egypt
July 2011
Travel medicine has emerged as a new field of medicine that involves pre-travel evaluation, contingency planning during travel, and post-travel care. Its implementation showed major discrepancies among different countries. This study aims to assess the health information given to travelers and detect their sources of information. This is a cross sectional analytical observational study of 397 travelers...
Retrospective study of bovine and human tuberculosis in abattoirs and hospitals in Enugu State, Southeast Nigeria
July 2011
A study to generate epidemiological data on tuberculosis in cattle and humans in Enugu State, through a retrospective survey of abattoir and hospital records for a five-year period (2004 to 2008) was undertaken. A total of 748 and 2452 cases of tuberculosis were recorded in cattle and humans respectively. Statistical analysis showed that a variation in seasonal prevalence in both studied population, but the variation...
Analysis of factors related to complaints in medical schemes
July 2011
Medical schemes are insurance institutions that cover medical expenses in South Africa. These institutions reimburse their members for actual expenditure on health. The Medical Schemes Act (Act 131 of 1998) defines the business of a medical scheme as the business of undertaking liability in return for a contribution in order to make provision for obtaining any relevant health service. The Council for Medical Schemes...
Multiresistant faecal indicator bacteria in stream and well waters of Ile-Ife City, Southwestern Nigeria: Public health implications
July 2011
This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of multiple antibiotic-resistant faecal indicator bacteria in streams and wells which serve as major sources of water for inhabitants of Ile-Ife City in Southwestern Nigeria. Water samples from 2 streams and 10 wells situated at different parts of the city were collected over a 6-month period. The total heterotrophic bacteria, faecal coliform and enterococci counts...
Anaemia, malaria burden and its control methods among pregnant women in a semi-urban community of northern Nigeria
July 2011
The study was carried out to ascertain the incidence of malaria parasitaemia and associated anaemia among pregnant women in a semi-urban community nine years after commencement of roll back malaria (RBM) initiative. The study was hospital-based among pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at a central hospital. Structured questionnaires were administered containing relevant information on age, educational level,...
The ability of the all patient refined (APR) and centres for medicare (CMS) diagnosis related groups (DRG) systems to evaluate clinical and functional outcomes of hospitalized elderly patients: A multicentre, prospective study
June 2011
Aim of the study was to compare the ability of the all patients refined diagnosis related groups (APR-DRG) with the centre for medicare and medicaid services diagnosis related groups (CMS-DRG) in predicting multidimensional impairment of elderly patients. Cases discharged from 20 geriatric units were grouped by the CMS-DRG and the APR-DRG. A comprehensive geriatric assessment (CGA) was performed using the...
Evolutionary characteristics of swine-origin H1N1 influenza virus that infected humans from sporadic to pandemic
June 2011
Evolutionary process of swine-origin H1N1 influenza A viruses that infected humans from sporadic to pandemic is of high epidemiological significance but still remains obscure. To understand this process, we performed phylogenetic, bootscan, and adaptive evolution analyses using the sequences of the 8 gene segments from swine-origin H1N1 influenza A viruses that infected humans and the reference viruses. Classic swine...
Assessment of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) usage to enhance male sexual performance in Ogbomoso metropolis
June 2011
This work is aimed at comparing availability, affordability, patronage and adverse effects of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) with orthodox medicines [such as Sildenafil citrate (Viagra)] as remedy for enhancing sexual performance in Ogbomoso metropolis, Nigeria. 530 adult men were interviewed at random across the city with a structured open- and close-ended questionnaire. The information...
A cohort study on obstetric care for HIV positive women in Addis Ababa: Intrapartum transfers and associated delays
June 2011
Despite the importance of safe obstetric practice in reducing mother-to-child HIV transmission and adverse perinatal outcomes, little is known about access to intrapartum obstetric care for HIV positive women. A cohort of HIV positive women were followed to assess the rate of intrapartum transfers and associated adverse outcomes in Addis Ababa. Overall, 282 HIV positive pregnant women were followed, 75% gave birth at...
No HIV infections despite high numbers of hepatitis B and C virus infections in Dutch prisoners
June 2011
International studies show high prevalences of blood-borne infections in prisoners but little is known about infectious diseases in Dutch prisoners. This study assessed the prevalence of HIV, hepatitis B and hepatitis C virus infections in Dutch prisoners and contributing risk factors. A cross-sectional serosurvey was conducted among male prisoners, using blood samples and questionnaires. Overall, 229 prisoners...
Knowledge and practices relating to malaria in Ndu community of Cameroon: Signs and symptoms, causes and prevention
June 2011
More than 90% of deaths due to malaria occur in Sub-Saharan Africa where it kills a child below five years every 30seconds. In Cameroon, malaria accounts for 40-45% of medical consultations, 57% of hospitalization days and 40% of mortality among children below 5 years. The objective of this study was to understand how people recognize malaria, its cause, prevention and modifiable risky behaviours that are important in...
Knowledge of hypertension among the staff of University of Ibadan, Nigeria
May 2011
Several lines of evidence have suggested that hypertension and its related complications are major health problems not only in Nigeria but the entire world. Thus, this study examined the awareness about the risk factors and complications associated with hypertension at the University of Ibadan, Nigeria. Questionnaire instrument was used to collect data from a randomly selected 556 subjects selected across faculties,...
Antenatal care services in rural areas of Aligarh, India: A cross-sectional study
May 2011
The present study was carried out to find out the current status of antenatal care services. A cross-sectional study was carried out in rural areas of Aligarh taking WHO 30 cluster methodology. The required number of villages from each stratum was selected with probability proportional to size (PPS). There were 154 currently pregnant women (CPW) and 248 recently delivered women (RDW), of these, a majority of CPW (72.1%)...
Antibiotic self-medication among university medical undergraduates in Northern Nigeria
May 2011
Self-medication is becoming a common type of self-care behavior among the population of many countries. Many international studies have investigated the prevalence and nature of self-medication practices at the population level. In Nigeria, some workers have also looked at the population prevalence of self-medication in general; however the prevalence of antibiotic self-medication among medical undergraduates has not...
Psychosocial survey on erectile dysfunction among diabetic and non-diabetic attributes, Penang, Malaysia
May 2011
Sex is a natural and basic drive of human beings. In Malaysia, erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common problem, affecting 16 to 47% of men above 40 years old. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common complication of diabetics, with prevalence ranging between 27 and 75%. Knowledge and perception are essential precursors of ED related quality of life. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia, to produce...
Technical competence of tutors in pre-service health training institutions on the Expanded Programme on Immunization in North-Western Nigeria
May 2011
The study was conducted to assess the knowledge and skills of tutors on the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) in some pre-service health training institutions in Nigeria to identify their training needs. The study was a cross sectional survey using a structured self-administered questionnaire and an observational checklist. A total of 62 tutors from 5 pre-service health training institutions were selected. The...
Physical violence among intimate partners in Nigeria: A multi level analysis
May 2011
Gender based violence is gaining more and more recognition, the world over. The prevalence and factors associated with physical violence as it affects both men and women taking into account the hierarchical nature of the data was reported in this study. A descriptive cross sectional survey was carried out on adult women and men in three selected states of Nigeria. A random effect logistic model was fitted. More female...
Modern practice in orthognathic and reconstructive surgery – Craniofacial distraction osteogenesis
April 2011
Distraction osteogenesis (DO) techniques have been widely accepted and practiced in orthopaedics, traumatology, and craniofacial surgery. Over the last two decades, using DO methods, many previously untreatable conditions have been successfully managed with outstanding clinical outcome. Although the mechanism of DO is still not fully understood, it is generally accepted that mechanical stimulation is the key in...
Zoonotic helminth parasites in faecal samples of household dogs in Jimma Town, Ethiopia
April 2011
A cross sectional study was conducted in Jimma town from October 2009 to April 2010 to determine the occurrence and prevalence of zoonotic gastrointestinal helminth parasites in household dogs. For the purpose, faecal samples from 334 dogs were collected and examined using faecal floatation and Mac-master egg counting parasitological tools. Among the animals examined, helminth parasite infection was detected...
Nurses’ knowledge, perceptions, and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS: Effects of a health education intervention on two nursing groups in Cairo University, Egypt
April 2011
Information education and communication (IEC) programs are the most effective available approaches for combating the HIV pandemic especially among nurses. The aim of this study is to assess knowledge, perceptions and attitudes towards HIV/AIDS before and after an IEC intervention program. The study used a prospective interventional design that was conducted on two different nursing groups: post-graduate nursing staff...
Visceral fat with its risk factors amongst the Indonesian Javanese elderly
April 2011
Direct and indirect risk factors are implied in increased elders’ visceral fat level, namely socio-economic, gender, age, workload, physical activities and eating pattern. The aim ofstudy was to get the information on visceral fat level and its risk factors amongst TheIndonesian Javanese elderly. A total of 812 elder’s (517 women and 295 men) participated in the...
Perception on bioecology of onchocerciasis vectors around Osun River, South-western Nigeria
April 2011
Human onchocerciasis still remains one of the public health problems in Africa despite the colossal resources committed by International organizations in combating its menace in the affected communities. The burden of the disease is intense mostly around the riverine areas where the Simulium vectors of the disease profusely breed. The proper knowledge of the communities on bioecology of the Simulium vectors is...
Concurrent sexual partnerships among Chinese men: Evidence from a national population-based survey
April 2011
We sought to determine the pattern of the concurrent sexual partnerships among Chinese men and its correlates with individual, partnership and community factors. Using data from the Chinese Health and Family Life Survey, we examined the prevalence and distribution of sexual concurrency of 1689 men. A two-level logistic regression was employed to assess variables associated with sexual concurrency. Nine percent of...
The pattern of skin disorders in a Nigerian tertiary hospital
April 2011
We analyzed the data of patients with skin disorders attending the Dermatology Clinic of the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH), Port Harcourt, Nigeria with the aim of identifying common skin disorders in our community. All patients attending the Dermatology Clinic of the UPTH, Nigeria from January 2005 to December 2008 were included in this retrospective analysis. The medical records of the patients...
Prevalence of depression and role of support groups in its management: A study of adult HIV/AIDS patients attending HIV/AIDS Clinic in a tertiary health facility in South-eastern Nigeria
April 2011
The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of depression among adult HIV/AIDS patients attending HIV/AIDS clinic in a tertiary health facility in Southeastern Nigeria. The study was a cross-sectional descriptive study carried out in June 2007. A consecutive sampling method was used to recruit participants for assessment of the prevalence of depression among HIV/AIDS patients. A pre-tested questionnaire and...
Monitoring the influenza pandemic of 2009 in Thailand by a community-based survey
April 2011
As an international traveling hub of South-East Asia, Thailand was one of the countries hardest and earliest hit by the influenza A (H1N1) 2009 pandemic. In order to understand the epidemic spread in the country, we conducted community-based surveys in metropolitan, urban, and rural areas using questionnaire interviews. We also determined sero-positive rates from randomly selected samples within the surveyed...
Reasons for incomplete vaccination and factors for missed opportunities among rural Nigerian children
April 2011
Mothers play an important role in immunization of their children. A target of 95% immunization coverage is necessary for the sustained control of vaccine preventable diseases. Partial immunization coverage against vaccine preventable diseases is a significant public health problem especially in rural areas in Nigeria. The reasons for partial immunization and factors responsible for missed opportunities are poorly...
Meta-analysis of the prognostic role of p53: Playground for solution or source of confusion?
March 2011
Deregulation of the p53 gene is considered to be a prognostic marker in patients with tumours. In this review we are summarizing the results of meta-analyses dealing with the prognostic role of p53 status published in the literature. We found 7 studies examining 5 different tumours (osteosarcoma, ovarian carcinomas (OC), astrocytomas, urothelial bladder carcinomas and non-small lung cell carcinomas (NSCLC)). Significant...
Immunization coverage of antenatal and immunization clinics attendees in the Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital
March 2011
The purpose of this study was to determine the coverage for immunization in the first year of life and maternal tetanus toxoid administration in the Niger Delta University Teaching Hospital (NDUTH), Bayelsa State; this will help in establishing ways of improving coverage. A total of 528 were surveyed retrospectively using the immunization register, 521 (98.7%) had BCG, 512(97.0%) had OPV0, 372 had (70.5%) had...
Evaluation of prescription pattern in Osun State (Southwest) Nigeria
March 2011
Drug therapy is the most commonly used method of any disease treatment in general practice. However, the patterns of drug prescription are often inappropriate and the need for registration of these patterns is essential in an effort to improve prescription standards. Retrospective analysis of prescriptions written by various cadres in primary health care department with emphasis on primary health care centers,...
Healthcare waste management in Nigeria: A case study
March 2011
Healthcare Waste (HCW) constitutes a special category of waste because they contain potentially harmful materials. The problem of how to manage HCW has become one of critical concerns in developing countries. A cross sectional descriptive study was carried out between June and September 2008 at a tertiary health facility (Teaching Hospital) in Nigeria with the aim of assessing the current practices and commitment to...
Page 12 of 14, showing 50 records out of 666 total, starting on record 551, ending on 600