Article in Press
This study aimed to assess the prevalence of Salmonella spp. and Pseudomonas spp. in poultry farms across Assiut governorate, Egypt. A total of 600 environmental samples were collected from 11 farms between July 2016 and February 2017. Samples were analyzed using conventional culture methods, with presumptive colonies subjected to biochemical tests, followed by molecular identification via multiplex and conventional PCR....
Article in Press
Rift Valley fever is an acute or subacute zoonotic disease primarily transmitted by arthropods, predominantly affecting domestic ruminants. This disease is largely prevalent in Africa and is classified under the genus Phlebovirus within the Bunyaviridae family. It poses a significant zoonotic risk, often presenting as a mild influenza-like illness, but it can also manifest as a hemorrhagic condition with liver involvement...
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Black quarter (BQ) is an acute, endogenous, infectious bacterial disease that primarily affects the hind limb of ruminants. It is caused by Clostridium chauvoei, a small spindle, Gram-positive, anaerobic rod-shaped spore-forming organism that is motile through peritrichous flagella. It bears the name in honour of Auguste J.B. Chauveau the French veterinarian and bacteriologist (1827–1917). Severe toxaemia and gaseous...
Pathological Study of Equine Herpesvirus Type 1 in Hamster model
Article in Press
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the histopathological pathogenicity associated with experimental infection of young hamsters by various strains of Equine Herpesvirus 1 (EHV-1), they are, RacL11, Kentucky D and Ab4p strains. A total of 32 specific pathogen-free male Syrian hamsters (3-week-old) were divided into 4 groups of 8 hamsters and challenged with intranasal doses of 103 pfu in 50 µl of Eagle’s minimum...
Prevalence of parvovirus disease in Pet dogs in two Greater Accra districts of Ghana
Article in Press
This study was based on a survey conducted using an antigen capture test to assess exposure to parvovirus in pet dogs. The vaccination status and prevalence of parvovirus were surveyed in 277 pet dogs from the Ga East and Ga West Districts of the Greater Accra region of Ghana. The study was carried out at the Veterinary Clinic of the Biotechnology and Nuclear Agriculture Research Institute (BNARI), Ghana Atomic Energy...
Article in Press
Cross sectional study was conducted from January 2021 - May 2021 on chickens in Arba Minch city administration and Arba Minch Zuria district to determine the prevalence, identify risk factors and assess control practices of gastrointestinal nematodes (GINs). A total of 422 faecal samples were collected directly from the cloaca of chicken and ground immediately after defecation. Samples were examined for presence of...
Article in Press
Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is a contagious viral disease of cloven-hooved animals which is very significant economically in Kenya. Over 100 outbreaks occur annually, despite regular vaccinations. This is allegedly due to unavailability of vaccines of good quality and potency, and/or failure of vaccine matching with the circulating field strains. This study was aimed at establishing the match between field and vaccine...
In-vivo acaricidal efficacy of Tephrosia vogelii leaf extract against tick infestation in cattle
Article in Press
A study was conducted with the objective of evaluating the in vivo acaricidal efficacy of Tephrosia vogelii methanolicleaf extract in controlling ticks on cattle. For this experiment, forty five naturally tick-infested cattle were selected and equally divided into five treatment groups of nine animals in a completely randomized design. The first three groups were topically treated with 20%, 25% and 30% w/v extract, the...
Selected intervention strategies to improve health and welfare of working donkeys in Kenya. A Review
Article in Press
Animal health and welfare has become an issue of increasing concern worldwide. Working donkeys have been used for income generation for many households in the rural, peri-urban and pastoral areas of Kenya. They continue to be exposed to many health and welfare challenges which reduce their productivity and hence the amount of household income earned through them. Various interventions have been made by stakeholders to...
Article in Press
In this work, the activity of Foot and Mouth disease (FMD) virus in pig population in Gboko and Makurdi local government areas of Benue state, Nigeria, was investigated using the PRIOCHECK FMDV- 3ABC non-structural proteins ELISA (NSP-ELISA). This ELISA test was capable of descriminating between antibodies induced by the field virus and those induced in response to vaccination. The results showed that of the 338 serum...
Article in Press
Mastitis is a multi-etiological, complicated disease characterized by an inflamed mammary gland parenchyma caused by microbes, most commonly by bacteria those infiltrate the udder, proliferate, and produce toxins that harm the mammary gland. A cross-sectional study on lactating cattle was undertaken from December 2019 to July 2020 to investigate the prevalence and potential risk factors of bovine mastitis in and around...
Review on the Epidemiology of Lumpy Skin Disease of Cattle and Associated Risk Factors in Ethiopia
Article in Press
Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is an economically important disease of cattle and can produce a chronic debility in infected cattle. Lesions in the mouth, pharynx and respiratory tract commonly occur, resulting in a rapid deterioration in condition and sometimes severe emaciation, which can persist for months. Severe and permanent damage to hides results from the skin lesions. Serious economic losses can follow in the outbreaks...
Article in Press
Small-scale commercial poultry farms are the major chicken production system dominated in Bishoftu, town. According to preliminary survey conducted in Bishoftu, small-scale poultry farms are not productive as expected. Therefore, this study was aimed to assess the main challenges of small-scale poultry farms in Bishoftu, Ethiopia. A cross-sectional study was carry out from March 2021 to June 2021 using questionnaire...
Coprological Study on Poultry Salmonellosis in and around Bishoftu, Ethiopia
Article in Press
Salmonella, a bacterium from the Enterobacteriaceae family, is the source of the bacterial infection known as salmonellosis. Between November 2019 to May 2019, a cross-sectional study was conducted to isolate Salmonella from poultry farms in the towns of Bishoftu and Adama and to ascertain the frequency of the isolates' antimicrobial susceptibility. Using the ISO, 2002 standard methods, 384 samples in total were tested to...
Article in Press
A cross-sectional study was conducted from April 2021 to October 2021 with objective of estimating prevalence of mange mite in goats and associated risk factors of mange infestation in Kindo Koysha Woreda South West Ethiopia. Totally, 384 systematically randomly selected goats were examined. Among the examined goats, 9.9% were infested by two species of mites. The identified mites were Sarcoptes scabiei var caprae and...
Article in Press
Trypanosomosis is a very important and complicated haemo-protozoan infection caused by a eukaryotic unicellular parasite trypanosomes. The parasite mainly found in the blood and other tissues of vertebrates. African trypanosomes established adaptive strategies to avoid the host immune system primarily via antigenic variation where the parasite changes its variant surface glycoprotein (VSG) coat to evade the host immune...
Article in Press
Dogs and humans share unique relationships ranging from companionship to conflicts. After twenty years of implementation of Animal Birth Control (Dogs) rule, 2001 (refereed referred henceforth as ABC rule, 2001) in India, stray dog population management (DPM) issue is yet to be fully addressed. The 3(3) of ABC rule, 2001 states that, ''the street dogs shall be sterilized and immunized by participation of animal welfare...
Article in Press
Gastrointestinal tract (GIT) parasites especially helminthes cause severe damage and great economic losses to ruminants. Management systems of ruminants play a role in exposing them to continuous worm infestation. The aim of the study was to identify GIT parasites of cow and small ruminants as well as study the effect of Carica papaya and Dryopteris kribii on the immature stages of the most occurring worm. Excrement...
Article in Press
Gastrointestinal nematodes control in sheep has been dominated by use of synthetic anthelminthic. However, the high cost and anthelminthic resistance has stimulated the search for alternative solution as ethno veterinary medicine. This study was conducted in Boloso Sore smallholder farm household, Wolaita Zone, from November, 2018 to April 2019 to evaluate anthelmintic efficacy of combination of Allium sativum, Carica...
Two cases of dystocia management through cesarean section: Case report
Article in Press
Feto-maternal dystocia is the only management through Cesarean section. Clinical management of two cases of dystocia in goat and sheep through Cesarean section was described. The goat was brought with visible of the partial part of one left fore-leg out from vulva and the sheep was presented with history of restlessness, getting up and down frequently with full term gestation at Hasassa B-type veterinary clinic. Manual...
Article in Press
Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is a highly contagious disease of cattle caused by Mycoplasma mycoidessubsp.mycoides small colony (MmmSC). A cross-sectional study design was conducted in selected district of East Wollega and West Showa zones of western Ethiopia to assessthe knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of farmers towards CBPP disease. Therefore, a total of 113 households were purposively selected and...
Article in Press
A study was conducted to assess knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding brucellosis among cattle farmers practicing open and zero grazing systems in Rwanda. The cross-sectional study was designed in which a total of 330 rural cattle keeping households were included; 198 from zero grazing areas and 132 from open grazing areas. To collect and assess data on brucellosis knowledge, attitudes and practices, a questionnaire...
Review on ten years status of Staphylococcus aureusin animal and animal products in Ethiopia
Article in Press
Staphylococcus aureus was the first bacteria against which penicillin was discoveredand has become challenging for its drug-resistant property throughout the world. Monitoring the status of S. aureus both its susceptible and drug-resistant properties is pretty important to develop optional preventive methods timely. Even though fragmented studies on the apparent prevalence of S. aureus in milk and meat have been conducted...
Article in Press
A study was conducted at Sendafa-Beke municipal abattoir from November 2014 to April 2015. The objectives of the study were to estimate the prevalence of fasciolosis in cattle, to assess risk factors associated with Fasciola infection and to identify Fasciola species infecting the animals. The sensitivity and specificity of faecal sedimentation method to diagnose Fasciola infection as compared to the post-mortem findings...
Article in Press
A longitudinal study design was used to assess the major causes of chicken mortality in chicken reared under extensive and small scale intensive production system in Tiyo district. Semi-structured interview, follow up assessment and coprological and bacteriological examinations were used to collect information on potential causal factors. Follow up study was conducted to assess the incidence of diseases and mortality rate...
Article in Press
Bovine trypanosomosis is a huge economical concern that has greatly compromising the agricultural sector in Ethiopia.. A cross-sectional study was conducted from April to July 2021 in Humbo district of Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia aimed to determine the overall and species based prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis. Blood sample were taken from 200 randomly selected local Zebu cattle and examination was made with...
Article in Press
A cross-sectional study was undertaken from March to August, 2021 to determine the prevalence and distribution of Cysticercus bovis in cattle slaughtered at Hawassa Municipal abattoir, Sidama, Ethiopia. During the active abattoir survey, both ante-mortem and postmortem inspection procedures were carried out. In postmortem inspection, carcass and different organs of slaughtered cattle were routinely inspected for cyst...
Article in Press
Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) is one of the most economically important diseases of cattle population worldwide and caused by bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV). A cross-sectional study was conducted from October, 2019 to April, 2020 to investigate the sero-prevalence and associated risk factors for Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) infection in and around Asella town, Ethiopia. Semi structured questionnaire survey was...
Article in Press
West African Dwarf (WAD) goats are important source of animal protein, ubiquitous in rural Nigerian households and undergo necessary surgical procedures. Induction of general anaesthesia in goats is associated with resultant severe systemic side effects due to position-induced stress. This study investigated cardiopulmonary and stress responses of WAD goats to three sedatives in different body positioning. Six adult WAD...
Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Outbreak in North Part of Oman in August 2019 -A Case Series Study.
Article in Press
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a viral zoonotic tick-borne disease with a high fatality rate reported in many countries. The first patient of CCHF in Oman was detected in 1995. Between 17th and 23th August 2019 (EidAdha festival) Directorate of Disease Surveillance and Control received reports of 4 patients of CCHF from different areas in North Oman Region. To identify CCHF patients, identify the source for each...
Bovine hydatidosis in slaughtered cattle in bishoftu municipal abattoir, centeral Ethiopia
Article in Press
A cross-sectional study was carried at the Bishoftu municipal abattoir from November 2015 to March 2016, to estimate the prevalence of bovine hydatidosis and determine its related risk factors. A total of 420 bovine were selected randomly, and routine meat examination revealed that 161 of them had single or multiple hydatid cysts in the organs. 38.3% (95% CI=33.66 – 43.17) prevalence of hydatidosis. A statistical analysis...
Article in Press
Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is a highly contagious, acute viral disease of cloven hoofed animals, and economically important disease affecting the livestock sector in most developed and developing countries. It infects a wide host range of domestic and wild animals and is easily transmitted by aerosols, direct and indirect contact, as well as by ingestion. The disease is caused by the genus Aphthovirus of the family...
Article in Press
Between October 2018 and May 2019, a cross-sectional study was undertaken at an intensively managed dairy farm in Hossana town and Alage technical and vocational education and training college to evaluate the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis (BTB) using a comparative interadermal tuberculin test (CIDT) survey. In total, 384 cattle were studied, with an individual animal bovine tuberculosis prevalence of 25.78%. The...
Article in Press
A pilot herd-health programme for improved health and productivity of peri-urban dairy herds in Kampala, Uganda was evaluated. A total of 15 herds were enrolled on the program following informed owner consent. Fortnightly, each herd was visited for a general herd evaluation with data captured using standard evaluation form. Following each visit and for every farm, a herd health report was produced with specific...
Article in Press
Testicular ultrasound analysis is a non-invasive diagnostic method and an important step in andrological examination, which enables the early assessment of fertility disorders. Given the importance that asinines have for low-income families, and the need for experiments to establish these patterns of andrological evaluation for donkeys, this study aims to quantitatively determine the testicular echogenicity without a...
Article in Press
Preliminary steps of the pProgressive cControl pPathway for foot-and-mouth disease (PCP-FMD), underscores information on risk areas and risk factors for FMD circulation, as essential in development and implementation of appropriate control and elimination strategies. Isingiro district in Uganda, suffers annual FMD outbreaks despite controls implemented by the Government. Using participatory epidemiology (PE) approaches, we...
Morphological and molecular diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis in chickens
Article in Press
Confirmatory diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis is paramount to ensure proper treatment and effective management of the disease in food and companion animals. Suspected invasive aspergilllosis in chickens was encountered at post-mortem. Morphological and molecular methods were employed to identify Aspergillus from samples collected from dead chickens at post-mortem. Morphologically, two species of Aspergillus were...
Article in Press
In order to determine the prevalence and risk factors associated to paratuberculosis in ovine livestock production units in Guanajuato, Mexico; a cross-sectional epidemiological study was carried out for one year long. Serum samples(n = 1387) were analyzed with an agar gel immunodiffusion test. Bacteriological culture and IS900 nested PCR were done from the fecal samples (n=640). For epidemiological data, two...
Effect of silybon 140® on pentobarbitoneanaesthesia in dogs exposed to acetaminophen
Article in Press
Onset and duration of anaesthesia as well as the changes in vital parameters associated with pentobarbitone-induced anaesthesia in normal dogs administered acetaminophen with and without Silybon 140® were studied. The rectal temperature, heart rates and respiratory rates of dogs before anaesthesia were higher than those after pentobarbitone (35 mg/kg) treatment alone or its combination with acetaminophen or acetaminophen...
Article in Press
Hip dysplasia in cats appears to have a similar prevalence as that seen in dogs especially with large breeds of cats like the Maine coon. However, cats do not commonly show signs of lameness like dogs do. This study was to determine the prevalence of hip dysplasia in domestic shorthair breed of cats in three municipal districts in Accra, Ghana. Twenty (12 males and 8 females) adult (2.3 ± 0.8 years) shorthair breed of...
Article in Press
Analytical study by cross-sectional was perfomed between November 2015 - April 2016 at Hawa Galan woreda, KelemWollega Zone, Oromia Region, of the country, to know the prevalence of cattle trypanosomosis and to evaluate the factors associated with the prevalence of bovine trypanosomosis. A haemoparasitological examination of buffy coat method was implemented to determine the prevalence of trypanosomosis. A Study population...
Article in Press
Small ruminants farming is a traditional activity mostly practiced by local populations in developing countries since several centuries. But nowadays, due to many biotic and climatic factors, small ruminants farming face various problems which damage smallholders’ income especially those related to gastrointestinal parasites in tropical areas. In opposite to the chemical drugs frequently used in controlling it, medicinal...
Article in Press
In Nigeria, dairy industry holds monumental prospects in the management of protein deficiencies among the timid Nigerian populace. Emergence of metabolic products of some important fungi, Aflatoxins B1 and M1 (AFB1 and AFM1), may hamper such potentials and poses public health threat to the consumers of dairy products. Hence, the need to undertake a study with the view of evaluating AFB1 and AFM1 levels in dairy cattle...
Article in Press
Ticks are significant and harmful blood sucking external parasites of livestock that are distributed throughout the world. A cross-sectional study was conducted from November, 2017 to March, 2018 at Sebeta- Hawas District, Oromia Regional state, Ethiopia to estimate the current prevalence and to determine hard tick species. A total of 384 cross (n=192) and local (n=192) breeds of cattle were selected using stratified...
Study a knowledge and ethnoveterinary use of medicinal plant in Dirre Incinni Ethiopia
Article in Press
In developing counties where costs of veterinary drugs are hard to cover in many livestock health problems; using traditional medicine are first option in such cases. For instance in Ethiopia over 95% of the traditional medicine preparations are of plant origin. To identify plants and their medicinal values in study area Cross sectional study was performed from November 2018 to April 2019 in Dire Incinni district west...
Review on antquorum sensing: a novel target for ant- virulence therapies
Article in Press
The dicovery of antibiotics has played a fundamental role in the history of medicine. By the starter of antibiotics into clinical repetition, infectious diseases that were once deadly have become curable and billions of lives have been protected by taking many harmfull bacterial infections under control. Conversely, with the beginning and spread of multi antibiotic-resistant bacteria, it is getting progressively more...
Prevalence and factors associated with brucellosis in livestock in Baringo County, Kenya
Article in Press
Brucellosis is an important zoonotic disease occurring worldwide. In animals, it causes reproductive failures such as abortions, stillbirths or birth of unthrifty neonates, orchitis, seminal vesiculitis, testicular abscesses and epididymitis in males, as well as localised chronic conditions such as hygroma and arthritis. Humans are infected by exposure to infected animals or animal products. Brucellosis in humans causes...
Bacteriology and cytology of the non-gravid one-humped camel genitalia
Article in Press
This study evaluated the cytology and prevalence of bacteria in the genital tract of non-pregnant dromedary camels at the Kano main abattoir through a cross-sectional design with convenience sampling. Results revealed that Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus were isolated with E. coli and S. aureus being the most prevalent. These...
Article in Press
Here reported, is a case of umbilical abscess which later resulted in umbilical hernia in a 3-month-old Duroc and Landrace cross weaner female Piglet at a private piggery at Agber village, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria. A little swelling was noticed at 4 weeks of age and was observed to be increasing in size with time. The swelling which was soft, warm and painful, was thought to be umbilical hernia initially, but hernia...
Article in Press
Borana zone is an important cradle of animal domestication and the habitat of many indigenous livestock species. Dromedary camel is among species of animals that was domesticated by Borana pastoralists as adaptive strategy to climate changes and frequent drought. The present study was to identify camel health problems and its impact on camel production in and the surrounding Gomole districts in Borana zone, Southern...
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