African Journal of
Agricultural Research

  • Abbreviation: Afr. J. Agric. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1991-637X
  • DOI: 10.5897/AJAR
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 6914

AJAR Articles

Expediency of water and soil nutrients in irrigated and extreme drought conditions

July 2017

Climate change has become global issue for crops due to increase in temperature and less rainfall resulting in shortage of water and decrease in yield. The experiment consisted of five guar (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L.) genotypes viz. S-5744, S-5824, S-5785, BR-90, BR-99 were cultivated under irrigated and drought stress (only soaking dose) conditions using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with 3 replications. The...

Author(s): Muhammad Zubair, Lal Hussain Akhtar, Rashid Minhas,  Muhammad Javed Qamar, Shah Jahan Bukhari, Attiq Sadiq, Sabir Hussain, Ali Ammar and Muhammad Kashif Aziz

Effects of plant density on the performance of selected African upland rice varieties

June 2017

The effects of plant density on yield and yield components in upland rice cultivation were examined by conducting a series of field experiments in Central Uganda, using three African and one Japanese improved upland rice varieties. The estimation of plant-density response functions with respect to yield components and yield revealed that an increase in plant density significantly decreased the number of panicles per...

Author(s): Shunsuke Matsumoto, Tatsushi Tsuboi, Godfrey Asea, Kisho Miyamoto, Atsushi Maruyama, Michiko Takagaki and Masao Kikuchi

Determinant of Sheno butter (cows’ butter) market chain: The case of Kimbibit District in North Shewa Zone of Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia

June 2017

This study was carried out to assess the determinants of Sheno butter market participation decision and level of participation in Kimbibit District. The study took a random sample of 126 butter producer households by using multi-stage sampling procedure and employing a probability proportional to sample size sampling technique. The Heckman two-stage econometric estimation procedure is employed to identify factors that...

Author(s): Dirriba Idahe and Lemma Zemedu

Yield and yield components of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) as influenced by planting density and rate of nitrogen application at Holeta, West Oromia region of Ethiopia

June 2017

Four different nitrogen levels and four plant spacing were studied in 4×4 factorial arrangements in randomized complete block design with three replications. The highest yield, number of tuber,  number of tuber and dry weight of tuber were obtained with application of jointly 100 and150 kg/ha nitrogen. Increasing plant density resulted in higher tuber yield, dry weight of tuber and total dry matter yield....

Author(s): Fayera Wakjira Negero

Phenotypic, socio-economic and growth features of Guinea fowls raised under different village systems in West Africa

June 2017

In Benin, family poultry farming has become an important activity in economic and social aspects that contribute to food security, poverty reduction and well-being. However, current information about poultry production and consumption is still limited. This information would be useful to improve the sustainable exploitation of agricultural and commercial genetic resources. We aimed to identify and assess the...

Author(s): Pascal V. Houndonougbo, Christophe A. A. M. Chrysostome, Rodrigo R. Mota, Hedi Hammami, Jérôme Bindelle and Nicolas Gengler

Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) technology applied in millet feature extraction and variety identification

June 2017

Near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) technology is widely used on agricultural products for quality detection, classification and variety identification due to its rapid speed and high-efficiency. NIRS experiments were conducted to identify varieties of DUN millet, JIN 21 millet and 5 other types of millet. The NIRS characteristic curves and data of millet samples were collected. The spectroscopic data on different types...

Author(s): Wu Cui-qing, Kong Li-juan, Wang Sheng and Guo Yu-ming  

Organic carbon dynamics and changes in some physical properties of soil and their effect on grain yield of maize under conservative tillage practices in Abakaliki, Nigeria

June 2017

In Nigeria and other Sub-Saharan Countries of Africa, erosion is pervasive and major source for loss of soil and productivity. This has necessitated continued search for appropriate soil management technologies to ensure sustained and profitable crop production. An experiment was carried out using maize (Zea mays L.) to evaluate organic carbon dynamics and changes in some physical properties of soil and grain yield of...

Author(s): James Nte Nwite and Chukwuebuka Christopher Okolo

Irregular migration and smallholder farmers’ crop production: A case of Kasulu District, Tanzania

June 2017

Despite the fact that irregular migrants (IRMs) have often been facing a lot of challenges in sustaining their livelihood in Kasulu District, in recent years, there has been an increase of IRMs from within and outside Kasulu District in search of casual labour in the local communities. The study therefore was undertaken in four villages in Kasulu, Kitanga, Kagera-Nkanda, Mvugwe and Nyachenda to determine the...

Author(s): Justin K. Urassa and Samwel R. Magweiga

Optimizing degraded steep upland paddy field under no tillage practice using leaf mulching and earth-worms

June 2017

A field experiment project was conducted in Karawang District, Indonesia from April  to October, 2016 in the search of efforts to optimize degraded steep upland paddy field and paddy yield. The experinment was designed under no tillage practices and statistical randomized block were applied with two factors, that is, banana leaf mulch, and worms where each factor is varied into four levels of treatments with three...

Author(s): Briljan Sudjana

Resistance to Phytophthora infestans in tomato wild relatives

June 2017

Late blight of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) caused by the heterothallic oomycete Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary, is one of the most destructive and serious diseases of tomato in cool and wet environments. Tomato breeders have developed late blight-resistant tomato lines and cultivars based on Ph resistance genes derived from S. pimpinellifolium, but resistance can be short-lived because P. infestans is...

Author(s): Ramadan Ahmed Arafa, Olfat Mohamed Moussa, Nour Elden Kamel Soliman, Kenta Shirasawa, Said Mohamed Kamel and Mohamed Tawfik Rakha,

Adapting Nyando smallholder farming systems to climate change and variability through modeling

June 2017

This study was done in Nyando, Kenya to model maize production under different climate scenarios and project the yields up to 2030 and 2050 using Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT) under rain fed conditions. Three maize varieties were used; Katumani Comp B as early maturing variety, Hybrid 511 as a medium maturing variety and Hybrid 614 as a late maturing variety. Global coupled model Hadley...

Author(s): Tobias Okando Recha, Gachene Charles K. K. and Lieven Claessens

Diversity of cultural practices used in banana plantations and possibilities for fine-tuning: Case of North Kivu and Ituri provinces, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

June 2017

Diverse cultural practices have been communicated to and/or applied by resource-poor households over the past two decades to improve the overall farm health and crop tolerance to biotic/abiotic factors. This study assessed the current diversity and use of cultural practices on banana fields in Ituri and North Kivu provinces, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo). Interview schedules coupled with farm diagnosis...

Author(s): Charles Sivirihauma, Walter Ocimati, Kambale Valimuzigha, Muller Kamira, Lusenge Vutseme, Jules Ntamwira, Mariamu Bumba and Guy Blomme

Comparison of spatial interpolators for variability analysis of soil chemical properties in Cuamba (Mozambique)

June 2017

The knowledge of spatial distribution of soil attributes, particularly chemical ones, which is very relevant for agricultural planning. Several studies have focused on spatial interpolation of soil properties, but only a few of them have been undertaken in sub-Saharan Africa. This study aims to analyse the spatial variability of hydrogen potential (pH) and electric conductivity (EC) within an agricultural region in...

Author(s): José do Rosário Bofana and Ana Cristina Costa

Effect of plant density on oil yield of safflower

June 2017

The definition of the ideal plant population is important for good safflower agricultural management in Brazil, as they are gaining importance as oleaginous plant. Two experiments were conducted in an Rhodic Acrudox in 2014 in Cascavel, PR, Brazil, to evaluate the effect of plant density on growth, yield components and grain yield in safflower oil during autumn and winter seasons. The experimental design was a...

Author(s): Marinez Carpiski Sampaio, Reginaldo Ferreira Santos, Doglas Bassegio, Edmar Soares de Vasconselos, Lucas da Silveira, Natasha Barchinski Galant Lenz, Cristiano Fernando Lewandoski and Luciene Kozue Tokuro

Environmental and genetic concerns on genetic gains via selection in Pequi mother tree for seeds emergence

June 2017

Genetic (populations and progenies) and environmental (planting date, germination stimulator, insecticide and fungicide) effects were evaluated on Pequi (Caryocar brasiliense Camb.) seeds emergence. Two Completely Randomized Block Design (E1 and E2, on 2005 and 2009 years, respectively) experiments were set up on field. Seeds for E2 were harvested in mother trees whose seeds showed higher germination rate in E1. The...

Author(s): Samuel Cunha de Oliveira Giordani, Paulo Henrique Rodrigues dos Santos, Miranda Titon and José Sebastião Cunha Fernandes

Phosphorus fractionation and P sorption capacities of Fincha Sugar Estate soils, Western Ethiopia

June 2017

Soil chemical forms of Phosphorus and P sorption capacities of Fincha Sugar Estate soils were studied using samples collected from luvisols, vertisols and fluvisols of the farm. P forms were sequentially extracted following standard P fractionation procedure. In sorption study, 3 g of soil sample was equilibrated with 30 ml of 0.01 M CaCl2 containing various amounts of KH2PO4. Data were fitted into Langmuir and...

Author(s): Fekadu Fanjana, Wassie Haile and Gashaw Mitike

Morpho-agronomic characteristics of cowpea under different environments and planting densities

June 2017

The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth and production components of cowpea ‘BRS Nova Era’ under different planting densities in two growing conditions. The experiment followed an experimental design of randomised blocks, which comprised two environments (Pesqueira and Lajedos cities, Brazil) and five planting densities (6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 plants m-1). In Pesqueira, all production components were...

Author(s): Antônio Félix da Costa, Alexandre Bosco de Oliveira, Leandro Silva do Vale, José Félix de Brito Neto, Ivomberg Dourado Magalhães and Rener Luciano de Souza Ferraz

Topdressed nitrogen fertilization on second-crop corn in soil with improved fertility

June 2017

The aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of sources and application rates of topdressed nitrogen (N) on second-crop corn following soybean in an improved fertility Latossolo in the region of Campos das Vertentes, MG. Brazil. A randomized block experimental design was used in a 4 x 5 +1 factorial arrangement, with four replications. The treatments consisted of the combination of four N sources via forms of...

Author(s): Clério Hickmann, Álvaro Vilela de Resende, Julian Junio de Jesus Lacerda, Silvino Guimarães Moreira and Breno Henrique Araújo

Livelihood issues in herdsmen-farmers’ conflict among farming communities in Kogi State, Nigeria

June 2017

Conflicts between crop farmers and herders are common in nearly every part of Nigeria. It is a formidable challenge to economic development, threat to food security and sustainable livelihood of the agrarian communities. The study assessed the causes and effects of herdsmen-farmers’ conflicts on livelihood of agrarian communities in Kogi State. A total of 135 randomly selected crop farmers was used. Data were...

Author(s): Dimelu Mabel Ukamaka, Salifu Edward Danjuma, Chah Jane Mbolle, Enwelu Innocent Achonam and Igbokwe Edwin Mbadiwe

The efficacy of selected biological control agents against citrus black spot (CBS) pathogen Phyllosticta citricarpa

June 2017

Citrus black spot (CBS) caused by Phyllosticta citricarpa (McAlpine) Van der Aa (asexual state) synonym Guignardia citricarpa Kiely (sexual state) is one of the most devastating diseases of citrus which occurs in various citrus producing areas around the globe. Management is mainly based on monthly applications of copper fungicides and strobilurins under field conditions. In this study, bio-control agents were evaluated...

Author(s): Shirley Avhurengwi Mathelemuse and Mapotso Anna Kena

An analysis of determinants of access to and use of credit by smallholder farmers in Suakoko District, Liberia

June 2017

Agricultural credit has been argued to be very important for sustainable agricultural development and poverty reduction in rural areas. This study seeks to identify and to analyze the determinants of smallholder farmers’ access to and use of credit in Suakoko district, Bong County, Liberia. This research is quantitative using a survey questionnaire distributed to 105 smallholder farmers. Data was analyzed using...

Author(s): Lorbah C. Roberts, David J. Otieno and Rose A. Nyikal

Diversity and infestation indices of fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) in guava (Psidium guajava L.)

June 2017

The fruit flies are considered major pests in the world fruit production due to the direct damage they cause to fruits and the ability to adapt to areas where they are introduced. The objective of this research was to study the fruit fly diversity, the infestation indices in fruits and to characterize the tephritids community in a guava (Psidium guajava L.) cultivar "Paluma", in a commercial orchard located in...

Author(s): Alba Albertina Sarmento Maciel, Raimunda Nonata Santos de Lemos, Almerinda Amélia Rodrigues Araújo, Keneson Klay Gonçalves Machado, Ester Azevedo da Silva, José Ribamar Gusmão Araújo and Mário Luiz Ribeiro Mesquita

Structuring potential of some cover crops and crambe in Haplortox under no-tillage system

June 2017

An experiment was conducted at the Agronomic Institute of Paraná – IAPAR, at the Experimental Station of the municipality of Santa Tereza do Oeste – PR, in Hapludox of clayey soil. Studies with the use of plants cover crops with vigorous root system in different systems of soil management systems are needed, in order to have a diversity of species capable of producing different amounts of crop...

Author(s): Luciene Kazue Tokura, Deonir Secco, Luiz Antônio Zanão Júnior, Jair Antonio Cruz Siqueira, Reginaldo Ferreira Santos, Marcos Felipe Leal Martins, Alessandra Mayumi Tokura Alovisi, Luiz Carlos de Oliveira, Ronaldo Hissayuki Hojo, Natália Pereira, Maurício Antônio Pilatti, Macarius Cesar Di Lauro Moreira, Bruna de Villa and Marta Juliana Schmatz

Agro-morphological diversity in yam genotypes from Recôncavo of Bahia, Brazil

June 2017

The aim of this study was to evaluate the diversity of yam genotypes concerning their agro-morphological traits based on the Ward-modified location model (Ward-MLM) procedure. 209 genotypes from the commercial production area of the Recôncavo region in the state of Bahia, Brazil were used. Three agronomic traits (length, width and weight of the rhizophore) and two morphological traits (rhizophore shape and skin...

Author(s): Ricardo Franco Cunha Moreira, Sandra Domingos João Afonso, Carlos Alberto da Silva Ledo, Simone Alves Silva, Antonio Leandro da Silva Conceição, Elaine Costa Cerqueira-Pereira and Cássia da Silva Linge

Linkages of research agencies in technology transfer for sustainable agricultural development in south east Nigeria

June 2017

The study assessed the linkages that exit among research agencies in transfer of technology for continuous agricultural production in South East Nigeria. Four research questions and hypotheses guided the study. The study adopted ex-post-facto research design. The population for the study was 2,276 comprised of 112 agricultural extension agents, 393 officers of research institutes and 1,771 registered contact farmers....

Author(s): Ifeanyieze, F. O, Nwarieji, F. E. and Aneke, C. U.

Effects of different soil amendments on the performance of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) in a bimodal rainforest zone

June 2017

Okra contributes an important part of the diet to many people in the tropics, more especially in Cameroon. But its production is seriously affected by poor soil fertility. In other to mitigate this problem, a field experiment was conducted from April to august 2016 at Institute of Agricultural Research for Development (IRAD) Nkolbisson-Yaoundé with the main objective to evaluate the effects of different soil...

Author(s): KWAYEP Lambert Natan, SUH Christopher, KONJE Christina, MANGA Ambroise, KENFO Thomas, LOMBEKO Victorine and DJOMO SIME Hervé

In vitro efficacy of certain botanicals against bacterial soft rot of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

June 2017

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is a species of the family Solanaceae. It is herbaceous, annual to perennial, prostrate and sexually propagated plant with bisexual flower. Tomatoes are attacked by many kinds of plant pathogens such as fungi, bacteria, nematodes, viruses and viroid. Among bacterial diseases, bacterial soft rot devastates many important crops of the family Solanaceae particularly potato, eggplant and...

Author(s): Adamu S. H., Lal A. A. and Simon S.

Analyses of constraints related to milk production in Liptako Gourma in Niger

June 2017

Livestock in Niger has great potentials. If well managed, this sector can significantly improve food security and boost poverty alleviation in the population. In order to encourage the development of local milk production in Liptako Gourma, the present study was undertaken to identify constraints related to milk production in the area. A questionnaire based survey was conducted to collect data from 360 dairy farmers....

Author(s): Gagara Mariama, Sessou Philippe, Ahounou Serge, Azokpota Paulin, Youssao Issaka, Farougou Souaïbou and Gouro Abdoulaye Soumana

Improved production systems for common bean on Ferralsol soil in south-central Uganda

June 2017

Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is the most important source of dietary protein in Uganda but current grain yields are low. Production is particularly low on the degraded Ferralsol soils that dominate the landscape because these soils are generally weathered, acidic and infertile. A study was done on a Ferralsol soil in Masaka District, Uganda to compare productivity and economic return to labor and management...

Author(s): Lance H. Goettsch, Andrew W. Lenssen, Russell S. Yost, Ebby S. Luvaga, Onesmus Semalulu, Moses Tenywa, Richard Miiro and Robert E. Mazur

Effects of cultivation duration and mode on the microbial diversity of the Amorphophallus konjac rhizosphere

June 2017

Amorphophallus konjac cannot be cultivated on the same field consecutively for extended periods, but can be cultivated on the same grove. The underlying mechanism for this is unknown and may involve the rhizosphere microbial community. Therefore, the different duration and mode for konjac were researched. Polymerase chain reaction denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) showed that microbial communities...

Author(s): Jinping Wu, Zhenbiao Jiao, Fengling Guo, Jie Zhou, Zhengming Qiu and Zili Ding

Evaluation of dietary fat sources on growth performance, excreta microbiology and noxious gas emissions in Ross broilers

June 2017

An experiment was conducted to evaluate fat sources on growth performance, excreta microbiology and noxious gas emissions in broilers. Experimental birds were reared for 5 weeks and divided into two periods: Starter (0 to 3 weeks) and finisher (4 to 5 weeks). A total of 150 one day old Ross 308 broiler chicks were randomly allocated into five treatments with five replications (six birds per replicate) following a...

Author(s): A. B. M. Rubayet Bostami, H. S. Mun, G. I. Kim, S. Seilsuth and C. J. Yang

Mass selection for enhancement fruit yield in Edkawy cultivar of tomato under different irrigation intervals in southern of Egypt

June 2017

Field experiments were carried out during the period from 2013 to 2017 in the winter season at the experimental farm, Faculty of Agriculture, South Valley University, Qena, Egypt. Improvement yield and its attributes in Edkawy local cultivar via mass selection were done for three cycles. The unselected base population (C0) and selected populations (C1, C2, and C3) evaluated under two different water availability,...

Author(s): Abdel-Haleem A. H. El-Shaieny

Agronomic characteristics and oil content of different genotypes of canola (Brassica napus L. var. oleifera)

June 2017

The aim of this study was to evaluate the agronomic performance and oil content of 13 canola genotypes in Western Paraná, Brazil. The experiment was carried out, during the year of 2015, in the municipality of Marechal Cândido Rôndon in the west of the State of Paraná. A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was utilized with four replications. The genotypes of canola evaluated were Hyola...

Author(s): Milciades Melgarejo Arrúa, José Barbosa Duarte Jr., Gilberto Omar Tomm, Augustinho Borsoi, Eder Mezzalira, Andres Luiz Piva, Anderson Santin and Claudio Y. Tsutsumi

Effect of supplementing pounded Prosopis juliflora pods on hematological profiles of Afar goats fed on Panicum antidotale hay

June 2017

A study was conducted on thirty two 15.5±1.4 kg (mean ± SD) male Afar goats so as to evaluate effects of increasing dietary levels of pounded Prosopis juliflora (P. juliflora) pod on their performance. Hematological values, individual feed intake and body weight gain were determined during a 90-day experimental period. Four dietary treatments were applied using complete randomized design (CRD). The...

Author(s): Mahmoud Hassen, Gebremeskel Mamu and Kedir Hamza

Determinants of agroforestry adoption as an adaptation means to drought among smallholder farmers in Nakasongola District, Central Uganda

June 2017

Agroforestry adoption as a drought adaptation option has an omnibus of opportunities for smallholder farmers in semi-arid regions. This study assessed the severity and frequency of drought and the determinants of agroforestry adoption in Nakasongola District. The episodes were examined using the Standardised Precipitation Index (SPI) set at 3, 6 and 12 months timescales. A cross-sectional survey using semi-structured...

Author(s): David Mfitumukiza, Bernard Barasa and Aringaniza Ingrid

Effect of irrigation intervals on growth, flowering and fruits quality of okra Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Monech

June 2017

This study was done to investigate the influence of irrigation intervals and cultivars on growth, flowering and fruits qualities of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.). The experiment was conducted using Randomize Complete Block Design (RCBD) in Split-Plot Design at the vegetable field, Department of Horticulture and Gardening Landscape, College of Agriculture, University of Baghdad, Iraq. Two cultivars of okra were used:...

Author(s): R. M. Al-Ubaydi, E. F. Al-Shakry, M. A. Al-Samara and S. M. Al-Mohmadawy

Genetic diversity among papaya accessions

June 2017

Genetic diversity studies provide fundamental information for characterization, conservation and utilization of available genetic resources in plant genetic improvement programs. To evaluate the genetic divergence among papaya accessions, 17 morphoagronomic variables from 59 accessions of the active germplasm bank were evaluated in an experiment at Santa Teresinha Farm, belonging to Caliman Agrícola S/A, in...

Author(s): Clemilton Alves da Silva, Adriel Lima Nascimento, Jeferson Pereira Ferreira, Omar Schmildt, Renan Garcia Malikouski, Rodrigo Sobreira Alexandre, Geraldo Antônio Ferreguetti and Edilson Romais Schmildt

Early growth and survival rates of crossbred lambs (Dorper x indigenous) under semi-intensive management at Areka, Southern Ethiopia: Effects of non-genetic factors

June 2017

Stagnant early growth and poor lamb survival are the major constraints of sheep production in Ethiopia. The aim of this study was to evaluate early growth and survival rate of crossbred lambs (Dorper × indigenous, Adilo) under semi-intensive conditions. Body weight (BW, kilograms) at 0-180 days, average daily gain (ADG, g/day), pre- (0-90), post (90-180) and overall (0-180 days), and pre-weaning survival rate...

Author(s): Deribe Gemiyo, Girma Abebe, Gebeyehu Ganga, Asrat Tera and Belete S. Gemeda

Technical efficiency of smallholder barley farmers: The case of Welmera district, Central Oromia, Ethiopia

June 2017

Crop production and productivity are not only inevitably affected by level of adoption of improved technologies and external factors but also the technical efficiencies of producers. The main objectives of this study are to estimate technical efficiency of sample barley farmers, assess determinant factors and compute yield loss due to inefficiency. Plot level data from 180 barley growers were collected through three...

Author(s): Wudineh Getahun and Endrias Geta

Popularization of dorper sheep breed for enhancing production and productivity of local sheep: In the case Enda-Mekoni Woreda Southern Tigray, Ethiopia

June 2017

Ethiopia has endowed sheep breed with poor productivity in terms of meat yield. Therefore demonstration of Dorper breed sheep was conducted at Enda-Mekoni Woreda with the objective of improving production and productivity of local sheep. Two pure male Dorper sheep were introduced to Enda-Mehoni Woreda for community based breeding strategies. Data such as live Body weight and farmer perception were collected. Data was...

Author(s): Temesgen Tesfay, Hagos Kidane, Tesfay Atsebha, Teshale Teklu, Solomon Wayu, Adehanome Baraki, Yekalo Teklay, Zebrhe Teklay, Haileselassie Amare and Zelealem Tesfay

Response of African Nightshade (Solanum sp.) to cassava peel-based manure in the humid forest zone of Cameroon

June 2017

Studies were conducted at Ekona in the humid forest agro-ecological zone of Cameroon to evaluate the effects of cassava peel-based manures on the growth and yield of African Nightshade. The first experiment consisted of evaluating the composted cassava peel and poultry manure applied at the rates of 0, 5, 10 and 20 t/ha and 150 kg/ha NPK (20:10:10) fertilizer. In the second experiment, a dried and grind mixture of...

Author(s): Nkengafac Jetro Njukeng, Francis Ajebesone Ngome, Ives Bruno Mousseni Efombagn and Carine Nono Temegne

Isolation, identification and molecular characterization of Rhizobium species from Sesbania bispinosa cultivated in Bangladesh

June 2017

The investigation was carried out to study the characteristics of rhizobial strains isolated from the leguminous plant, Sesbania bispinosa growing in different regions of Bangladesh. Forty-four isolates were studied for biochemical and molecular characteristics. Isolates were able to utilize different carbohydrates. All isolates showed complete resistance to cloxacillin and penicillin G that results in increased...

Author(s): Nusrat Nahar, Anowara Begum and Humaira Akhter

Perceptions of risk and risk management strategies in family agroindustries

June 2017

The importance of risk perception and risk management has been addressed by studies of agriculture and livestock activities; however, there have been few studies in other contexts, such as family agroindustries. This study provides information on risk perception and risk management in family agroindustries in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The analysis involves 72 family agroindustries in 43 counties, and the...

Author(s): Cristian Rogério Foguesatto and João Armando Dessimon Machado

Improving grain legume yields using local Evate rock phosphate in Gùrué District, Mozambique

June 2017

Acid, infertile reddish-brown soils characterize large amounts of central Mozambique. Few of these soils are in food production representing a missed opportunity for agricultural productivity and a missed alternative to improve the food security of the country. Low levels of soil nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, and potassium limit crop growth. Local agricultural amendments for acid, infertile soils such as...

Author(s): António Rocha, Ricardo Maria, Unasse S. Waite, Uatema A. Cassimo, Kim Falinski and Russell Yost

Quality of planting systems in varieties of sugarcane

June 2017

This study aimed to assess the operational quality of mechanized planting and semi-mechanized sugarcane for RB835054 and SP813250 varieties. The sugarcane has significant importance in Brazil, as it is a strong presence of culture in the economic field, with sugar and ethanol production. The mechanization of agricultural operations has been implemented in order to increase operational performance and reduce cost, thus...

Author(s): André Ferreira Damasceno, Carlos Eduardo Angeli Furlani, Cristiano Zerbato, Rafael Henrique de Freitas Noronha and Remo Marini Zoia

Influence of Bradyrhizobia inoculation on growth, nodulation and yield performance of cowpea varieties

June 2017

Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) has a major role in daily diet of the rural community and poor urban population, serving as a source of energy, protein and minerals, in developing countries. Its straw used for animal feed, and the crop also improves soil fertility by fixing the atmospheric nitrogen. However, its productivity is constrained by lack of improved varieties and poor agronomic practices. A field experiment...

Author(s): Tarekegn Yoseph, Bekele Baraso and Tewodros Ayalew

Agronomic efficiency of inoculant based on Azospirillum brasilense associated with nitrogen fertilization at maize

June 2017

The objective was to evaluate the agronomic efficiency in the field of the inoculant Fluid and Turfoso containing the bacterium Azospirillum brasiliense, strains AbV5 and AbV6 applied by treatment of seeds in the corn crop associated with nitrogen fertilization in different localities. Four experiments were carried out in different sites involving two in Paraná and one each from Mato Grosso do sul and Santa...

Author(s): Vandeir Francisco Guimarães, Marcelo Andreotti and Jeferson Klein

Further studies on Bovine Ixodide Ticks in and around Bedelle, Southwest Ethiopia

June 2017

Considering the economic impact of various ticks species on livestock, the present study was conducted for epidemiological characterization of common ticks infesting Ethiopian cattle between November 2013 and March 2014 period at various locations of Bedelle region. A total of 384 cattle were examined on random basis throughout the five months, out of which 231 cattle were found to be infested with ticks (60.12%). On...

Author(s): Hunde Aboma, Assefa Kebede and Mukarim Abdurahaman

Effects of genotype on yield and yield component of soybean (Glycine max (L) Merrill)

June 2017

In 2013, the multi-location trial was implemented to evaluate the new soybean genotypes for their agronomic performance against the local check. The experiment was conducted in three locations namely Ilonga, Kibaha, and Mlingano in each location a triplicated trial involving six genotypes of soybeans were implemented. The effects of genotype, location and genotype x environment interaction under combined analysis on...

Author(s): Liberatus Dominick Lyimo, Musa Rashid Tamba, and Richard Raphael Madege

Climate conditions in the eastern amazon: Rainfall variability in Belem and indicative of soil water deficit

May 2017

The objective of this study was to evaluate the regimes of temperature and rainfall in Belém, PA, Brazil, with emphasis on the start of the dry season in order to provide planning support for agricultural activities during years of climatic anomolies in the region. An initial analysis was done of the metropolitan region of Belém comparing it to the typology of Amazonian climates using rainfall data from...

Author(s): Lucieta Guerreiro Martorano, Maria Isabel Vitorino, Bruna Paula Pantoja Caxias da Silva, José Reinaldo da Silva Cabral de Moraes, Leila Sheila Lisboa, Eleneide Doff Sotta and Klaus Reichardt

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