Functional foods and bee products used during Covid-19 Pandemic and some post-pandemic economic impacts on the food security
January 2025
With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, coupled with the low availability of medicines and vaccines with proven efficacy, there was a growing impact on public health, followed by inconsistencies from both an economic and social perspective, due to the declaration of the "State of Emergency" and the adoption of strict sanitary control measures, which also contributed to the progression of food insecurity. In...
Physicochemical analysis of extracted oil from five improved groundnut varieties
November 2024
Groundnut, the main cash crop of The Gambia, has seen a considerable decline in local production, while the national demand for good and affordable vegetable oil continues to increase. This investigation dissects the proximate and physicochemical properties of five recently screened groundnut varieties and their oil extracts. The results of the analysis showed that variety ICGV97188 had the highest 1000 grain/kernel...
Effects of different purities of calcium hydroxide on nutrient composition and reduction of aflatoxin and fumonisin in maize and maize-based food
October 2024
Mycotoxin contamination in maize remains a significant issue in Kenya. Nixtamalization, a chemical detoxification method, has been employed to reduce aflatoxin and fumonisin levels in maize. Despite its long-standing use, the uptake of nixtamalization in Kenya is limited due to the lack of high-quality Ca(OH)?. The available lime in the market has a purity of only 85%. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the...
Identification of molds and the influence of physicochemical factors in attiéké from Burkina Faso
September 2024
This cross-sectional study identified mold contamination and its relationship with physicochemical factors in attiéké sold in Burkina Faso. Over two months (February-March 2023), coinciding with the cool-to-hot dry season transition, 100 attiéké samples were collected from markets in three major cities (Ouagadougou, Bobo-Dioulasso, and Koudougou). Fungal cultures were established on Sabouraud...
Quality of mined-salt by small-scale producers in Tanzania
September 2024
Small-scale salt mining in developing countries, including Tanzania, is among the major sources of consumed salt. This study aimed to assess the quality of salt from small-scale miners in Nkonkilanga, Singida region, Tanzania. Thirty salt samples were collected from small-scale miners and transported to Sokoine University of Agriculture, where they were analyzed for iodine content, moisture, particle size, color,...
A contradiction-based approach for air velocity choosing in thin-layer drying of cassava root
August 2024
The objective of this work is to propose a decision-making tool for the choice of the drying air velocity in thin-layer drying. Formulated as a physical contradiction, the air velocity should be low to promote heat and mass transfers between the air and the cassava slice, and it should be high for humid air extraction and hot air admission in the drying room. Nine cassava slices were dried at T= 25°C, Rh = 10% with...
Physicochemical and sensory characterization of sweet potato beers with purple and yellow flesh
July 2024
The use of brewing adjuncts can improve the color, aroma, and flavor of beer. Sweet potatoes (Ipomea batatas) are rich in bioactive compounds, such as phenolic compounds with antioxidant activity. Thus, this study aimed to develop and characterize physicochemical and sensorial aspects of craft beers brewed with sweet potatoes with purple and yellow flesh. Three beer formulations were prepared: 50% purple-fleshed sweet...
Hygienic-sanitary conditions of school food service in Barretos/SP/Brazil
July 2024
It is important to ensure the hygienic-sanitary quality at all stages of food handling for human consumption. Therefore, the study was conducted to assess the school food service hygienic-sanitary conditions of public municipal schools of Barretos-SP. The survey was conducted in 2 schools in 4 phases: (1) Application of checklist contained in CHS Ordinance No.5 from Health Surveillance Center in São Paulo, April...
A survey of fruits and vegetables consumed in Ghanaian households and their micromineral content
June 2024
Fruits and vegetables are good sources of microminerals essential for life. However, they can be relatively expensive and may even be unavailable during off-season periods. Many people do not consume fruits and vegetables frequently due to their high cost. As a result, they rely more on cereals, leading to malnutrition. This study aimed to determine the extent of fruit and vegetable consumption by Ghanaian households...
Overview of climate-induced food insecurity in Nigeria
June 2024
Food insecurity presents a formidable challenge in Nigeria, exacerbated by the interplay of climate change and conflicts. This study delves into the multifaceted nature of food insecurity in Nigeria and offers strategies for both mitigation and adaptation. Employing secondary data analysis and literature review, we shed light on the profound impacts of climate-induced food insecurity on public health. Our analysis...
Effectiveness of household-installed bio-sand water filters in Morogoro, Tanzania
May 2024
This study assessed the handling and effectiveness of Bio-Sand-Filters (BSFs) in filtering water for human drinking purposes in households within Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania. Water microbiological parameters (such as Escherichia coli, total viable counts (TVC), and total coliforms) and physico-chemical properties (including turbidity and pH) were analyzed before and after filtration. Escherichia coli levels were...
Organoleptic and microbiological characteristics of cubes of Irvingia gabonensis Almonds (Péké)
April 2024
The aim of this study was to prepare food cubes using Irvingia gabonensis almonds and assess their organoleptic and microbiological quality. I. gabonensis almonds and other ingredients sourced from Brazzaville markets were utilized for formulating the stock cubes. Three different formulations were developed based on a mixing plan and subjected to sensory and microbiological evaluation. The results revealed that the...
Prevalence of Campylobacter species in chicken meat retailed in Jazan City, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
February 2024
Poultry meats have been considered the primary source of campylobacteriosis infections among various foods. This study was performed to detect the presence of Campylobacter species in retail chicken meat and organs. Eighty-six samples (thighs = 21, breasts = 16, legs = 21, wings =17, and livers = 11) were collected from supermarkets and retail shops in Jazan city. Cultivation and isolation of Campylobacter species...
Quality variation in shea butter and olein from Irepodun Local Government Area, Oyo State, Nigeria
February 2024
In this study, the physicochemical characteristics, alpha tocopherol and fatty acid profile of shea butter sold in Kishi market (Local shea butter, LSB) and the olein (local shea olein, LSO) were compared with improved shea butter (ISB) and improved shea olein, (ISO) extracted from shea kernels from Kishi farmland. The ISB had 2.06±0.03% free fatty acid, 1.02±0.03 mEqO2/kg peroxide value,...
Cyanogenic content, moisture, and color of cassava products commonly consumed in Zambia
January 2024
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is an important food crop in sub-Saharan Africa due to its high carbohydrate content. This study collected 102 samples of dried cassava products, including cassava flour and chips, from households, processors, open markets, and supermarkets in seven districts of Zambia. The presence of naturally occurring cyanogenic glucosides in these products poses food safety risks to consumers. The...
Technological, physico-chemical and microbiological characterization of local plant-based infusions produced in Burkina Faso
January 2024
Nowadays, local plant-based infusions represent the second most consumed drink in the world after water because of their therapeutic virtues. Several types of infusions are produced from different local plants and consumed in Burkina Faso. However, there are few studies on the production technology and quality of these infusions. This study is aimed at assessing the production technology and the quality of lemongrass,...
Fatty acid profile of Haplozana nigrolineata, Acanthacris ruficornis and Protomacronema species, three edible arthropods in the Republic of the Congo
January 2024
The purpose of this study was to assess the fatty acid profile of three edible arthropods in the Republic of the Congo. Samples of fresh arthropods were purchased, dried at 70°C in the oven and then ground to powder in the laboratory using a mortar and pestle. The lipid content of the powder was determined using the Soxhlet extraction method, and physico-chemical analysis of fatty acids (FAs) was carried out by gas...
Insights into the journey towards development of dietary guidelines: An exploration of synergy between fruit and vegetable research with food composition tables in Malawi
December 2023
Publication of the Malawi Food Composition Database (MFCDB) is a milestone towards improving the nutritional status and overall health of citizens. Following the establishment of this database, the next step involves formulating food-based dietary guidelines tailored for Malawi. However, both the database and the planned dietary guidelines are dependent on robust research on food composition. This analytical review...
Effect of 300Gy Gamma (Y) radiation dose on Nigerian onion: A proximate composition
December 2023
Onion (Allium cepa) samples purchased from one of the most populous markets (Bodija market) in the south-western part of Nigeria were irradiated with a 300Gy dose of Yphotons using YBEAMX200, while some of these onions were also kept as control (non-irradiated). Proximate analyses were carried out on both irradiated and non-irradiated onion. The proximate composition revealed 0.16, 11.63 and 7.90% reduction in moisture,...
Effect of endosperm maturity on the physicochemical composition and sensory acceptability of coconut (Coco nucifera) milk and yoghurt
November 2023
The effect of endosperm maturity on the physicochemical compositions and sensory acceptability of coconut milk and yogurt was studied. The influence of fermentation time on the physicochemical characteristics and sensory acceptability of coconut yogurt was also determined. Varied coconut endosperm maturity (soft, medium and hard) and fermentation time (6, 12, 18 and 24 h) were used to produce milk and yogurt. The...
Physico-chemical, functional and anti-nutritional properties of taro (Colocasia esculenta) flour as affected by cooking and drying methods
November 2023
The effects of cooking medium, cooking time, and drying conditions on the physicochemical, functional, pasting, and anti-nutritional properties of taro flour were studied. Physicochemical and functional characteristics indicated that flour from taro slices cooked in water had higher L*, WAI, and OAC, and intermediate WSI, a*, and b* values. Acidic cooking treatment significantly decreased the oxalate and phytate content...
Interference of cultivar and ways of cultivation in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) yield and conservation
October 2023
This study aimed to measure the yield and postharvest conservation of three lettuce varieties (Crisp, Mimosa, and Iceberg) grown in two different cultivation systems (Conventional and Hydroponic) and stored under two conditions (Ambient temperature and Refrigerated). The experiment used a randomized design with tree factors (cultivars, cultivation systems and storage types) and 4 repetitions. The samples were collected...
Production, proximate and sensory analysis of canned fish in tucupi and jambu (Acmella oleracea) sauce
October 2023
The objective of the study was to develop canned fish with tucupi and jambu sauce from king weakfish, sardines and white mullet species. The elaborated products were submitted to sensorial, microbiological and centesimal analyses. The experimental design consisted of three treatments and five replications; 15 containers were processed at 121°C for 15 min. For sensory analysis, the 9-point hedonic scale was used....
Compliance with food safety standards by beef vendors at butcheries in Kamuli district, Uganda
September 2023
Butcheries are the leading retailers of beef in Uganda and their level of compliance with food safety standards is unknown. The aim of this study was to determine the compliance by beef vendors in Kamuli district with the US 736:2019 standard for hygienic requirements for butcheries. A survey questionnaire and observation checklist on sanitation, hygiene, and beef handling were used to collect data from 60 butcheries....
Impacts of covid-19 measures on supply and distribution of milk on small-scale processors in Nakuru, Uasin Gishu, and Nyandarua Counties, Kenya
September 2023
COVID-19 poses serious threats to humanity and the world’s economy, leading to disruptions of the food supply chain. The dairy processing industry was highly affected because of the perishability of its products and time-sensitivity of both the supply and distribution chain. The study therefore, aimed to assess the effects of COVID-19 containment measures on the supply and distribution of small-scale dairy...
Evaluation of thermosonication in the inactivation of lipoxygenase in hydrosoluble soy extract
September 2023
Hydrosoluble soy extract (HSE) is nutritious and highly perishable, requiring it to be submitted to an adequate conservation method. Ultrasound combined with heat (thermosonication) can be an alternative capable of reducing the undesirable effects caused by the conventional thermal treatment in this product. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of thermosonication on the inactivation of the enzyme...
Physicochemical and nutritional characteristics of bee pollen from Burkina Faso
August 2023
This prospective study consisted in determining the physico-chemical and nutritional composition of the pollen produced in different localities of Burkina Faso. The main constituents were determined by standard methods. The results show a mass proportion (g/100 g) of dry matter between 17.15 ± 3.69 to 34.65 ± 5.05 for proteins, 43.93 ± 2.05 to 59.11 ± 5, 05 for carbohydrates, 5.29 ±...
Feeding practices and nutrition status of children aged 0-59 months from Njombe and Geita, Tanzania
August 2023
This study aimed to assess infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices, child nutrition status, and their variations within ethnic groups in regions with high prevalence rates of stunting. A cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 150 mother-child pairs that were randomly selected within regions of high stunting rates (Njombe and Geita) in Tanzania. Socio-demographic, IYCF practices, and anthropometric...
Consumption of discretionary salt and bouillon in Senegalese households and related knowledge, attitudes and practices
August 2023
Excessive salt intake is associated with high blood pressure, a major risk factor of cardiovascular diseases. The World Health Organization has set a target of 30% reduction in population salt intake by 2020 to contain the prevalence of high blood pressure (HBP). The aim of the study was to measure the consumption of discretionary salt and bouillon in rural and urban Senegalese households. A cross-sectional descriptive...
Studying the ethylic fermentation process of the mucilage juice of cacao by Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast
July 2023
The aim of the study was to optimize the ethylic fermentation process of the mucilage juice of cacao by Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast. The juice fermentation process was effected by inoculating S. cerevisiae on 0.2 g of activated yeast/liter of juice for essay E1, and on 0.5 g of activated yeast/L for essay E2. Results reveal that increasing the pH value of the process effected in the acidic zone raised the rate of the...
Fruit consumption and storage practices among rural households in Chamwino district, Dodoma, Tanzania
July 2023
Fruit consumption is still a challenge in many parts of Africa, and hence micronutrient deficiency continues to be a serious problem in the continent. This study was conducted between December 2017 and May 2018 in Chinoje and Mzula villages in Chamwino district, Dodoma to assess availability of fruit, consumption, storage practices and nutrient content. People responsible for food preparation were interviewed from 345...
Quantification of ethanol and identification of other chemical constituents in homemade morula beer using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
July 2023
Morula (Sclerocarya birrea) beer is a seasonal homemade alcoholic beverage made from morula fruits pulp. Unlike the commercial morula alcoholic beverage, the alcohol content of homemade morula beer is not known. The major challenges with homemade alcoholic beverages arise from batch-to-batch differences in product quality and safety due to the variability of raw materials and lack of quality control. Consequently, the...
Nutritional evaluation of flour obtained from Tacca leontopetaloides used as an alternative food in Muanza-Mozambique
June 2023
Tubers from wild Tacca leontopetaloides plants are frequently used as a food commodity, but when consumed raw it has a bitter taste and can be toxic, thus threatening food security. This study aimed to evaluate the nutritional composition of flour from T. leontopetaloides subjected to distinct washing treatments, hoping to improve its suitability as a pivot food commodity in regions affected by poverty and food...
Higher amounts of proximate and minerals in composite biscuit made from African locust beans pulp
June 2023
Food insecurity (FI) is still endemic in most parts of Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs), including Ghana. This study was a quasi-experimental design carried out in the Wa Municipality. We assessed the proximate and minerals in African locust fruit pulp (Parkia biglobosa) and biscuits made from composite flours. We also did sensory evaluation on the formulated biscuits. We also assessed the acceptability of...
Influence of extrusion process conditions on bulk density, water absorption capacity and oil absorption capacity of extruded aerial yam-soybean flour mixture
June 2023
The influence of extrusion factors on bulk density, water absorption capacity, and oil absorption capacity of aerial yam-soybean flour mixture was examined utilizing a research facility scale single-screw extruder with the flour blending proportion of 25% aerial yam: 75% soybean. Response surface strategy in light of Box-Behken plan at three factors, five levels of barrel temperature (95, 100, 105, 110, and115?), screw...
Evaluating the proximate chemical composition and sensory properties of composite bread from wheat and cocoyam flours
May 2023
The proximate chemical composition and organoleptic properties of composite bread formulated from cocoyam-wheat mix were determined. A control (AWB) consisting of 100% wheat flour was used, and cocoyam-composite loaves of bread (CBA, CBB, CBC and CBD) were prepared at 5, 15, 25 and 35% levels of substitution of wheat flour with cocoyam flour, respectively. The proximate compositions were determined using the AACC, while...
Implementation of the school feeding and nutrition programmes in Uganda and the contribution of school meals to recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) of children: Challenges and opportunities
May 2023
School going children face a complicated period of growth and development, remarkably affecting their health and productivity. School feeding programmes were assessed using three levels of assessment based on guidelines of school feeding and nutrition: (i) Conducting 11 key informant interviews, (ii) Conducting 45 focus group discussions and (iii) Using 24 h recall and food frequency questionnaires to evaluate the...
A comparative study of physical grain quality of saline tolerant, improved and imported rice varieties in The Gambia
April 2023
Rice is the main staple food for The Gambia. The country is conducive for adequate rice production, yet produces only 19% of the estimated 275, 000 MT need. The impacts of climate change such as flooding, salt intrusion and poor landscape design limit the availability of rice fields for production. This study compares the grain quality of six newly Improved rice salinity tolerant varieties (ISTV), nine improved local...
S.W.O.T. diagnosis of the production system of dried mango slices produced in the North of the Côte d'Ivoire
March 2023
The study aimed to characterize the production system of dried mango slices in Côte d'Ivoire. The objective was to assess the production environment of dried mango slices sold on the national and international markets. To do this, a non-participant observation and a semi-directive interview were carried out using an observation grid (description of the different production operations) and an interview guide...
Influence of processing methods on the sensory acceptability of products from selected hybrid plantains (Musa species AAB) cultivars
March 2023
High-yielding and disease-resistant hybrid plant cultivars recently developed by breeders need evaluation for end-use. This study evaluated the influence of processing methods on the sensory acceptability of products (plantain chips, fried ripe plantains called “dodo” in Nigeria, boiled unripe and ripe plantains, and "amala," a dough, as it is called in Nigeria when unripe and ripe plantain flour...
Production practices of table salt by small-scale miners in Tanzania: A case study of Nkonkilangi, Singida, Tanzania
February 2023
In Tanzania, a small-scale salt enterprise supplies salt which is mainly consumed within the country. However, the producers often lack appropriate production knowledge. The purpose of this study was to assess salt processing and handling practices at Nkonkilangi village in Singida region, Tanzania. A cross-sectional study design was used to collect data. Scheduled interviews with 63 out of 100 producers were conducted...
Production, consumption, processing and marketing of the baobab fruit (Adansonia digitata L.) in Kenya
February 2023
Parts of the baobab tree (Adansonia digitata L.) have been considered vital in addressing various nutritional needs and augmenting household incomes. However, limited utilization, processing, and marketing exist in developing countries like Kenya, despite the fruit pulp gaining mass interest overseas as a natural ingredient in various formulations. This study therefore aimed at assessing the status of production,...
Dietary habit, nutritional status and related factors among adolescents in Tamale Metropolis, Ghana
January 2023
Healthy eating during adolescence is a fundamental prerequisite for optimal physical growth, psychosocial and cognitive development and prevention of diet-related chronic diseases. This study assessed the dietary habit, nutritional status and associated factors among adolescents in Tamale metropolis, Ghana. An analytical cross-sectional survey of 402 adolescents was used in this study. Semi structured questionnaire was...
Use of cooking salt in school meal preparation and quality control practices among food vendors engaged in the national home-grown school feeding programme in Southwest Nigeria
January 2023
The study was aimed at investigating practice relating to use of cooking salt in school meal preparation and quality control practices among Food Vendors (FVs) engaged in National Home-Grown School Feeding Programme (NHGSFP) in public primary schools located in Oyo and Ogun States, Southwest Nigeria. An exploratory qualitative study was conducted among 40 selected FVs engaged in NHGSFP in the two States. Data were...
Production of maize-soybean complementary foods fortified with crayfish, bonga fish and carrot flours rich in essential nutrients
December 2022
Blends of maize-soyabean complementary foods were fortified with foods rich in calcium, iron, zinc and vitamin A. Crayfish, bonga fish, and carrot that were processed into flours separately and blended in ratios (2:1:1 w/w) to produce food fortificant. Maize flour, soyabean flour and fortificant were mixed in the ratio of 70:30:0, 60:30:10 and 50:30:20 (% w/w dry basis), respectively to obtain three blends of...
Phytate degradation in composite wheat/cassava/sorghum bread: Effects of preincubation of Pichia kudriavzevii TY13 and presence of yeast extract
December 2022
Diet based on whole cereal flours is associated with a high prevalence of iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency in low/middle-income countries. Such flours contain high content of phytate that chelates minerals such as iron and zinc, making them unavailable for absorption by humans. To improve the mineral absorption, a phytate:iron molar ratio <1 and a phytate:zinc molar ratio <5 is needed to be achieved....
Increased antibacterial activity of Angelica koreana and Arnebia euchroma extracts fermented by Lactobacillus acidifarinae against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
December 2022
The increasing epidemic of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), one of the most important hospital and community pathogens, has led to a demand for new agents to treat the infection. Natural products may be used to reduce this problem with low side effects. The objective of this study was to determine the antibacterial effect of fermented extracts of Angelica koreana and Arnebia euchroma by Lactobacillus...
Analysis of different extraction solvents: Influence on some properties of aerial yam (Dioscorea bulbifera) starch
December 2022
Starch was extracted from aerial yam (Dioscorea bulbifera) using water, sodium hydroxide, ammonium oxalate, and oxalic acid as extraction solvents, oven-dried at 45°C for 24 h, and milled to flour. The starch obtained was evaluated for yield, chemical and functional properties using standard procedures. The sensory attributes of the starch cooked pastes were also determined. Aerial yam extracted with oxalate gave...
Drying fish (Rastrineobola argentea) on the bank of Lake Victoria in a prototype solar-heated enclosure: Using renewable energy to reduce drying-time and improve product quality and value
November 2022
Silver cyprinids (Rastrineobola argentea) are small pelagic fish endemic to Lake Victoria. High-quality dried fish are an important protein-rich human food. This study was carried out to determine if it would be practical to use renewable energy to dry silver cyprinid. Drying is presently achieved by laying fish out in the sun on the ground or on racks. In the wet seasons, however, drying is compromised and much of the...
Fatty acid and amino acid profiling of chia seeds and physicochemical characterisation of chia seeds oil
November 2022
The study analysed the fatty and amino acid compositions of chia seeds and the physicochemical characterisation of chia seeds oil. The quantification of amino and fatty acids was done using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography equipped with a flame ionisation detector (GC-FID). The amino acids from chia seeds were leucine, valine, phenylalanine, lysine, isoleucine, threonine, histidine,...
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