Journal of
Yeast and Fungal Research

  • Abbreviation: J. Yeast Fungal Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2413
  • DOI: 10.5897/JYFR
  • Start Year: 2010
  • Published Articles: 132

JYFR Articles

Epidemiological and antifungal susceptibility profile of the causative fungal agents of otomycosis in patients diagnosed at the University Hospital of Angré, Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire)

January 2025

Otomycosis is a fungal infection mainly affecting the outer ear but can spread to the inner ear. The fungal agents can lead to complications such as tympanic perforation. This study aimed to determine the epidemiological and antifungal susceptibility profile of species colonizing the external auditory canal. This cross-sectional study was conducted from February to October 2021 at the University Hospital of...

Author(s): Kpongbo Etienne Angora, Sébastien Assouhoun Jean Miezan, Maurine Aline N’guiachi, Matenin Ouattara, Valérie Akoua Bédia-Tanoh, Estelle Massafoma Koné, Pulchérie Christiane Kiki-Barro, Fulgence Kondo Kassi, Henriette Vanga-Bosson, Abibatou Konaté-Touré, William Yavo, Hervé Menan, Adèle Kacou N’douba and Vincent Djohan

In vitro susceptibility of vaginal Candida species to antifungal drugs in Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire)

October 2024

This cross-sectional study, carried out between May 2023 and January 2024, aimed to update the data on antifungal susceptibility of Candida species in Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire). The study was carried out in the gynecology departments of the General Hospital of Adjame and the Anti-Venereal Dispensary of the National Institute of Public Hygiene, both located in Abidjan. Swab collection, direct examination, and...

Author(s): Abibatou Konaté-Touré, Fulgence Kondo Kassi, Estelle Gnanyo Massafoma Koné, Valérie Akoua Bédia-Tanoh, Henriette Vanga-Bosson, Etienne Kpongbo Angora, Sebastien Assouhoun Jean Miezan, Vincent Djohan, Pulchérie Christiane Kiki-Barro, Hervé Eby Ignace Menan, and William Yavo,

Evaluation of plant extracts and tissue culture cultivars in the control of potato late blight disease

September 2024

Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is one of the most important industrial vegetable cash crops grown worldwide, with its tubers used for food. Potato production is constrained by pests and diseases, among which Phytophthora infestans is the most destructive, causing 50 to 70% yield loss under favorable environmental conditions. An experiment was conducted at the Institute of Agricultural Research for Development, Regional...

Author(s): Evelyn Bi Tima Manju, Bih Nadine Toh and Doris Besem Arrey

Seasonal variations in cryptococcosis diagnosis in the CeDReS laboratory of the University Hospital of Treichville in the era of HAART: A retrospective study from 2011 to 2018

April 2024

Cryptococcal meningitis, the second leading cause of death in people living with advanced-stage HIV infection, was the focus of the current study aimed at assessing the features of patients with this condition at the CeDReS laboratory. Participants were individuals with confirmed diagnoses of cryptococcal meningitis conducted by the CeDReS laboratory of the University Hospital of Treichville, in Abidjan, Ivory Coast....

Author(s): Kondo Fulgence Kassi, Abibatou Konaté, Pulchérie Christiane Marie Kiki-Barro, Assohoun Jean Sebastien Miezan, Estelle Gnanyo Massafoma Koné, Akoua Valerie Bedia-Tanoh, Nouveau Kanzin Alain Gnamian, Kpongbo Etienne Angora, Abo Henriette Vanga-Bosson, Vincent Djohan, William Yavo and Eby Ignace Hervé Menan,

Epidemiological aspects of tinea capitis among children attending to Koranic schools in Senegal (Thiés)

October 2023

Scalp ringworms or tinea capitis are the most common superficial fungal infections of the scalp and hair in the world with high prevalence in pediatric population. This study was to assess the prevalence of tinea capitis and its risk factors among residents of Koranic schools located in the Thiès region of Senegal. A cross-sectional survey was performed from February 2019 to March 2020. Socio-demographic,...

Author(s): Khadime Sylla, Souleye Lelo, Ibrahima Diop, Cheikh Binetou Fall, Issac Akhenaton Manga, Magatte Ndiaye, Doudou Sow, Roger Clement Tine and Babacar Faye

Identification and antifungal susceptibility of Candida species isolated from vulvovaginal candidiasis in Dakar

February 2023

In Senegal, studies regarding the distribution of Candida species involved in vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) and their antifungal susceptibility are scarce. Here we reported the frequency of Candida species isolated in VVC and their antifungal susceptibility in Dakar. A cross-sectional study included women referred to the laboratory of the Military Hospital of Ouakam for vaginal discharge was carried out. From each...

Author(s): Seck Mame Cheikh, Engo Pasca Elie, Gueye Papa Aly Thiam, Faye Cheikh, Mbow Moustapha, Diongue Khadim, Diallo Mamadou Alpha, Ndiaye Mouhamadou, Badiane Aida Sadikh and Ndiaye Daouda

Sources, preservation and quality status of some locally cultivated vegetable seeds in Ndop, Northwest region, Cameroon

June 2022

Vegetable production is an important economic activity in Cameroon. Due to poor health status of the seeds, the yield is decreasing. Sources, preservation, and quality status of some locally cultivated vegetable seeds was investigated. Seeds were obtained from local farmers, agro-shops, and local markets in four villages of Bamessing, Bamali, Bamunka and Bambalang. The seed sources and preservation methods were recorded...

Author(s): Pindeh Titah Charles, Erve Nouck Alphonse, Kain Chia Genevieve and Kinge Tonjock Rosemary

Influence of thermal and osmotic pressure on the growth and viability of Candida shehatae var shehatae

July 2021

Environmental stresses can bring abrupt changes in microbes and it can affect its growth with a number of visible modifications. Although some studies emphasize on the bacterial and fungal cellular response against acute heat and mitochondrial substrate oxidative stresses, in case of yeast very few researches were conducted. Currently, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is only known yeast about their responses against...

Author(s): Sadia Afrin, Jannatul Sumaiya Promee, Meher Nahid, Mohammed A. Satter, Mohammad Amirul Haque, Ashish Kumar Sarker and Mohammad Nazrul Islam Bhuiyan  

Occurrence of mycoflora, their association and production of aflatoxin B1 in groundnuts

January 2021

Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important food crop in Africa which is a source of nutrients and income in rural areas of Zimbabwe. It is considered to be a crop highly susceptible to aflatoxin contamination. Accordingly, the objectives of this study were to understand the presence of mycoflora, their association and the level of contamination by aflatoxins of groundnut from various markets in Zimbabwe. Thirty...

Author(s): Ncube J., Ndlovu E., Musarandega L. and Maphosa M

Knowledge on utilization of wild mushrooms by the local communities in the Selous-Niassa Corridor in Ruvuma Region, Tanzania

January 2021

The present study focused on documentation of wild mushroom species used by the local communities in the Selous-Niassa corridor in Namtumbo district, Ruvuma region, Tanzania. Qualitative and quantitative data were collected by interviewing 50 local informants from different localities in the Selous-Niassa wildlife corridor in Namtumbo district. The data documented include types of wild mushroom species, taxonomical...

Author(s): Michael Qwarse, Mainen Moshi, Matobola Joel Mihale, Alphonce Ignace Marealle, Joseph Sempombe and Veronica Mugoyela

Selection of appropriate substrate for production of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus)

January 2020

Mushroom production is an economically viable biotechnology process for conversion of various agro-industrial wastes into food. Mushroom, a fruiting body of macrofungi has been valued throughout the world as either food or medicine for more than three thousand years ago. The mushroom grows on a vast number of substrate and environment. Substrate compromises different agro-industrial residues that possess varied property...

Author(s): Yohannes Besufekad, Abraham Mekonnen, Bikila Girma, Robel Daniel, Getahun Tassema,  Jale Melkamu, Malesu Asefa, Tsehaynesh Fikiru and Lalise Denboba  

The potential use of Lentinus edodes to manage and control water hyacinth in Zimbabwe

January 2020

The rapid expansion and reproduction of certain plant species represents one of the biggest problems in aquatic environments, ranging from eutrophication to the limited availability of water for human consumption. Among these plants is water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes), a herbaceous hydrophyte often branded the world’s worst aquatic weed due to its invasive aggression, negative impact on aquatic environments,...

Author(s): Nompumelelo Sibanda, Oziniel Ruzvidzo, Cuthbert J. Zvidzai, Arnold B. Mashingaidze, Tshegofatso B. Dikobe, Mutsa M. Takundwa, David T. Kawadza, Lebogang M. Katata-Seru, Sibonani S. Mlambo and Chrispen Murungweni

Assessment of yield loss due to northern leaf blight in five maize varieties grown in Tanzania

January 2020

Field experiments were conducted in the Agricultural Research Institute, Uyole, using five susceptible maize varieties during 2013 and 2014 growing seasons. The varieties were used to determine yield losses due to northern leaf blight disease in Mbeya Region of Tanzania. The trials were laid out in two blocks of E. turcicum inoculated and Mancozeb treatment arranged in randomized complete block design in three...

Author(s): Onwunali, M. R. O. and Mabagala, R. B.⊃  

Diversity of cellulase- and xylanase-producing filamentous fungi from termite mounds

July 2019

Cellulases and xylanases are enzymes of industrial significance, particularly in the pulp, paper, textile, and animal feed industries. Moreover, their utilization in the food industry, among them, bakery, brewery, winery and fruit and vegetable juice production, cannot be underestimated. One of the potential sources of enzymes is the filamentous fungi, and hence bio-prospecting of this specific group of microorganisms...

Author(s): Angela Sibanda, Oziniel Ruzvidzo, Ignatious Ncube† and Thembekile Ncube

Fungal and yeast carotenoids

July 2019

This review reports and discusses all available information about the fungal carotenoids such general characters, derivatives, common names, chemical structure, molecular formula, color, bioactivity, and industrial applications in medicine, pharmacology, food processing, cosmetics, dyeing and others. It also reviews the classification of the fungal carotenoids, biosynthetic pathway, distribution and function inside the...

Author(s): Eman Mostafa M.  

Taxonomical study of the genus Amanita from Western Burkina Faso

July 2019

Burkina Faso has abundant wild mushrooms, but very few inventories have been carried out to record these species. The shortage of taxonomic studies in Burkina Faso on wild mushroom species limits their knowledge. Three species of the genus Amanita from Burkina Faso are reported and fully described in this paper. They are Amanita pulverulenta Beeli, Amanita citrina (Schaeffer) Persoon and Amanita odorata Beeli. All the...

Author(s): Kounbo DABIRE, Elise SANON, K. Marie Laure GUISSOU, Samson NANKONE, P. Elisabeth ZIDA and Philippe SANKARA  

Exploring for the possibility of utilizing Pleurotus ostreatus to manage Eichhornia crassipes in Zimbabwe

June 2019

The versatile nature of the commercial mushroom, Pleurotus ostreatus (Jacq.: Fr.) Kumm., provides basis for continued exploration of its biochemical processes during solid state fermentation on various lignocellulosic biomass as potential substrates. As a fungal organism, P. ostreatus feeds on lignocellulose by secreting various extracellular enzymes responsible for breaking down this organic polymer into smaller and...

Author(s): Nompumelelo Sibanda, Oziniel Ruzvidzo, Cuthbert J. Zvidzai, Arnold B. Mashingaidze and Chrispen Murungweni

Anticandidosic activity of selected medicinal plants from Côte d’Ivoire

November 2018

Superficial candidiasis is a real public health problem, especially in immunocompromised people and HIV-infected patients. Due to the toxic handicap and the high cost of antifungal drug treatment, people use medicinal plants, which are relatively more accessible. Medicinal plants are an important source of novel antimicrobial agents. This study aims to determine the in vitro antimicrobial activity of...

Author(s): Henriette Bosson-Vanga, Kpongbo Etienne Angora, Abibatou Konaté, Akoua Valérie Bédia-Tanoh, Sébastien Miézan, Pulchérie Kiki-Barro, Kondo Fulgence Kassi, Vincent Djohan, William Yavo and Hervé Menan,  

Susceptibility of Candida species isolated from recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis to antifungal agents among women at Institut Pasteur of Côte d’Ivoire

October 2018

Recurrent vulvo-vaginal candidiasis is a major issue in pubescent females because of the fact that it is a source of health discomfort. For a better medical treatment, an analysis of susceptibility of Candida species to antifungal agents is fundamental. Therefore, this study aims to determine the susceptibility of Candida spp. to antifungal agents isolated in recurrent vulvo-vaginal candidiasis. This cross-sectional...

Author(s): Kpongbo Etienne Angora, Vincent Djohan, Valérie A. Ira-Bonouman, Henriette A. Vanga-Bosson, Kondo Fulgence Kassi, Abibatou Konaté, Valérie A. Bedia-Tanoh, Sébastien A. Miezan, Christiane P. Kiki-Barro, Hervé Menan, André Offianan Touré and William Yavo  

Optimization of nutritional and environmental conditions for biomass production and sporulation of entomogenous fungus Lecanicillium lecanii CA-1-G using two-stage cultivation system

September 2018

Some factors on sporulation of Lecanicillium lecanii CA-1-G by one-time-at-a-factor have been studied. These factors include carbon and nitrogen sources, carbon-to-nitrogen ratios, mineral elements and vitamins together with water potentials, temperatures, dark/light cycles and pHs. On the basis of these results, together with “two-step” cultivation and orthogonal method, we optimized the culture conditions...

Author(s): Li Gao  

Isolation and characterization of fungi from a hot-spring on the shores of Lake Bogoria, Kenya

June 2018

Hot springs are aquatic environments with high temperatures. They harbor diverse groups of micro-organisms like fungi that have developed mechanisms to thrive at wide temperature ranges, according to their optimal growth requirements. Fungi are a large group of eukaryotic organisms with worldwide distribution, inhabiting a diverse range of extreme habitats from deserts to hyper saline environments. The fungal diversity...

Author(s): Odilia Atamba Salano, Huxley Mae Makonde, Remmy Wekesa Kasili, Hamadi Iddi Boga  

Nanotools for molecular identification two novels Cladosporium cladosporioides species (Cladosporiaceae) collected from tomato phyloplane

June 2017

Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) consisting of magnetite (Fe3O4) are promising as nanodiagnostic tools in plant pathology. Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) were produced using hydrothermal protocols. MNPs size diameter and size distribution were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and dynamic light scattering (DLS). Fe3O4 nanoparticles are monodispersible and spherical with an average diameter of 82 nm....

Author(s): Mousa A. Alghuthaymi

A study on the fungi isolated from the carpeting, walls and Holy Qurans from the Blue Mosque and Little Hagia Sophia Mosque situated in the province of Istanbul

March 2017

In this study the sampling of microfungus content from the carpeting, walls and Holy Qurans of two different mosques in the province of Istanbul was undertaken and in order to determine quantities. Samples were taken in 2015 during the months of January, April, July and October. The samples were taken with non-agar based sterile swabs and were then taken to the laboratory. Throughout the duration of the study, 17...

Author(s): Özlem CesuroÄŸlu and Günay Tülay ÇolakoÄŸlu

Isolation, identification and characterization of yeast species from coffee waste collected from Sidama and Gedio zone

November 2016

Coffee waste represents the most abundant waste in Ethiopia, this study aims to isolate, identify and characterize yeast from coffee waste in order to utilize in the biotechnological process. 25 merged coffee waste samples were collected from Sidama and Gedio zone. Yeast strain was cultured on yeast peptone dextrose and Biolog universal yeast agar media. Pure yeast cells were suspended in sterile water at 49+ turbidity,...

Author(s): Birhanu Gizaw, Zerihun Tsegaye and Genene Tefera

Molecular identification of yeasts associated with raw cow milk from peri-urban farms in Kaduna State, Nigeria

October 2016

This study aimed to examine the diversity of yeasts associated with bovine mastitis by employing molecular techniques in yeast identification. A total of 300 composite milk samples were collected from 26 peri-urban farms and examined. After culture, 37 (12.3%) fungal isolates were identified using the API 20C AUX. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequencing of the domains D1 and D2 of the 26S rRNA gene identified...

Author(s): Mbuk E. U., Kwaga J. K. P., Bale J. O. O. and Umoh J. U.

Ethnomycology of Termitomyces R. Heim in Nepal

May 2016

Study on the consumption and uses of edible fungi by selected ethnic tribes/groups in selected geographical regions in Nepal is lacking. This paper highlights the various ways of using Termitomyces spp. in Tarai, Siwalik and Midhill in Nepal. The investigation was conducted before, during and after monsoon, from 2010 to 2012. Data were obtained by interacting with members of the ethnic groups used in this study, as well...

Author(s): Hari Prasad Aryal and Usha Budathoki

Examination of Candida albicans strains from South Africa for the production of gliotoxin and other cytotoxic secondary metabolites

April 2016

Candida species cause superficial mycosis and more serious systemic infections. The virulence factors of Candida are their adherence and hyphae formation ability and the production of hydrolytic enzymes. In addition, they produce secondary metabolites which are also implicated in the pathogenesis. Literature on the production of gliotoxin, one of the metabolites by Candida spp. is controversial. The aim of this study...

Author(s): Tshabalala Nhlanhla, Mrudula Patel and Dutton Michael Francis

Isolation frequency and epidemiological characterization of yeast-like fungi and co-infected bacteria isolated from clinical patient

March 2016

Pathogenic yeast-like fungi and bacteria are found all over the world, and are a frequent cause of invasive disease in immunocompromised hosts. However, there is a paucity of data on pathogenic yeast-like fungi in Korea. In this study, the characterization of pathogenic yeast-like fungi and co-infected bacteria isolated from 715 patients (ranging in age from 29 days to 99 years, with a mean age of 49 years) that were...

Author(s): Park G. N., Kim S. H., Kang H. S., Lee H. R., Jo H. J., Jeoung H. Y., An D. J. and Chang K. S.

An improved method to optimize the culture conditions for biomass and sporulation of mycoparasitic fungus Trichoderma viride TV-1

February 2016

Trichoderma viride, the most promising biocontrol agent is able to control a wide range of plant pathogens. It is one of the most widely used species against plant disease and can improve the plant growth and crop yields. Biomass yields and sporulation of this fungus depends on the culture conditions (culture method), nutritional requirements (carbon and nitrogen source, mineral elements, carbon concentration, carbon to...

Author(s): Gao L.

First report of Neurospora on Corylus avellana in natural forest of Iran

July 2015

Teleomorph stage of the fungus Neurospora udagawae was formed abundantly on the culture media of potato dextrose agar, potato carrot agar and malt extract agar. Perithecia were visible on the culture medium and plant tissues (on the bark of tree) of hazelnut tree (Corylus avellana L.) from specimens of the Northwest forest of Iran. The fungus was identified for the first time in this area. The isolate was examined for...

Author(s): Kamran Rahnama and Roghaieh Habibi

Malassezia pachydermatis presence in canine external otitis and dermatopathies

June 2015

Malassezia pachydermatis is a commensal yeast of the skin and external ear canal of dogs and cats that may become an opportunistic pathogen under some conditions. The aim of this paper was to research the diseases which predispose to the development of opportunistic M. pachydermatis in dogs with external otitis or dermatopathies. The samples were collected by sterile swabs or by the carpet technique. Samples were...

Author(s): Nascente, P. S.⊃, Meinerz, A. R. M⊃., Faria, R. O⊃., Nobre, M. O⊃., Escareño, J. J. H⊃., Mendes, J. F.⊃, Meireles, M. C. A.⊃ and Mello, J.R.B.

Diversity and distribution of species of Ganoderma in south western Cameroon

May 2015

The genus Ganoderma is one of the most important group of Basidiomycetes due to their medicinal effects and also because they cause decay in a very wide range of tree species all over the world. Opportunistic sampling was used to collect 57 samples of Ganoderma from oil palm and other hosts for identification using comparative morphology and supported by molecular studies of the ITS and mtSSu gene regions. The...

Author(s): Tonjock Rosemary Kinge and Afui Mathias Mih

Evaluation of antifungal activity of snake venoms from the Amazon forest

May 2015

In recent years, many antimicrobial peptides have been found in the venoms of animals from different sources and have been intensively studied to elucidate their ability to inhibit the growth of potential pathogenic microorganisms. The aim of this study was to characterize and evaluate the in vitro antifungal activity of crude venom from two amazonian snakes: Bothrops atrox and Crotalus durissus ruruima. The molecular...

Author(s): Marcelo dos Santos Neves, Diego Rayan Teixeira de Sousa, Maria do Perpétuo Socorro Borges Carriço Ferreira, Maria Zeli Moreira Frota, João Vicente Braga Souza and Jorge Luis López Lozano

A new ethanol-based macrochemical test combined with a cultural character in the process of identification of the cosmopolitan wood-decayer, Ganoderma resinaceum Boud. (Basidiomycota)

April 2015

A new macrochemical test using ethanol drops was set up and described here as a safer, quicker and more reliable substitute for the previously used match flame to reveal yellow resin on the pileus of Ganoderma resinaceum, no matter its geographical origin. Four concentrations (30, 70, 90 and 99%) of ethanol (CH3-CH2OH) were tested with distilled water as negative control, as a substitute to the old match flame test in...

Author(s): Dominique Claude MOSSEBO, Rose T. AMBIT, Marie-Claire MACHOUART and Germain KANSCI

Evaluation of the effects of the combination of NPK fertilizer, cow dung, humus soil and poultry droppings with sawdust on the number of days to primordia formation, maturity and harvest of Pleurotus ostreatus

November 2014

This study on the effects of combination of NPK fertilizer, cowdung, humus soil and poultry droppings with sawdust on the number of days to primordia formation, maturity and harvest of P. ostreatus was carried out in the Department of Plant Science and Biotechnology, Imo State University, Owerri. The objectives of the study were to identify the most suitable substrate combination in the determination of the number of...

Author(s): Onuoha C. I., Nwachukwu E. C., Ezeibekwe I. O. and Nwagbara E. C.

Bioactive potential of wild edible mushrooms and need for their conservation

November 2014

The field of natural products and their use in the development of medicinal or other health-related products vis-à-vis their conservation needs special focus. The challenges for fungal conservation are daunting. As nature's recyclers, fungi are like municipal refuse collectors employed to take away our rubbish. We do not notice them until they go on strike. The well-being of fungi is necessary for sustainable...

Author(s): Shazia Ahad, Syed Tanveer and Tauseef Ahmad Malik

Morphology and molecular taxonomy of Hymenagaricus mlimaniensis species nov: A new Basidiomycota mushroom from Mlimani main campus, Tanzania

October 2014

Hymenagaricus mlimaniensis Mwanga & Tibuhwa sp. nov. is described from Dar es Salaam Mlimani Main Campus in the semi protected natural tropical forest left in the Dar es Salaam city. The species superficially looks like Agaricus and its difference to the closest taxa in Hymenagaricus genus is both morphologically and genetically presented. The species is distinctively characterized from the closest H. pallidodiscus...

Author(s): Zuhura Mwanga and Donatha Tibuhwa

A preliminary study on nutritional requirements of nematophagous fungus ARF907 for mycelial growth

September 2014

After studying the effects of carbon sources, nitrogen sources, and mineral elements on the mycelia growth of ARF907 in our lab, this research firstly was concerned with the carbon concentration, carbon to nitrogen ratio on the mycelia growth of this fungus, and the better mycelial yield got with carbon concentration of 6 g l-1 and carbon to nitrogen ratio of 160:1. This paper secondly was concerned with the...

Author(s): Li Gao

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and small related molecules: Effects on Schizosaccharomyces pombe morphology measured by imaging flow cytometry

August 2014

Effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and small related molecules on the morphology of fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) are described. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are important environmental pollutants that act as carcinogens via several mechanisms of action. Fission yeast is a useful model organism for revealing the mechanisms by which these molecules affect the cell. None of the molecules studied...

Author(s): Trí Lê, Areeba Qureshi, Joel Heisler, Laura Bryant, Jehan Shah, Tom D. Wolkow and Radha Pyati

Cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus on Grevillea robusta leaves at Dilla University, Ethiopia

August 2014

Mushrooms consumption has generated interest in man from early civilization. Mushrooms have a unique texture and flavour that are not found in other food crops. In addition, mushrooms cultivating is a promising new industry, with many new businesses developing every year. Cultivation of saprophytic edible mushrooms may be the currently economical biotechnology for lingo-cellulose organic waste recycling that combines...

Author(s): Fekadu Alemu

Expression of neuronal protein Tau in Candida albicans

July 2014

Candida albicans is a dimorphic, opportunist fungal pathogen in which cell adhesion and filamentation contribute to host tissue invasiveness and fungal pathogenicity. Morphogenesis in C. albicans which involves yeast to hyphae transition is dependent on temperature, the growth media composition, and is regulated by quorum sensing. In yeasts, filament formation and polarized growth are associated with the actin...

Author(s): Kathleen Van Manen, Sara Guariglia, Alejandra del C. Alonso and Elena C. McCoy

Clinico-mycological profile of superficial mycosis and the relationship Of ABO blood grouping with superficial mycosis

July 2014

A total of 456 clinically diagnosed cases (170 male and 286 female) of superficial mycosis was conducted. Highest incidence of cutaneous candidiasis followed by pityriasis versicolor was found. The maximum incidence of superficial mycosis was found in adult females with cutaneous candidiasis then pityriasis versicolor in both sexes (females 83 and males 80). In this study, the most common isolate was Trichophyton...

Author(s): Kareema Amine Alkhafajii and Huda Hadi Alhassnawei

Effect of inoculum morphology on production of Nigerloxin by solid state fermentation

May 2014

Nigerloxin (2-amido-3-hydroxy-6-methoxy-5-methyle-4-(prop-1’enyl) benzoic acid) is a Lipoxygenase and Aldose reductase inhibitor produced by Aspergillus niger MTCC 5116. It is produced only under solid state fermentation (SSF) and the inoculum required for the inhibitor production is developed in submerged condition. As this is a newly discovered enzyme inhibitor with potential commercial success against diabetic...

Author(s): Vasantha, K. Y., Saleem Javeed, Chakradhar, D. and Sattur, A. P.

Effect of hot-water treatments in vitro on conidial germination and mycelial growth of Colletotrichum musae isolates

May 2014

Anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum musae is the most important postharvest disease of banana fruit. The present study was conducted to evaluate the sensitivity of C. musae isolates to hot water treatment in vitro. The effect of hot water treatment (HWT) in vitro was determined by placing conidial suspensions and plugs of agar with mycelia of 12 single spore isolates of C. musae in hot water bath at 45, 50 and 55°C...

Author(s): Setu Bazie, Amare Ayalew and Kebede Woldetsadik

The Lap3p aminopeptidase is not solely responsible for bleomycin resistance in Candida albicans

April 2014

Detoxification of the glycopeptide bleomycin is mediated by bleomycin hydrolase, a cysteine aminopeptidase identified in a variety of organisms. The opportunistic fungal pathogen Candida albicans is known to exhibit increased resistance to bleomycin when compared to other yeast. Presented here is the cloning of the C. albicans Lap3p aminopeptidase, predicted by sequence identity to be the Candida form of bleomycin...

Author(s): Alexandra R. Rogers, Stephanie M. Graves and Fernando Gonzalez

Effect of co-culturing of cellulolytic fungal isolates for degradation of lignocellulosic material

April 2014

This study intended to compare the efficiency of fungal monocultures and co-cultures in the simultaneous delignification and saccharification of kitchen waste and Eichhornia crassipes in order to subject the hydrolysate into biofuel production. Three fungal isolates of genus Trichoderma, Aspergillus, Pycnoporus and an unidentified strain (F113) were grown in mono and co-cultures and the extracted enzymes were...

Author(s): K. Mohanan, R.R. Ratnayake, K. Mathaniga, C. L. Abayasekara and N. Gnanavelrajah

Selection of cellulase-producing Trichoderma sp. and optimization of cultivation conditions

March 2014

The aim of this study was to select the wild microorganism with the capacity to produce cellulases. Microbial sources were rotten grass, leaves and straws. Natural lignocellulose as the sole carbohydrate was used to enrich microorganisms. After isolation, the strains were inoculated into liquid media. Filter paper activity (FPA) was used as an index for selection. Sequencing of 26S rDNA D1/D2 region was used to identify...

Author(s): Tian Haijiao, Qu Chang, Wu Hao, Li Yuhua and Yang Hongyan

Laccase production by Galerina sp. and its application in dye decolorization

March 2014

The laccase producing fungus HC1 was isolated from a sample collected in the Bolivian Amazon region. Analysis of 5.8S and 28S rDNA, and internal transcribed spacer 1 and 2 sequences revealed that isolate HC1 belongs to genus Galerina. High production of laccase was achieved in basal salt medium supplemented with 30 g L-1 glucose, 10 g L-1 yeast extract and 0.01 g L-1 copper sulphate. The enzyme production was further...

Author(s): Laura Mendoza, Victor Ibrahim, Maria Teresa Álvarez, Rajni Hatti-Kaul and Gashaw Mamo

Identification of micro-organisms associated with jatropha curcas and inhibition by selected natural plants extracts

February 2014

Studies were carried out to determine the microorganisms associated with Jatropha curcas and the effect of selected botanicals crude extracts (bitter leaf: Vernonia amygdalina and Uziza leaf: Piper guineensis) on the inhibition of these microorganisms. The experiment comprised three extract concentrations 20, 30 and 50% and was carried out in a completely randomized design with six replications. Results show that only...

Author(s): Ihejirika G. O., Obilo O. P., Ojiako J. O., Ofor, M. O., Ibeawuchi I. I., Akalazu N. and Ogbedeh K. O.

Behavior of fungus Rhizoctonia solani under faba bean cotyledons when away from host and the effect of its starvation on aggressiveness

February 2014

Behavior of Rhizoctonia solani on their hosts was carried out-in many studies when the pathogen was in close proximity with its host. The purpose of this study was focused on the behavior of this fungus on faba bean cotyledons when it was away from the host and the effect of nutritional status on its pathogenicity was also taken into consideration. Observations led to speculation that R. solani feels its host even when...

Author(s): Maha H. Mohamed, Gado E. A. M., El-Deeb S. H. and Mostafa M. H.

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