Determinants and consequences of sexual abuse against minors in sub-Saharan Africa
February 2025
Sexual violence against minors occurs in different contexts. In sub-Saharan Africa, it is a major public health problem. A systematic review of the quantitative and qualitative literature on sexual abuse against minors in sub-Saharan Africa was carried out, to determine the extent to which children are more likely to be sexually abused in this region, as well as the consequences to which they are exposed. A reviewing...
Prevalence and major cardiovascular risk factors such as diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity in the municipality of Niakhene (Senegal)
January 2025
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as diabetes and high blood pressure pose a significant health and economic burden in low-income countries. This study aimed to examine the prevalence of diabetes, arterial hypertension, and obesity, as well as their associated factors, in the Niakhene commune in rural Senegal. It was a cross-sectional, descriptive, and analytical survey conducted in October 2020 among individuals...
Vaccination against COVID-19: Study of factors limiting the adherence of health professionals in Burkina Faso
January 2025
Vaccination is the ultimate solution as a preventive measure to stop the COVID-19 pandemic. In Burkina Faso, following the adoption of this strategy, health authorities encountered reluctance on the part of the population and even health professionals to adhere to it. This study aims to assess the factors associated with this reluctance to vaccinate against COVID-19 among health professionals. A cross-sectional...
Cholera epidemic and first deployment of the « strengthening and utilizing response groups for emergencies» (AVoHC-SURGE) in Madarounfa, Niger
November 2024
Cholera is an acute diarrheal infection caused by the ingestion of food or water contaminated with Vibrio cholerae. In early September 2022, Niger experienced an outbreak of this disease, with a total of 39 cases and one death (2.56%) reported in Madarounfa. Building on lessons learned from previous epidemics and leveraging the new Health Emergency Management Project (AVoHC-SURGE) in Niger, the quality of response...
Evaluating a novel predictive tool for respiratory infection outbreaks in real life
November 2024
Respiratory infections remain a significant public health threat with considerable morbidity and mortality, highlighting the need for effective early warning tools. This study aims to evaluate the Epidemic Volatility Index (EVI) as a real-life early warning tool for respiratory infections. From October 16, 2023, to February 4, 2024, adults with respiratory infection symptoms were studied at the hospital, with nasal...
Investigation of a waterborne gastroenteritis outbreak in Bouaké South Health District, Côte d'Ivoire, March 2024
November 2024
The Air France 3 Health Center reported an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis on March 10, 2024. The aim of this study was to describe the phenomenon, identify the causal agent, and determine the source of contamination. A retrospective cohort study was conducted on March 11, 2024. Data were collected from consultation registers at the Air France 3 and Kôkô urban health centers, as well as from interviews...
Factors associated with Covid-19 among health workers in Niger, 2020–2021
September 2024
COVID-19 remains a global health emergency and continues to affect the general population, particularly healthcare workers on the front lines of the response. With this in mind, this study was conducted to understand the factors associated with COVID-19 among healthcare workers in Niger. This cross-sectional analytic study was carried out in Niger from July 1, 2021, to September 30, 2021, using one year of secondary...
Development of a score to predict the risk of low birth weight in pregnant women
August 2024
Low birth weight (LBW) is a major determinant of infant mortality, morbidity, and future child development. This study aims to develop a predictive score to identify pregnant women at risk of giving birth to a low birth weight child. A case-control study was conducted among 126 mother-newborn pairs at four health centers in Cotonou. The cases were newborns with a weight of less than 2500 g, while the controls had a...
Evaluation of patient waiting times and satisfaction in outpatient in Douala, Cameroon
August 2024
Patient waiting time is a significant clinical care issue. This study assessed outpatient waiting times and patient satisfaction in Douala. A cross-sectional study was conducted in randomly selected health facilities in Douala from January 1st to March 31st, 2020. The study included 389 outpatients and 52 healthcare workers. The Chi-square test was used to analyze the association between the quality of care and...
Predictors of community acquired pneumonia in children less than 5 years in Fako Division, Cameroon
July 2024
Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a major public health problem and a principal cause of morbidity and mortality in children under 5 years of age worldwide. The 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine is the major intervention strategy used in the prevention of new infections. Though the vaccines have been in use since 2011 in Cameroon, lower respiratory tract infections remain major causes of morbidity and...
Awareness and acceptance of telemedicine by medical doctors working in public hospitals in the city of Douala
July 2024
Clinicians have been studying ways to apply computer technology to enhance healthcare for many years. However, the acceptance of telemedicine has tended to be slower in Africa. The objective of this study was to evaluate medical doctors' awareness of telemedicine and determine factors affecting its acceptance in Douala. A hospital-based cross-sectional study was conducted from February to May 2023 in public health...
Factors associated with the use of non-medical contraceptive methods in Burkina Faso
July 2024
Long abandoned in favor of hormonal contraceptive methods, non-medical contraceptive methods are making a comeback despite their low effectiveness. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with the use of non-medical contraceptive methods in Burkina Faso. A quantitative descriptive study was conducted for analytical purposes, utilizing data from phase 1 of the "Performance and Monitoring for...
Knowledge, attitude, and perception towards social health insurance and associated factors among health professionals working at public health facilities in Gondar City, North West Ethiopia
May 2024
Willingness to pay for and accept social health insurance varies across regions due to differences in knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions among employees. Ethiopia has introduced a social health insurance scheme despite facing challenges in its acceptance by the formal sector. However, little is known about the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of social health insurance. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the...
Insights from Cuba's public health achievements: Implications for African countries
April 2024
Cuba's health system has enabled remarkable population health achievements despite resource limitations. This analysis explores Cuba's model to discern insights for healthcare reform in developing nations seeking to enhance access and equity. A scoping review was conducted to synthesize existing literature on Cuba's health system post-1959 revolution. Policy documents were analyzed to trace systemic reforms....
COVID-19 vaccine uptake among healthcare workers in the Limbe Health district of Cameroon
January 2024
Several efforts are made to control spread of COVID-19. Vaccines are one of the tools currently used to control spread of the disease. This study aimed to assess the uptake of COVID-19 vaccines and determinants among healthcare workers in the Limbe health district of Cameroon. A cross-sectional study was carried out among 405 health workers in selected health facilities. A multi-stage sampling technique was used to...
Factors associated with tuberculosis among people who inject drugs (IDUs) in Senegal in 2022
January 2024
Drug use is a major public health issue. It can promote the transmission of infectious diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the factors associated with tuberculosis among injecting drug users supervised at the addiction treatment center in Dakar. This was a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study in injecting drug users supervised at the Addictology Unit of Fann Hospital from January 1st, 2015 to...
Health needs assessment of urban areas and the key interventions: A case study of Nairobi City County
January 2024
Urbanization has led to complex challenges in healthcare in many cities globally. This study involved a health needs assessment of Nairobi City County to elucidate the health dynamics among the diverse Nairobi City population. The health needs assessment encompassed profiling the Nairobi City County population, identifying the prevailing health priorities, and recommending strategic interventions. The findings show high...
Prevalence and determinants of repeat pregnancy among adolescent girls in selected health areas of the Limbe Health District of Cameroon: A community-based cross-sectional study
January 2024
Repeat pregnancy is a significant public health concern due to its association with adverse maternal and child health outcomes. Understanding the factors contributing to repeat pregnancy is crucial for developing effective interventions and improving reproductive health services. This study aims to provide valuable insights into the prevalence and determinants of repeat pregnancy in the Limbe Health District, which can...
Prevalence, determinants, and consequences of teenage pregnancy on teenage girls in selected health areas of the Limbe Health District in Cameroon
December 2023
Teenage pregnancy is a significant public health concern in many low- and middle-income countries, including Cameroon. It leads to adverse health outcomes for both the mother and child, as well as social, economic, and educational challenges. Little is known about teenage pregnancy in the Limbe Health District. This study aimed to address this gap by determining the prevalence of teenage pregnancy, identifying the...
Factors associated with viral suppression and rebound in adult HIV patients on antiretroviral therapy
December 2023
Suppression of viral load and its maintenance are necessary for reducing morbidity and mortality linked to HIV infection. The present study aims to investigate the factors associated with viral load rebound in adults receiving antiretroviral treatment. The study was conducted in two outpatient treatment centers (CTAs) in Bangui. This cross-sectional analytical study was conducted from August 1 to 31, 2023. The study...
Prevalence of sexual dysfunction, factors, and psychological effects on adult males in the Buea Health District, Cameroon
December 2023
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of sexual dysfunction, associated factors, quality of life and health seeking habit of males in the Buea Health District (BHD). A community-based cross-sectional study was carried out on sexually active males. Sexual dysfunction and quality of life were assessed using the International Index for Erectile Function (IIEF) and the Sexual Quality of Life Scale-Male...
Employing an Eigenfunction Eigendecomposition algorithm to cartographically and statistically delineate traffic-related carbon monoxide pollution in Hillsborough County, Florida
November 2023
The traffic-related carbon monoxide (CO) pollution in Hillsborough County, Florida, has yet to be analyzed with high-resolution satellite data or algorithmic geo-spatiotemporal autocorrelation methods. This study aims to detect the association between traffic volume and CO pollution in Hillsborough County in 2022. It is hypothesized that daytime outdoor CO pollution positively correlates with traffic volume....
Epidemiological, entomological and evolutionary aspects of confirmed yellow fever cases from 2021 to 2022 in CAR
October 2023
Ten countries in the African region, including the Central African Republic (CAR), were in epidemics. The objective of this study was to describe the epidemiological, entomological and evolutionary aspects of the yellow fever epidemic in CAR. This is a retrospective study for descriptive purposes. The survey population consists of confirmed yellow fever cases from 2021 to 2022 in CAR. The data came from the basics of...
Frequency of different types of intimate partner violence in selected health units of the National Health Service of Mozambique: A retrospective study
October 2023
Intimate partner violence (IPV) includes a wide range of abusive behaviours perpetrated by someone involved or who was involved in an intimate relationship with the victim, and is a serious and preventable public health problem globally. This article reports on the frequency of different types of IPV in selected health units of the Mozambican National Health Service. The study was based on a cross-sectional and...
Unintended pregnancy and sexually transmissible infections amongst adolescents and young adults in Douala IV municipality, Cameroon: Prevalence, knowledge, and associated factors
October 2023
Adolescent pregnancy remains a significant public health challenge especially in sub-Saharan Africa, with a resultant significant morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and knowledge of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) amongst adolescents and young adults in the Douala IV municipality. A school-based cross-sectional study was carried out in the...
Association between adiposity indices and hypertension in an urban population of adults in the north west region of Cameroon
October 2023
The rising prevalence of obesity globally is becoming worrisome as excess weight is associated with hypertension and other adverse cardiovascular outcomes. This study therefore set out to determine the prevalence of hypertension in relation to some measures of adiposity (BMI, WC and WHtR) and to examine the association between blood pressure (BP) and the adiposity indices amongst adults in the North West Region of...
Prevalence of occupational disorders in low socio-economic manual stone crushers and healthcare seeking behaviour among quarry workers in North-Central Nigeria
September 2023
Manual stone crushing is an established small-scale industry in Northern Nigeria with workers exposed to several hazards that place them at high risk of several medical conditions. The study aimed to describe health-related conditions of manual stone crushers in North Central Nigeria through a cross-sectional study. Workers were selected using a multistage sampling technique with 151 participants....
Study of risk factors in adolescence in terms of demographic changes
September 2023
Adolescence is addressed as a life phase where the prospects for health are tremendous and future patterns of adult health are confirmed. Health in youth is the consequence of communications between prenatal and early childhood development and the precise biological, social-role, and demographical changes that accompany puberty, molded by social determinants, risk, and protective factors that affect the uptake of...
Perceived quality of healthcare provided by patent medicine vendors in rural and remote communities of low- and medium-Income countries (LMICs): A perspective from Nigeria
August 2023
Perceived quality of healthcare is a strong predictor of continuous utilization of healthcare. There is dearth of current evidence on the perception of the quality of the healthcare received from patent medicine vendors (PMVs) in low- and medium-income countries (LMICs). This study, therefore, through the lens of hard-to-reach communities in Nigeria seeks to assess the perception of the quality of healthcare provided by...
Knowledge and practice of road safety regulation by commercial motorbike riders in Douala-Cameroon
August 2023
To assess the knowledge and practice of commercial motorbike riders on road safety regulation and capture their challenges towards its implementation. This was a qualitative study with a narrative design and focus group discussion (FGD) and in-depth interview (IDI) as data collection methods. Two focus group discussions (n=22) were held constituting of commercial motorbike riders who had been purposefully recruited and...
Investigation of cluster cases of urinary bilharziasis in the health area of Klemeklo, Northwest Bouake, 2017
August 2023
Bilharzia is one of the major neglected tropical diseases with high morbidity in poor countries in tropical regions. In Côte d'Ivoire, the prevalence of bilharziasis varies from less than 1% to over 90%, depending on the region. It is the highest among school-age children. In March 2017, an epidemiological investigation of clustered cases of urinary bilharziasis was conducted in the village of Gbangaoukpli, a...
Predictive factors of loss to follow-up and mortality in HIV-infected patients after initiation of antiretroviral therapy at district hospital of Boromo, Burkina Faso
July 2023
Loss to follow-up (LTFU) and mortality after initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) remain major problem. We described predictive factors of LTFU and mortality after initiating ART among people living with HIV (PLHIV) and were followed in the district hospital of Boromo. This was a retrospective cohort study design of PLHIV enrolled for care and treatment in the district hospital of Boromo between 1 January 2015 and 31...
Modifiable lifestyle factors and their relationships with metabolic disorders among adults in Burkina Faso: Findings from the First National Survey
July 2023
Modifiable lifestyle factors should primarily be targeted for the cardiovascular diseases’ prevention. This study aimed to report the magnitude of modifiable lifestyle factors, their relationships with metabolic disorders in Burkinabè adults using nationally representative data. This cross-sectional study included 4100 adults selected through multistage cluster sampling performed during the first national...
Drug resistant tuberculosis treatment service alignment with health seeking behaviour in selected states in Nigeria
July 2023
Nigeria is among the fourteen countries with the highest MDR-TB burden, and accounts for 12% of the global gap in DRTB diagnosis. Several control strategies have been put in place to ensure that all DRTB patients are diagnosed and placed on treatment, but this has not significantly closed this diagnostic gap. This study seeks to identify the drug resistant TB treatment service alignment with health seeking behavior of...
Underage vaping behaviors and perceptions: Evidence from a social media survey of youth and young adults in New York State
July 2023
Vaping products, or “vapes,” remain the most commonly used tobacco product among youth and young adults in the United States. In 2020, we used social media advertisements to recruit current vape users aged 15 to 20 years in New York State. The online survey assessed vaping behaviors, dependence, harm perceptions, and cessation-related outcomes. Disposable vapes were the most commonly used type of...
Excess deaths within the context of COVID 19 pandemic in Aden in May 2020
June 2023
The civil registration office in Aden (at Southern Yemen) reported unexpected high number of deaths in May 2020 that made people and authorities worry about this tragedy and the causes behind it. The study aims to explore the relationship of these excess deaths with COVID 19. The study used a review of the death related data from the civil registration records in Aden. Other sources reviewed were the surveillance data...
Prevalence of Toxocara canis eggs in hairs of dogs in Saki Southwestern Nigeria
June 2023
Toxocara canis is one of the most prevalent gastrointestinal parasites of dogs and other canids worldwide. The closeness shared between humans and their companion animals (dogs) exposes humans to high risk of T. canis eggs, which leads to Visceral Larva Migrans (VLM) and Ocular Larval Migrans (OLM). This cross-sectional study was design to determine the prevalence and intensity of Toxocara canis eggs on the hair of dogs...
The impact of inter-professional education for HIV course in the preservice health care professionals using the jigsaw technique
June 2023
Lack of inter-professional collaboration and practice among Health care professionals could impede effective HIV health services delivery leading to poor health outcomes in people living with HIV. Adopting Inter-professional Education by using innovative teaching methods such as the jigsaw technique could foster collaboration among health care professional. The School of Nursing Sciences at the University of Zambia in...
Malaria and typhoid co-infection: Prevalence, awareness and associated risk factors in patients attending Bafmeng Medicalised Health Centre in Fungom subdivision, North West region, Cameroon
June 2023
Malaria and typhoid coexists in communities, with varied risk factors. This study aimed to analyse the situation of malaria/typhoid co-infection in Bafmeng, Cameroon. 367 participants, were given questionnaires, and venous blood collected from January To March 2021 for Plasmodium screening and Widal test. The malaria prevalence was 27.5% (101/367) and 32.7% (120/367) for typhoid. Malaria prevalence in males 33.9%...
Knowledge and determinants of non-communicable disease risk factors among adolescents in Jos North Local Government Area, Plateau State
June 2023
Risk factors for non-communicable diseases pose a huge burden among adolescents. This study used a qualitative approach to assess the knowledge and factors associated with non-communicable disease risk factors among adolescents in Jos North Local Government Area, Plateau State. Four focus group discussions were conducted, with sixteen (eight males and eight females) in-school and out-of-school adolescents, each selected...
Factors associated with detection of measles-specific immunoglobulin M (IgM-positive) in Côte d'Ivoire from 2015 to 2019: A nested case-control study from a measles national surveillance programme
May 2023
Measles outbreaks are regularly reported in Côte d’Ivoire districts although on-going measles vaccination coverage has increased. The objective was to identify the factors associated with measles IgM-positive in a population with suspected measles. A case-control study nested in the national surveillance of 9337 registered measles suspected cases from 2015 to 2019 in Côte d'Ivoire was conducted for...
The state of cervical cancer screening services and barriers to uptake in Abidjan, Côte D’Ivoire in 2017: A mixed methods study
May 2023
Cervical cancer (CC) remains a public health concern in Cote d’Ivoire. The national policy for the prevention of cervical cancer has been introduced more than 10 years ago, while the coverage of the target population is still suboptimal. We aimed at describing the barriers to screening among women in Abidjan. A mixed method study was completed from February to August 2016. Stakeholders were interviewed according...
Use of anabolic-androgenic steroids among university student athletes in a Nigerian community
May 2023
Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (AAS) are synthetic forms of male sex hormone used by athletes as performance enhancement drugs. The study aimed to assess the characteristics of university student athletes that use AAS and other substances they use. It also assessed their knowledge of the health effects of AAS and their attitude towards use of AAS. Cross-sectional study was conducted among 157 student athletes from...
Self-medication among inhabitants of Yaounde, Cameroon: Pull and push factors
April 2023
The rampant practice of self-medication is indicative of very strong existing push and pulls factors. These factors could be economic, social or systemic. Despite having some beneficial effects, self-medication has life-threatening consequences. This study was aimed to determine the factors which push users to medicine sources or factors at the sources which pull users. A pre-validated questionnaire was administered to...
Tends of "Zero-dose" children aged 12-23 months in Togo from 2000 to 2017 and predictions for 2030
April 2023
Guided by the principle of leaving no one behind by improving equitable access and use of new and existing vaccines, the Immunization Agenda 2030 aims, among other things, to halve the incidence of “zero-dose” at the national level. This study aimed at studying the tends of the prevalence of "zero-dose" children from 2000 to 2017 and making predictions for 2030. The study consisted of secondary...
Covid-19 infection: Successful global spread, challenges to public health surveillance, and lessons learnt
April 2023
The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 is a highly communicable disease that emerged in the twilight of 2019 in Wuhan, China but rapidly spread globally, resulting in a pandemic. Given its novelty, scientific information about its origin, biology, spread and preventive measures trickled over time, which could have been responsible for the successful global spread. In this paper, relevant literature related...
Correlation between nutritional awareness and food consumption behavior of the elderly in Samut Prakarn Province, Thailand
April 2023
This study was conducted to study the correlating factors between personal nutritional awareness and consumption behavior of the elderly in Samutprakarn Province, Thailand. Members of the elderly society of Samutprakarn Province were interviewed with a rating scale questionnaire to know about their personal data, nutritional awareness and the factors that influence their food consumption behaviors. 400 elderlies...
Molecular and serological pattern of Toxoplasma gondii among rural population in four regions of Gabon
April 2023
Toxoplasma gondii is an obligatory intracellular parasite that causes a zoonotic disease capable of infecting nearly all warm-blooded hosts, including humans. However, reports on the molecular prevalence of T. gondii in humans are rare in Gabon. The present study aimed to evaluate the serological and molecular prevalence of T. gondii among apparently healthy rural populations in four regions of Gabon. This study...
Sexually transmitted infection (STI): A malady with skewed marital unfaithfulness, the Nigerian experience
March 2023
Marital unfaithfulness is a major contributor to sexually transmitted infections in both sexes; however, societal view of the menace seems to use various lenses for the different sexes. Globally, evidence suggests that marital infidelity has existed in history. In Africa, as well as in Western society, infidelity is a problem facing many families and accounts for high incidence of divorce. This narrative review...
Knowledge, attitude and perception of mothers of under-five towards vaccination during supplementary immunization activities in Ibadan North-West Local Government Area, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria
January 2023
Supplementary immunization activities campaigns provide children with an additional dose of vaccine and deliver other interventions. However, there is dearth of information on knowledge, attitude and perception of mothers of under-five towards vaccination during supplementary immunization activities. A descriptive cross-sectional study which employed multistage sampling technique was designed to fill this gap. Four...
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