Awareness of sleeping sickness by the populations of the Bipindi historic focus: Lessons for ownership and sustainability of control interventions
April 2021
Socio-economic and socio-demographic factors have been considered as critical in disease epidemiology and need to be taken into consideration when designing health interventions. It is therefore strongly recommended to investigate population ownership to ensure sustainability of a given intervention. To this end, a household-based cross sectional survey was conducted to assess knowledge and perceptions regarding...
Knowledge and adherence to social distancing guidelines in Nigeria during the COVID-19 pandemic
April 2021
Social distancing refers to actions or steps taken by an individual or groups of individuals with the main purpose of reducing physical and social interaction to curb the spread of infectious disease. This study sought to determine Nigerians’ knowledge of social distancing and why most people do not adhere to the guidelines amid the COVID-19 pandemic. A non-probability sampling method was used for this study; data...
Prevalence of tobacco use and associated risk factors among pregnant women in Maracha District, Uganda
April 2021
Globally, tobacco use has become the largest public health threat that kills around 7 million people annually, of which about 6 million deaths are due to direct tobacco use, and 890,000 are attributed to passive smoking. This study assessed prevalence and associated risk factors of tobacco use among pregnant women, 15 to 49 years. Health facility-based analytical cross-sectional study was conducted...
Environmental and behavioural factors associated with Mycobacterium ulcerans infection in the district of Lalo in Benin: A case-control study
April 2021
The mode of transmission of Buruli ulcer (BU) is not yet well understood. This study aimed to identify risk factors for BU in the district of Lalo in Benin. This is a case-control study taking into account all cases of BU detected from 2013 to 2018 and treated at the Buruli’s ulcer Screening and Treatment Center (CDTUB) of Lalo. For each case, two controls were matched according to age and sex. Conditional...
Knowledge and risk factors for Lassa fever amongst students of Federal Polytechnic Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria
March 2021
Lassa fever (LF) is an acute, viral hemorrhagic illness which is common in West Africa. Students of tertiary institutions are also exposed to risk factors. Hence, the study aimed to assess the knowledge and risk factors for Lassa fever amongst students of the Federal Polytechnic Auchi, Edo State, Nigeria. This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among 240 undergraduate students of the Federal Polytechnic,...
Alcohol use and compliance with road safety rules among commercial motorcyclists in Southwest Nigeria
March 2021
Alcohol has been identified as one of the major causes of traffic accident as those driving under the influence of alcohol barely comply with road safety rules and regulations. This study investigated the influence of alcohol use on compliance with road safety rules among commercial motorcyclists in Southwest Nigeria. Cross sectional descriptive research of the survey type was used to conduct the study. The sample size...
Impact of the home-based management of malaria on morbidity and mortality in under-five children in Penka-Michel and Santchou Health Districts of Cameroon
March 2021
In Cameroon in 2017, malaria accounted for 53% of hospitalizations, 61% of deaths among under-five children. The National Program adopted since 2015 the integrated Community Directed Interventions (CDI) for the control of malaria. This study determined the impact of the home-based management of childhood malaria morbidity and mortality in the Penka-Michel and Santchou Health Districts of the West Region in Cameroon. A...
The prevalence, knowledge of health effect and attitude towards smoking among undergraduates in a Nigerian University
February 2021
Smoking prevalence has been on the rise among university students in Nigeria despite the high awareness of harmful effects of smoking on health irrespective of the substance smoked, leading to death of millions annually. The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence, knowledge of health effect and attitude towards smoking among students of Alex Ekwueme Federal University Ndufu Alike, Ebonyi State. This was a...
COVID-19: Correlation between gross domestic product, number of tests, and confirmed cases in 13 African countries
February 2021
This study aimed to analyze the relationship between gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, the number of tests, and confirmed cases of COVID-19 in South Africa, Ivory Coast, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia, Morocco, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, Tunisia, and Zimbabwe. The database data on COVID-19 (coronavirus) (GitHub platform) was the source of information on GDP per capita, the number of tests, and confirmed...
Knowledge, attitudes, perception and behaviours of HIV/AIDS among end-cycle students in Cote d’Ivoire: Cross-sectional survey
January 2021
In Cote d’Ivoire, the prevalence of HIV/AIDS has declined significantly in the last decade as a result of public health actions. An assessment of knowledge, attitudes, perception and behaviours was carried out to assess the outcome of the strategies for raising awareness and communicating with students about HIV/AIDS. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 2014 among students enrolled in third year...
Traditional inoculation practices that led to the development of modern vaccination Techniques: A review
January 2021
Most developments in biotechnology during the last few decades focused on the potential applications of human health, vaccination being the most prominent invention to date. Disease prevention is the most convenient and highly effective approach to promoting human health and prolonging life. Vaccinations have prevented millions of deaths worldwide every year and diseases that used to kill, disable or debilitate millions...
Effectiveness of the medical response teams to the 2014 Ebola outbreak: African immigrants’ perceptions
December 2020
During the 2014 Ebola virus outbreak, international medical response teams were sent to help contain the virus. The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of the medical response teams from African immigrants’ perspectives. Qualitative data was gathered through the use of a semi-structured interview guide. Participants included thirteen African immigrants, ages 18 and above living in California....
Risk factors of under nutrition among indigenous children under five years in developing countries: A scoping review
December 2020
Undernutrition is a leading cause of child mortality, especially among indigenous peoples worldwide. Understanding associated predictors is essential for mitigation strategies. This review was undertaken to identify existing literature on the determinants of undernutrition among under-five indigenous children in developing countries, and to reveal existing knowledge gaps. Using relevant terms, we searched for relevant...
Meteorological factors associated with a high prevalence of leishmaniasis in Nicaragua
December 2020
Nicaragua has an alarmingly high prevalence of cutaneous (CL) and mucocutaneous (MCL) leishmaniasis in recent years with environmental factors creating a perfect habitat for vector-mammalian reservoirs and transmission of the parasite. The aim of this study is to identify environmental risk factors that may play a role in the high prevalence of CL in Nicaragua. The epidemiological, clinical, and tissue sample diagnosis...
Preparing for the COVID-19 pandemic response in a country emerging from an Ebola Epidemic: Assessment of health workers’ knowledge, attitudes and practices on coronavirus (COVID-19) in Guinea
November 2020
On January 30, 2020, the World Health Organization designated the outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Scope (USPPI). The purpose of this study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of medical personnel on the prevention of Covid-2019. A cross-sectional study among front-line health workers in the health facilities in the city of Conakry was carried out. The knowledge and attitude score...
Which approach to modeling? Predicting infectious disease dynamics in epidemics
November 2020
Disease outbreaks can be devastating to many nations. Interventions of all kinds are run alongside treatments or preventive measures. The effectiveness of the measures taken depends on the number of individuals who are susceptible, exposed, infectious or recovered. These in turn are a function of the nature of the disease: The mode of transmission, the risk of infection reproduction number and incubation period among...
Cluster of neonatal tetanus: Case series from one traditional birth attendant's home in Uyo, South-South Nigeria
November 2020
Neonatal tetanus, a completely preventable disease, still contributes to morbidity and mortality in Akwa Ibom State, despite the fact that there should have been a global eradication many years back. It therefore still constitutes a public health problem. The aim of this work is to highlight the importance of continuous educational actions for pregnant women, mother and midwives with a view to preventing neonatal...
Mapping and characterization of Ijede community - A semi-urban population in Ikorodu Local Government Area of Lagos, Nigeria
November 2020
Demographic and health surveys provide household level data on population dynamics and health-related issues. Findings from a well characterized community can be used by relevant stakeholders to plan appropriate and acceptable health interventions for the benefit of the citizens. This project aimed to characterize Ijede community in Ikorodu LGA of Lagos State, Nigeria in preparation for a more appropriate Demographic...
Could serum levels of calcidiol predict the onset of chronic inflammatory conditions?
October 2020
Previous research studies had suggested that low serum calcidiol could lead to the onset of chronic inflammatory conditions (CIC). This study used the dataset of National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2005-2006 to investigate whether serum calcidiol can predict CIC. The linear correlation between serum calcidiol and body mass index (BMI) was explored for therapeutic purposes. A point prevalence of...
Prevalence of intestinal helminths and their effects on anthropometric, haematological and metabolic parameters among patients of two teaching hospitals in N’Djamena (Chad)
October 2020
This study was to determine intestinal helminths and their effects on anthropometric, hematological and metabolic parameters among patients in two teaching hospitals in the region of N’Djamena (Chad). Patients consisting of 300 adults at the gastroenterology service of the National Reference Teaching Hospital (NRTH) and 112 children at the pediatric ward in Mother and Child Teaching Hospital (MCTH). Their ages...
Review of Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: Implications for Puerto Rico
September 2020
In recent years in the United States there has been a shift towards legalization of marijuana for medical and recreational purposes. The medical use of cannabis is legalized in 33 states, 4 territories and the district of Columbia. Medical marijuana use was legalized in Puerto Rico in 2015. Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) is one of the effects of the use of cannabis. This paper will attempt to...
Birth defects among immigrants: Impact of exposure to a new environment, a 20 year population-based study
September 2020
Birth defects remain a global health issue. With increasing rates of migration, it is important to explore the role of immigration and the impact of new environments, especially food fortification, on birth defect prevalence. The prevalence of birth defects in the first year of life was compared between children born to immigrant and non-immigrant mothers in Ontario, Canada. Data on country of origin and arrival date...
Geospatial variation and risk factors for under-five mortality in rural Misungwi, North-western Tanzania
September 2020
This study aims to examine if, when holding socio-economic, bio-demographic and healthcare covariates constant, geospatial indicators help to explain variations in the under-five mortality rate across wards from a high focus district of Misungwi in Tanzania. Data were collected from a 2019 survey which canvassed 540 households with 471 women aged 15-49. A total of 737 live births that occurred during five years...
Potential impact of temperature and atmospheric pressure on the number of cases of COVID-19 in Mozambique, Southern Africa
September 2020
The potential reasons why COVID-19 is not spreading rapidly in Sub-Saharan Africa include sociopolitical, biological and environmental variables. Among the latter, some studies indicate temperature and atmospheric pressure as significantly influential. Could they have impact on the number of COVID-19 cases in Mozambique? The aim of this study is to analyze the relationships between weather and the frequency of confirmed...
Assessing predictive factors of the patient’s length of stay in the emergency room of Yaoundé Central Hospital, Cameroon
August 2020
We assessed whether the emergency room at Yaoundé Central Hospital (YCH) met international standards; while analyzing factors that are associated with the length of stay, a key performance indicator of the emergency medicine department. Based on the data of patient admissions and discharges recorded from February 2017 to June 2018 in the emergency room of YCH, data was extracted from about two thousand research...
Factors affecting one-year follow-up visit after cryotherapy among women in Côte d’Ivoire: A retrospective cohort analysis
August 2020
Cervical cancer screening program based on a single visit approach through visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) and cryotherapy is scaled up since 2012 in Cote d’Ivoire. To assess factors affecting one-year follow-up visit after cryotherapy, a retrospective cohort analysis was performed among all women tested positive and treated by cryotherapy in cervical cancer units in Abidjan from 2010 to 2014. A logistic...
High-accuracy detection of malaria mosquito habitats using drone-based multispectral imagery and Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms in an agro-village peri-urban pastureland intervention site (Akonyibedo) in Unyama Sub–County, Gulu District, Northern Uganda
July 2020
The purpose of this research is to design, deploy and validate artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms operating on drone videos to enable a real time methodology for optimizing predictive mapping unknown, geographic locations (henceforth, geolocation) of potential, seasonal, Anopheles (gambiae, and funestus) larval habitats in an agro-village, epi-entomological, intervention site (Akonyibedo village)...
A comparison of male and female headed house holding of orphans and vulnerable children in Nigeria
July 2020
Literature revealed the prognosis of vulnerability of households headed by females in general is poor. One can imagine the situation in households occupied by orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). Orphan-hood may arise from the death of one or both parents. This study compared the situation in male and female headed households among OVC households in three selected communities in Nigeria. The survey was carried out...
Effects of COVID-19 on healthcare practice, medical education, and pre-medical educational experiences
July 2020
The focus of the study is to gather data on the current effects of COVID-19 on healthcare practice, medical and pre-medical educational experiences, and permanent implications. This was completed by analyzing data from novel COVID-19 and related studies. The results of the study can show the lasting impact of COVID-19 on medical education and the healthcare field. To reduce exposure and possible disease transmission,...
A protocol for a randomized controlled trial on mobile phone text messaging to improve sexo-reproductive health in Cameroon
July 2020
This trial aims at testing the efficacy of weekly sexo-reproductive health educational text messages to improve perception of adolescent girls on sexo-reproductive health in Cameroon. This is a single-centered randomized controlled single-blinded trial. Adolescent girls aged 10 to 19 years in the Kumbo West Health District are the target population. A central computer generated randomization list was used to prevent...
Epidemiology of tuberculosis in the Somme Department, France five years after implementation of the French National Tuberculosis Program
June 2020
In order to assess the measures involved in the control of tuberculosis in the Somme Department, France, five years after the implementation of the French National Tuberculosis Program, we found it essential to describe the precise epidemiology on this disease. All reported cases of tuberculosis between 2007 and 2011 were retrospectively included and a descriptive analysis of the incidence of the disease and...
Supply and demand side factors influencing utilization of infant and young child feeding in Gibe District, Hadiya Zone, South Ethiopia
June 2020
Although infant and young child feeding practices play an important role in reducing early childhood morbidity and mortality, very large proportions of women do not practice optimal breastfeeding and complementary feeding for their children in Ethiopia. Till date, none has addressed the supply and demand side factors that influence infant and young child feeding practices (IYCFP). This work aims to assess supply and...
Performance of the routine health information system for epidemiological surveillance of road traffic injuries in Benin
June 2020
Road crashes are the leading cause of death among people aged 15 and above. The routine health information system is used to monitor common hospital illnesses, including road traffic injuries. The objective of this study was to evaluate its performance in the surveillance of road traffic injuries in Benin in 2019. This was an evaluative study, based on updated guidelines from the Centre for Disease Prevention and...
A study on the relationship between Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) vaccination and Covid-19 prevalence: Do other confounders warrant investigation?
June 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic, which originated from Wuhan, Hubei province, China, and quickly spread to the rest of the globe is caused by SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. Preliminary data suggest a relationship between the BCG vaccine and the prevalence of Covid-19. The vaccine is used in the prevention of tuberculosis, a disease that is most prevalent in developing countries. To determine the potential protective role of Bacillus...
Association of glycaemia control, age and duration of morbidity with the quality of life in patients of type 2 diabetes mellitus attending the tertiary care hospital in field practice area of Ottapalam Palakad
June 2020
Diabetes is a chronic progressive endocrine disease characterized by elevation of blood glucose level. This disease is associated with decreased life expectancy; increased morbidity and diminished quality of life. The objective of the study is to assess the correlation of glycaemic control, age and duration of disease with quality of life in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. The present cross-sectional study...
Knowledge and awareness of pregnant women on HIV and AIDS in Butwal, Nepal
June 2020
This study examined knowledge and awareness regarding HIV and AIDS among pregnant women in Butwal, Nepal. Pregnant women were selected using a systematic random sampling method from the antenatal care registry at every 5th and 10th interval. Although 80% of women mentioned unprotected sexual contact as the major route of HIV transmission, only 36.7% women knew that HIV can be transmitted from the infected mothers to...
Risky sexual behaviors and substance use among youths in post-conflict Liberia
June 2020
Sexually transmitted infections pose a public health crisis globally and in low and middle-income countries, and substance use has been linked to an increased risk of engaging in risky sexual behaviors among youths. This work aims to explore the relationship between substance use and risky sexual behaviors among school-based youths in Liberia. An 86-question survey was developed to collect information about substance...
How United States healthcare can learn from Costa Rica: A literature review
May 2020
As the development and upkeep of the United States healthcare becomes increasingly debated in society, the systems in place of other successful countries provide opportunities for erudition and comparison. One country’s system which seems to be consistently overlooked despite its vast improvement to the country is Costa Rica’s universal healthcare. In this comprehensive study of the healthcare systems in...
Epidemiological and demographic factors associated with diarrhoea in Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria
May 2020
Diarrhoea is a disease condition of having at least three loose or liquid bowel movements each day. It often lasts for a few days leading to dehydration as a result of fluid and electrolyte losses. The aim of this study was to identify epidemiological factors leading to diarrhoea amongst children (0–5) years in selected hospitals in Makurdi, Benue State. An interviewer structured questionnaire was administered to...
A narrative synthesis on COVID-19 risks and concerns in developing countries: The case of Ethiopia
April 2020
In this review, we addressed risk factors for the spread of COVID-19 in the perspective of developing countries, and necessary measures to be undertaken to minimize or control its consequential crisis. Databases such as MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, Web of Science, Scopus and websites of WHO, CDC, and ECDC were searched for relevant information and a narrative analysis approach was followed. As of April 10, 2020,...
Prevalence and risk factors for pre-eclampsia/eclampsia in Northern Tanzania
April 2020
Pre-eclampsia/Eclampsia has significant impact on maternal and perinatal health. Little is known about prevalence and risk factors for pre-eclampsia/eclampsia in Tanzania. This study aimed to determine prevalence and risk factors for pre-eclampsia/eclampsia among women who delivered at KCMC hospital between 2000 and 2014. Retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted at KCMC medical birth registry....
Quality of life of HIV patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy: A scoping review
March 2020
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection is one of the life-threatening conditions that affect various domains of patients’ life. The quality of life (QoL) of HIV patients has emerged as a major public health concern. People living with HIV (PLHIV) experience numerous problems that range from discrimination, changes in the patterns of relationships (intimacy), loss of social status, role, jobs and financial...
Evaluation of the delivery of biological specimens from health care facilities to the National Laboratory in Abidjan, Cote D’ivoire
March 2020
In 2018, the National Institute of Public Hygiene (INHP) signed an agreement with a courier deliver company to transport specimens from health facilities at district level to the national laboratory in Abidjan. This study aims to evaluate the quality of the specimens transport system, one year after implementation. The duration of specimen’s delivery was used as a quality indicator. It is the difference between...
Assessment of healthcare facilities location and medical waste generation and handling in Nigeria
February 2020
This paper assessed healthcare facilities location and medical waste generation and handling in Nigeria. Analysis such as descriptive statistics, correlation and factor analysis was carried out to identify gaps in healthcare facilities location and medical waste management in Nigeria. The population-to-healthcare provider ratio and healthcare waste generation rates in Nigeria were also analysed. The north central...
A mixed method approach for the assessment of demand creation intervention strategy for polio eradication on exclusive breast feeding in Northern Nigeria
February 2020
The Federal Ministry of Health, Nigeria introduced incentives such as sachets milk powder to increase demand for oral polio vaccine (OPV). This study assessed whether the milk encourages the use of breast milk substitutes thereby dis-incentivising exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) in children during the first six months of life. A cross sectional design with mixed method was used for collecting quantitative and qualitative...
Hypertension and associated factors in Atlantic region of Benin in 2015: A community-based study
January 2020
Hypertension is a major public health problem that does not spare Sub-Saharan Africa and especially Benin. There is scarce data on the factors associated with this condition in areas of high population pressure in Benin. We investigated factors associated with hypertension in Atlantic region. We conducted a cross-sectional survey in Benin in the Atlantic region for people aged 18 and over. This was an analysis of data...
Factors associated with low birth weight at Tchamba District Hospital, Togo: 2014 to 2016
January 2020
In 2013, in Togo, the Demographic and Health Survey III estimated the proportion of low birth weight at 10%. The objective of this study was to determine the factors associated with low birth weight in Togo. We conducted a case-control study on newborn records from Tchamba Hospital from 2014 to 2016. Cases were newborns with birth weight strictly below 2500 g whereas controls were those with a weight greater than or...
Survival and predictors of mortality from multidrug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) among patients treated at MDR-TB Referal Hospitals in Ethiopia: A retrospective cohort study
January 2020
The extent and burden of MDR-TB varies significantly from country to country. In Africa, fewer than half of patients receiving therapy for multidrug-resistant TB (MDR TB) are successfully treated. Even though MDR-TB treatment was started in 2009 survival of MDR-TB treatment particularly of adverse treatment outcome is not studied in national level. Institution based retrospective cohort study was conducted at...
Psychoactive substance: Determining its harmful and dependent use patterns and associated level of risks among high school students in Afar region, Ethiopia
January 2020
This research investigates psychoactive substance abuse that causes significant health problems in its various chemical effects. It also determines the patterns of its use and level of risk of harm assessment to humans. Harmful determination is dependent upon patterns used in psychoactive substance and its associated level of risk among high school students in Afar region, Ethiopia. The study described a survey of 400...
Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practices of healthcare workers about prevention and control of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis at Infectious Diseases Hospital Kano, Nigeria
January 2020
Tuberculosis is one of the major public health problems in Kano. With the occurrence of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, little is known about the views of health care workers on this disease. The aim of this study was to investigate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of healthcare professionals about prevention and control of Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) at Infectious Diseases Hospital (IDH), Kano,...
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