Resurgence of yaws in Benin: Four confirmed cases in the district of Zè, Southern Benin
December 2019
Yaws is an infectious neglected tropical disease (NTD) caused by the Treponema pallidum pertenue which is highly contagious and transmitted through direct contact with an infected person. It mainly affects skin, bone and cartilage and predominantly in children under 15 years of age. The last cases in Benin were documented in 1982 in the districts of Adjohoun, Bonou and Dangbo in Southern Benin. In line with the global...
Unmatchability of mobile phone and handlebar: Predictors among professional motorcyclists at Cotonou (Benin)
December 2019
In Benin, professional motorcyclists represent a consistent part of transport services, particularly in the city of Cotonou. However, this activity remains poorly regulated, which contributes to the development of risky behaviors. Among these latter, there is not enough evidence about the use of mobile phones while driving. The study aims to estimate the prevalence of mobile phone use while driving and to identify the...
Assessing tuberculosis preventive methods in the Somme department: Collaboration between the Tuberculosis Control Center and its partners
November 2019
Tuberculosis Control Center (TBCC) is responsible for prevention of the TB in France. The collaboration of this center with its partners has not yet been studied. All notified cases of TB and all of their contacts screened between 2007 and 2011 were retrospectively included. Communication between actors in tuberculosis control was analyzed. Of the 175 reported cases, the TBCC sent 85.1% of letters to the notifiers,...
Factors associated with pulmonary tuberculosis treatment failure in Togo, 2015-2016
November 2019
Tuberculosis (TB) treatment failure compromises its elimination as recommended by Sustainable Development Goals. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors associated with pulmonary TB treatment failure in Togo between 2015 and 2016. An unmatched case-control study was conducted on cases of pulmonary TB under treatment at all of 47 TB Diagnostic and Treatment Centers (DTC) in Togo between 2015 and 2016....
Knowledge and practice of essential newborn care among postnatal mothers in Addis Ababa City Health Centers, Ethiopia
September 2019
Essential newborn care is a wide-ranging approach planned to improve the health of newborn through interventions after pregnancy. In Ethiopia, about 120,000 newborns die every year in the first weeks of life which accounts for 42% of all deaths of under-five mortality. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the knowledge and practice of essential newborn care practices among mothers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A...
Determinants of focused antenatal care service satisfaction in public health facilities in Ethiopia 2018: A mixed study design
September 2019
Ethiopia has been implementing focused antenatal care package to reduce maternal and child deaths. The quality of antenatal care service has not being resolved widely due to unstandardized measurement. Hence, this study assessed determinants of focused antenatal care service satisfaction in Public Health Facilities of West Guji Zone, Ethiopia, 2018. A facility based cross-sectional triangulated with qualitative study...
Awareness and psychosocial support for breast cancer patients and its public health implications
September 2019
Breast cancer is the most common and steeply rising cancer among women in Bangladesh. This qualitative observational study is done to assess the psychosocial sufferings of breast cancer patients. The purpose of the study is to evaluate eradication of social obstacles and to amend the overall level of distress and stigma associated with breast cancer. The observational prospective study was conducted on 240 patients aged...
Alarming levels of ototoxicity among multidrug resistant tuberculosis patients on intensive phase of treatment at specialist treatment centers in South Western, Nigeria
September 2019
Management of multi drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) patients remains a challenge in the control of tuberculosis worldwide. MDR-TB patients require long term treatment with drugs that cause various adverse effects especially ototoxicity associated with aminoglycoside. Current treatment guidelines still include aminoglycosides use especially in developing countries. However, there is dearth of information regarding...
Willingness of community to enroll in community based health insurance and associated factors at household Level in Siraro District, West Arsi Zone, Ethiopia
August 2019
To ensure that health care is accessible to all, Community Based Health Insurance (CBHI) should be promoted and more people should be encouraged to participate in it. The aim of this study is to assess the willingness of community to enroll in community based health insurance and factors associated at household level in Siraro District, Ethiopia, 2017. Community based cross sectional study design was employed for 413...
Family engagement: A model for improved health outcomes in Puerto Rico
August 2019
Puerto Rico has been undergoing economic and health crises, which were exacerbated by damages from hurricane Maria in 2017. Family is central to the Latino culture, in which it is commonly referred to as familismo. The term implies strong family ties and engagement in all aspects of Puerto Rican life. This study examined how it could be harnessed as a powerful tool to improve health outcomes in that context. The...
Seroprevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen and associated risk factors among pregnant women in Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Addis Ababa
August 2019
Hepatitis B is the world’s most common serious liver infection caused by Hepatitis B virus (HBV). Rate of vertical transmission is very high from infected mother to baby and has adverse effect on both. A cross-sectional study involving a total of 384 pregnant women attending Gandhi Memorial Hospital in Addis Ababa from April to June 2017 was conducted to determine the seroprevalence and risk factors of HBV among...
Factors affecting utilization of antenatal care services and institutional delivery at Koghum in Jos South, Plateau State, Nigeria
July 2019
Access to antenatal care services promotes safe motherhood and delivery. This study identified factors influencing the utilization of antenatal care services and health facility-based delivery. A cross sectional survey was conducted. Households were enumerated, and a systematic sampling method was deployed. A sample size of 200 was used. Of the 200 HHs, 198 women were interviewed using pretested semi-structured...
Knowledge, attitudes, perception and behaviours of HIV/AIDS among end-cycle students in Cote d’Ivoire: Cross-sectional survey
July 2019
In Cote d’Ivoire, the prevalence of HIV/AIDS has declined significantly in the last decade as a result of public health actions. An assessment of knowledge, attitudes, perception and behaviours was carried out to assess the outcome of the strategies for raising awareness and communicating with students about HIV/AIDS. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in 2014 among students enrolled in third year...
Framework for establishing data gaps: A case for sustainable development goal 3
July 2019
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted by members states of the United Nations in September 2015. One of the major principles of the SDGs is “Leave No One Behind”. As such SDG monitoring requires data from all population groups, particularly the most vulnerable and most unreachable. This poses a challenge to governments in terms of collecting data from such groups to monitor status of SDGs....
Knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of premarital sex among bedsit-living students in Hue City, Vietnam
April 2019
The study aimed to explore knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of premarital sex and its associated factors among bedsit-living students. A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in Hue city, Vietnam in 2015. Multi-stage cluster sampling was used to recruit students. Data were collected by using a self-administered questionnaire at participant’s room. A total of 730 students (men/women: 44.2%/55.8%,...
Relationship of combined frequency of hypertension and diabetes mellitus to socioeconomic status: A comparative study in Anambra State of Nigeria
April 2019
There are conflicting reports on the relationship between hypertension and diabetes mellitus (DM) with socioeconomic status. This study explores this relationship individually and jointly. This is a cross sectional comparative study. Adults that participated in medical outreach organized for high and low socioeconomic status (SES) were tested for hypertension and DM. Mean age in years for high and low SES was 58.69...
Combined exposure pattern of household products used by consumers
March 2019
To accurately evaluate the health risk of consumers from the combined effects of substances in multiple used household products, data on co-use and multiple-use habits and practices of consumers necessarily constitute a fundamental element of the exposure assessment process. To understand the current combined use pattern of household products, reliable combined exposure data were investigated. Eleven household product...
Knowledge, attitude and uptake of family planning services among women of reproductive age group attending outpatient clinic at a tertiary health institution in Edo State, Nigeria
March 2019
Globally, family planning service is an essential element of reproductive health care and contributes immensely to the reduction of the worldwide burden of maternal and child morbidity and mortality. This study was designed to assess the knowledge, attitude and uptake of family planning services, among women of reproductive age group attending outpatient clinic at Irrua Specialist Teaching Hospital, Irrua, Nigeria. A...
Superstitious knowledge of the phenomena of teeth eruption in rural area of Ferlo in Senegal
February 2019
Teeth are physiological phenomenon that appears in child and who begins around 6 to 8 months after birth. The aim of this work was to study superstitious knowledge of the phenomena of teeth eruption in the mothers peulhs of Ferlo in Senegal. The research method was a descriptive and qualitative study; comprising questioning the mothers of children in the phase of active teeth eruption by structured, semi-structured...
Community based health insurance as a viable option for health financing: An assessment of household willingness to pay in Lagos, Nigeria
February 2019
The high cost and effect of out of pocket payments for health care on households in developing countries have led to the use of community-based health insurance (CBHI) as a viable alternative for health care funding. The overall objective of the study was to assess the perception and determinants of willingness-to-pay (WTP) for a proposed community based health insurance scheme in urban and rural households in Lagos...
Assessment of public knowledge, attitude and practices towards rabies in the community of Kombolcha, Southern Wollo, Amhara Reginal State, Ethiopia
January 2019
The study was conducted from November 2016 to April 2017 in 12 kebeles (the smallest administrative unit of Ethiopia) of Kombolcha, Southern Wollo Amhara Regional State, Ethiopia. The aims of the study were to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of Kombolcha’s community toward rabies and associated risk factors. A cross-sectional study design and multistage sampling procedures were employed to...
Immunization coverage of 12 to 23 months old children in Ethiopia
January 2019
Vaccine preventable diseases are the major global health problem which contributes to morbidity and mortality of less than 5 years child population. But, the immunization coverage worldwide is below the target. Therefore, the study was aimed at immunization coverage of 12 to 23 months old children in Areka Town, Sothern Ethiopia. A community based cross-sectional study conducted from 10th March to 19th June 19, 2016 in...
Barriers of palliative care practice among health care providers: In case of Jimma town, south west Ethiopia
January 2019
Globally, palliative care is an urgent humanitarian need for patients with cancer and other chronic disease. Currently, it is estimated that only one in ten people who need palliative care receive it. Therefore, this study is aimed to identify barriers preventing people from using the service. Institutional based qualitative case study was conducted among twenty- seven purposively selected health care providers. Two...
Proper utilization of long lasting treated net and associated factors at Zuway Dugda district, Arsi zone, Ethiopia
January 2019
Insecticide-treated net is one of the main malaria control strategies reducing its incidence by half. This study measured proper utilization of insecticide-treated nets in the study area. To assess proper utilization of insecticide treated net and determinants among households of Zuway Dugda district, Ethiopia. Community based cross-sectional multistage study conducted using structured questionnaire via interview and...
Risky sexual behaviors and associated factors among high and preparatory school youth, East Wollega, Ethiopia, 2017: A cross-sectional study design
January 2019
Most of the sexual initiation and sexual practice of the youth begins at secondary school level. At this stage student assumed to be exposed to many risky sexual behaviors. However, little research had been explored in the Oromia region particularly in East Wollega zone on this area. A cross-sectional study design was used to assess risky sexual behavior and associated factors among high school and preparatory school...
Prevalence of hepatitis B virus, its risk factors and co-infection with human immune deficiency virus among clients of voluntary counseling and testing center in Hosanna, Southern Ethiopia
December 2018
Hepatitis B infection (HBV) infection is a serious public health problem worldwide and its co-infection with human immune deficiency virus (HIV) is common due to shared routes of transmission. An increased mortality due to accelerated hepatic disease progression and the frequent hepatotoxicity caused by antiretroviral therapy are the challenges in the clinical management of HIV. Epidemiological studies on HBV and...
Risky sexual behaviors and associated factors among preparatory school students in Arba Minch town, Southern Ethiopia
December 2018
There is growing evidence suggesting that young people in school are practicing risky sexual behaviors. Ethiopian people aged 10 to 24 years have emerged as the segments of the population most vulnerable to a broad spectrum of serious sexual health problems. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to assess risky sexual behaviors and associated factors among preparatory school students in Arba Minch, Southern...
The association between sugary food and drinks intake and the risk of stroke mortality in the adventist health study-2
December 2018
A high consumption of added sugar has been associated with several cardiovascular risk factors, including obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia. The main goal was to assess the association of sugary food and drink intake on the risk of stroke mortality. The Adventist Health Study-2 (AHS-2) is a prospective study with approximately 96,000 participants from the United States and Canada. Subjects were...
Prevalence and intensity of urinary schistosomiasis in Ogun state, Southwest, Nigeria
November 2018
Schistosomiasis is an environmentally-mediated disease that depend on the presence of suitable habitats for snails, which serve as intermediate hosts for the causative parasites. Research has shown that the disease is endemic in Osun state and remains unabated. Until now, there has never been any mapping of the disease in the State. This study will serve as a reliable baseline data for intervention planning in the...
Assessment of the unmet needs of contraception among female undergraduate students in southern Nigeria
November 2018
The proportion of women who have an unmet need for modern contraception is highest (24%) in Sub-Saharan Africa, which is double the world average of 12% in 2015. This unmet need leads to unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortions and limitation of women’s ability to achieve educational, employment and economic goals. This study aims to assess the unmet needs of contraception and the reasons for contraceptive non-use...
Bacteriology of Opa River, Ile-Ife, Nigeria and its public health implication on selected bordering areas
November 2018
This study determined the bacteriological quality of water from the Opa River and assessed the impact of human behaviour on the quality of water along the river course. Twenty five water samples were collected over a period of five weeks at five selected points based on population clusters along the river. A hundred questionnaire items were administered to randomly selected residents to elicit information about the...
Prevalence and socio-demographic factors associated with malaria infection among children under five years in Tanzania
November 2018
Malaria is one among four main infectious diseases leading in death for the under-five children in Africa. This study aim to determine prevalence of malaria and social demographic factors related with children under-five in Tanzania. The study used cross section data extracted from Tanzania demographic health survey collected from 2015 to 2016. A sample of 9,322 under five children with malaria rapid diagnostic test...
Investigating risk factors associated with the persistence of malaria in the Obang valley, North West Region, Cameroon
October 2018
Malaria interventions - vector control using long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) or indoor residual spraying, chemoprevention and case management including diagnosis and treatment of infections - are highly effective and affordable. These interventions have led to a significant reduction in malaria prevalence, and a marked decline in morbidity and mortality associated. Despite these increasing control efforts, this...
Sanitation practice and associated factors among slum dwellers residing in urban slums of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: A community based cross-sectional study
October 2018
Attaining sustainable sanitation in urban slum community is still an issue and continues to be a gap. Furthermore, factors associated with sanitation practices among slum dwellers has not been yet well explored in many low income countries, such as Ethiopia. This study was designed to determine the sanitation practice and associated factors among slum dwellers residing in urban slums of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A...
Mental health status of students attending tertiary institutions in Bayelsa State, Nigeria
October 2018
National health policies that take into cognizance the interventions against the menace of students’ ill health in Nigeria are limited. This study investigated the health status of students in tertiary institutions in Bayelsa State. A descriptive study design was adopted to randomly select four tertiary institutions out of six. Two hundred students were randomly selected from the four schools; fifty from each...
Prevalence of premarital sexual practices and its associated factors among high school students in Addis Zemen Town, South Gondar, Ethiopia, 2017
October 2018
Pre-marital sex is a penetrative vaginal or anal sexual intercourse performed before formal marriage in younger population. Moreover, these population groups are less likely than adults to have the information, skills and support to protect themselves against HIV/AIDS and other consequences of premarital sex. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of pre-marital sexual practice and its associated factors...
Occurrence of diarrhea and utilization of zinc bundled with ORS among caregivers of children less than five-years in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
September 2018
In response to the high occurrence of diarrhea in Ethiopia, the Federal Ministry of Health employed an effective strategy that included administration of zinc together with oral rehydration salt to treat children suffered diarrhea since 2013. Nonetheless, information on zinc bundled with ORS uptake is limited and thus this study has examined zinc utilization among beneficiaries. A community based cross-sectional study...
Tinea capitis:A tropical disease of hygienic concern among primary school children in an urban community in Nigeria
September 2018
Tinea capitis is the most common dermatophyte infection in school age children in developing countries and is known to impact negatively on their health and well-being. This study determined the prevalence of T. capitis and its relationship with hygiene among primary school pupils in Ile-Ife. This descriptive cross-sectional study recruited randomly selected pupils from public and private schools in Ile-Ife from March...
Seroprevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection among pregnant women attending antenatal clinics within Kaduna metropolis, North-Central, Nigeria
September 2018
Chlamydia trachomatis is a major causative agent of sexually transmitted disease (STD), which can damage a woman’s reproductive organs. The prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection was investigated among 200 pregnant women attending antenatal clinics in three hospitals located within Kaduna metropolis, North-Central, Nigeria. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay technique was performed to detect chlamydia...
Quality of tuberculosis treatment services in public hospitals of Sidama Zone, Southern Ethiopia, 2016
September 2018
Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health problem, responsible for ill health among millions of people each year. It is the second leading cause of death from an infectious disease worldwide following human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Tuberculosis control measures are limited by the quality of care provided at the local level. Providing a quality and timely care for patients with TB is crucial in prevention and...
Assessment of major causes of heart failure and it’s pharmacologic management among patients at Felege Hiwot referral hospital in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
September 2018
Heart failure is a complex, clinical syndrome of signs and symptoms that are caused by defects in cardiac structure, function, or both, resulting in impairment of peripheral circulation and organ oxygenation. It is a staggering clinical and public health problem and the study of the epidemiology on heart failure demonstrated that heart failure is associated with significant mortality, morbidity, and health care...
Health problems related to algal bloom among seaweed farmers in coastal areas of Tanzania
August 2018
There is a scarcity of research-based data on the factors associated with skin irritation due to algal blooms in seaweed farming. Changes in temperature with an increase in nutrients levels lead to the growth of harmful algal blooms, which produce many active metabolites, some of which induce toxic responses in human including skin irritation. The objective of this study was to identify health problems experienced by...
Cancer survival in Brazil: Estimate through the mortality to incidence ratio
August 2018
Information about cancer incidence, mortality and survival is one of the pillars for disease monitoring. In Brazil, only a few studies show population-based survival. The mortality to incidence ratio (M:I) is an indirect measure of cancer survival and can be used to estimate a population cancer survival. To calculate the mortality to incidence ratios (M:I), an official information for incidence and mortality rates in...
Factors associated with birth preparedness and complication readiness among antenatal clinic attendants in selected public Hospitals in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Institution based cross sectional study
August 2018
Birth preparedness and complication readiness is a comprehensive strategy aimed in promoting timely access to skilled maternal and neonatal services. It also facilitates active preparation and decision making for delivery by pregnant women. The aim of this study was to assess birth preparedness and complication readiness plans of antenatal clinic attendees in selected public Hospitals of Addis Ababa. Institution based...
Statistical model of weight outcome among college students
August 2018
The issue of weight outcome is a common problem across all ages in the world, regardless of being a male or female. Studies show that its cause is more associated with insufficient physical activities due to technological addicts and improper eating habits. However, this study sought to find out whether the predictors by authorities are in existent among college students in this part of the country. In a cross...
Determinants of modern contraceptive use among fertile women in Debark districts, North West Ethiopia
August 2018
This study examined and identified the determinants of modern contraceptive use among fertile women in Debark district. In order to meet the objective descriptive, multiple logistic regression and multilevel logistic regression statistical techniques were used for data analysis. The results of multiple logistic regressions showed that health center, place of residence, marital status, access to media, environmental...
Malaria outbreak and contracting factors in Afar Region, Ethiopia, 2016
July 2018
On July 5, 2016, Amibera District Health office was alerted of excess of malaria cases in two villages. Within July 5 to 17, 2016 malaria outbreak and associations factors were investigated. A malaria case is when a person with fever or fever with headache is confirmed either microscopically to have Plasmodium parasites or by Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) to detect the malaria antigens. In the last five years malaria data...
Incidence of pre-pregnancy and pregnancy-related illnesses in rural women accessing antenatal care services in Awka, south-east, Nigeria
July 2018
Nigeria accounts for a considerable proportion of maternal deaths that occur annually worldwide. The study investigated the incidence of pre-pregnancy and pregnancy-related illnesses in women accessing antenatal care services at health facilities in Awka South Local Government Area, Anambra State. The study adopted cross-sectional research design. The population comprised 3,207 registered pregnant women from January to...
Precision health contributions to public health: An integrative review
July 2018
Precision health is an all-encompassing term, which can describe a type of care that shows the intersectionality of genomics, precision health or medicine and public health. This integrative review aimed to investigate how precision health strategies could contribute to the public health and improve health-related outcomes among populations. The search strategy included 5 main keywords combined with other 63...
Prevalence and associated factors of undernutrition among school adolescents in Gobu Seyo District, East Wollega Zone, Oromia regional state of West Ethiopia, 2016
July 2018
Adolescence is the transitional period between childhood and adulthood. During this, nutrient needs are greatest. There is so little data on adolescents' nutrition and research needs are immense. The objective of the study was to assess prevalence and associated factors of undernutrition in school adolescents aged 10 to 19 years. A cross-sectional study was conducted at GobuSeyo district in December, 2016. Using...
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