

Page 8 of 1277, showing 50 records out of 63818 total, starting on record 351, ending on 400

International Journal of Psychology and Counselling
Lognormal distribution for social researchers: A probability classic

April-June 2024

This academic article aims to present the lognormal distribution clearly, accompanied by an example applied to sexual behavior, facilitating understanding among social researchers. This distribution, characterized by positive skewness, thin shoulders, and heavy tails, serves as a robust probability model for various social and behavioral variables. It is developed from its two-parameter format, a location parameter...

Author(s): José Moral de la Rubia

African Journal of Agricultural Research
Estimating and forecasting red meat consumption and production in Saudi Arabia during 2022-2030

June 2024

The study aims to predict domestic consumption and the production of three meat species (cattle, goats, and sheep) between 2022 and 2030. All series data in addition income per capita as exogenous variable are stationary at the first difference. So vector autoregressive model with exogenous variables  was applied, according to information criterion ( ) the  model of order  without an intercept term and a...

Author(s): Emad S. Aljohani, Abdul Aziz Al Duwais and Mahmoud Mohamed Mahmoud Alderiny

African Journal of Agricultural Research
Evaluation of rhizobium and nitrogen fertilizer for the control of bacterial blight in green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) varieties

June 2024

Bacterial blight is a serious disease affecting green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), impacting all growth and yield parameters and potentially causing a yield loss of about 40%. Inadequate information exists on the evaluation of nitrogen fertilizer potential on bacterial blight diseases in green bean cultivars. The aim of this study was to assess the potential of nitrogen fertilizer in managing bacterial blight disease...

Author(s): Manju B. Evelyn, Ache T. Neh and Azah N. Bihwih  

African Journal of Agricultural Research
Assessment of vertical hydroponic structures compared to planting in soil under different light conditions

June 2024

The aim of this research was to evaluate the performance of small-scale vertical hydroponic structures compared to indoor planting in soil under different light conditions. Fordhook Giant Swiss chard (Spinacea oleracea) was grown for 2 cropping seasons. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant difference in the biometric attributes of the plants grown hydroponically and those grown in soil under different...

Author(s): Zikhona Buyeye, Gareth Lagerwall, Aidan Senzanje and Sipho Sibanda

African Journal of Agricultural Research
Morphometrics and carcass production of Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus) under intensive production system

June 2024

The aim of this study was to determine the carcass production and obtain linear models for the estimation of live weight of Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus), reared under intensive system. Three-year-old crocodiles destined for slaughter were restrained, stunned and thereafter, the spinal cord severed instantly. The live weight of each crocodile was measured and the corresponding morphometric measurements were...

Author(s): Bob Mali, Lillian Owembabazi, Celsus Sente and Sam Okello

African Journal of Agricultural Research
Pollination by Xylocopa olivacea Fabricius 1871 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) and potential benefits on Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. 1843 (Fabaceae) production in Djoumassi (North Region, Cameroon)

June 2024

The investigation aimed to assess the impact of Xylocopa olivacea on Vigna unguiculata yields, and its foraging and pollinating activities were studied at Djoumassi from October 30th to November 04th in 2018 and from 04 to 10th October in 2019. A total of 540 flowers were observed, divided into four treatments. Two treatments were differentiated based on the presence or absence of flower protection against insect...

Author(s): Yatahai Clément Mineo, Massah Dabole Odette, Kodji Issaya, Adamou Moïse, Kingha Tekombo Bernice and Mazi Sanda  

African Journal of Agricultural Research
Determinants of adoption of improved agronomic practices of (Sesamum indicum L.) production, challenges and opportunities in Lango sub region of Northern Uganda

June 2024

Sesame is a key oilseed crop predominantly cultivated in Northern and Eastern regions of Uganda. Despite efforts to promote sesame production, adoption of improved agronomic practices remains low. This study assesses adoption intensity, determinants of improved agronomic practices, and opportunities for enhancing sesame production in Northern Uganda. The study employed multi-stage and purposive sampling to survey 123...

Author(s): Cosmas Wacal, Jimmy Obala, David Agole, Daniel Basalirwa, Joseph Masereka, Ronald Buwa, Jorem Alipa, Emmanuel Ewaju and Jordan Andaku

African Journal of Agricultural Research
Evaluation of the morphological variability and pathogenicity of Fusarium verticillioides isolates collected from maize seeds produced in Burkina Faso

June 2024

Fusarium head blight is one of the most important diseases on maize production in Burkina Faso. It affects both yields and production quality, due to toxins that are dangerous to human and animal health. The effectiveness of control measures for this disease depends on a better understanding of the intra-population variability of the pathogens responsible, as well as control of their pathogenicity. The aim of this study...

Author(s): Abou SANOU, Zara NIKIEMA, Shemaeza BONZI, Lamine TRAORE, Jacob SANOU and Irénée SOMDA  

African Journal of Agricultural Research
Effects of the length of rectangular zaï pits on straw and grain yields of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) in the Sahelian and Sudano-Sahelian zones of Burkina Faso

June 2024

In this arid zone, water is crucial for increasing yields, which justifies why zaï, characterized by spherical pits, has become the main soil recovery technique. However, water table level affects the effectiveness of zaï in collecting sufficient water. The present study aimed to give a rectangular shape to the typically spherical zaï pits to measure the straw and grain yield of sorghum in a factorial...

Author(s): Abdoulaye Dabre., Patrice Savadogo, Lassina Sanou and Hassan Bismarck Nacro

African Journal of Agricultural Research
Inventory of fungi associated with fonio (Digitaria exilis, Stapf) diseases and evaluation of the phenotype of 15 fonio mutant lineages against two isolates of Curvularia lunata in Burkina Faso

June 2024

Curvulariosis is one of the main fungal diseases of fonio, appearing at the vegetative growth stage and causing yield losses of up to 45%. The aim of this study was to invent the fungal species that infest fonio and to evaluate the phenotype of 18 lines developed or generated by mutagenesis against curvulariosis. A collection survey was carried out in the main fonio production zones. The lines were screened under...

Author(s): Niaone Mandinatou, Issa Wonni, Mahamadou Sawadogo, Soumana Kone, Abdourasmane Konate and Abalo Kassankogno  

Journal of Fine and Studio Art
Ceramic art exhibition and digital remediation: Reflections on the Iwo Awolo project in the time of COVID-19

January-June 2024

This paper examines the challenges and prospects encountered in transforming a planned physical exhibition, Iwo Awolo, into a digital one using photos and videos. The art exhibition was a solo event held at the peak of the COVID-19 lockdown protocols in South Africa, featuring mainly installations comprised of ceramics. Tactility, three-dimensional viewership, and the construction and deconstruction of disparate art...

Author(s): May Okafor

International Journal of Fisheries and Aquaculture
Formulating efficient and affordable feeds for Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1822) based on locally available ingredients in Benin, West Africa

January-June 2024

An affordable feed for the growth of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) juveniles was developed in Benin as an alternative to high-cost imported feed. Initially, locally available fish feed ingredients were inventoried. Subsequently, six feed formulas (Feeds 1 to 6) were developed using linear algebra software, and the feeds were pelleted using a locally built extruder. The protein content of the formulated feeds...

Author(s): Adékambi D. Adéyèmi, Adéchola P. P. Kayodé, Ifagbémi B. Chabi, Abdel-Fadel Alamou, Martinus J. R. Nout and Anita R. Linnemann

African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
Relationship between trace element concentration and condition index in bivalves from lagoons in Ghana

June 2024

The study investigated the seasonal relationship between the Condition Index (CI) and concentrations of six trace metals in the tissues of three bivalves: Crassostrea tulipa (n = 275), Anadara (Senilia) senilis (n = 310) from two 'open' lagoons (Benya and Ningo), a 'closed' lagoon (Sakumo), and Perna perna (n = 155) from rocky shores adjacent to Benya and Sakumo. These bivalves were analyzed for their...

Author(s): Fred A. Otchere

African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
Valorization of mining waste through fertilizer formulation: substitution of phosphoric acid by slimes and characterization of the obtained fertilizers

June 2024

This study aims to valorize the slimes (<40 µm and rich in P2O5) generated during the processing of phosphate ore from Taiba by formulating complex compound fertilizers using these wastes as a source of P2O5 through the progressive substitution of phosphoric acid. Following a complete characterization of the raw material using atomic absorption spectrophotometry and X-ray fluorescence, NPK complex fertilizers...

Author(s): Harouna Diao, Mamadou Faye, Attou Gaye and Falilou Mbacke Sambe

African Journal of Microbiology Research
Phytochemical study and evaluation of the antimicrobial activities of three plants in the treatment of typhoid fever in Togo

June 2024

Typhoid fever, an infectious disease impacting millions worldwide, has led to the utilization of a traditional medicine recipe in Togo consisting of Carica papaya, Cocos nucifera, and Persea americana. This study aimed to assess the phytochemical properties and antimicrobial activities of the traditional medicine recipe against typhoid fever. Qualitative tests, employing characterization reactions, were employed to...

Author(s): Yao HOINSOU, Luckman GBATI, Fo-doh Clefasse KOULA, Sossawè POLI, Ablam ALOGNON, Minyo Ega Sossa MONTANT, Tibangue DOUMONGUE, Akouétévi Gérard TOUDJI, Efui Holaly GBEKLEY, Bouraïma DJERI and Damintoti Simplice KAROU

African Journal of Microbiology Research
Antimicrobial properties and antioxidant activities of pigeon pea seed protein hydrolysates

June 2024

In recent times, the biological activities of enzymatic digests of plant and animal proteins have been investigated and have been shown to exhibit multidirectional effects against microorganisms involved in the pathophysiology of a number of diseases. The present study evaluated the antimicrobial and antioxidant effects of pigeon pea protein hydrolysates. Proteins were hydrolyzed using the enzymes pepsin, trypsin and...

Author(s): O. E. Ekun, W. K. Aribisala, R. G. Ekun, A. O. Olusola, S. O. Bada and O. S. Bakare

African Journal of Microbiology Research
Epidemiology, prevalence and seroprevalence of COVID-19 among vulnerable people in Thies region, Senegal

June 2024

Cases of pneumonia linked to a new Coronavirus have been noted in Wuhan city, Hubei province in China. This epidemic caused by the new Coronavirus called COVID-19 by the WHO, quickly became a global pandemic. This study is to assess the epidemiological situation as well as the prevalence and seroprevalence of COVID-19 in 213 vulnerable patients in the Thies region. This is a prospective study, targeting vulnerable...

Author(s): R. Ka, M. Ndao, R. Diagne, M. E. B. Diakhaby, S. C. Niang, A. Berthe, O. Diop and S. Lo,

Journal of African Studies and Development
Exploring women’s resilience in doing business during the covid-19 pandemic - A phenomenological study

April-June 2024

The Covid-19 pandemic has led world governments to take measures in stopping its spread and minimize its victims. This has affected businesses of all categories, including that of women (micro business) of selling fruits and vegetables in Rwanda’s Kimironko markets. This study investigated how these women did business before, during, and after the lock down, the challenges they faced, the reasons for resilience,...

Author(s): Patrick Gatsinzi and Livingstone Byandaga

Journal of Geography and Regional Planning
Analysis of land use and land cover change in Rusinga Island, Kenya

April-June, 2024

Sustainable land restoration requires a powerful and adaptable system that is able to capture local community views in decision making process. Participatory GIS was employed in analyzing LULCC in Rusinga Island. Data were collected in Rusinga West and Rusinga East location. Resource mapping exercise was undertaken during FGDs consisting of 12 members per location with good knowledge of LULCC. The participant...

Author(s): Samuel Enock Wekesa, Stephen M. Mureithi and Oliver Vivian Wasonga

International Journal of Physical Sciences
Effect of waste crumb rubber tyre as partial replacement of fine aggregates on fresh and hardened properties of concrete

April-June, 2024

Concrete has remained challenging to replace for an extended period due to its inherent strength and minimal maintenance needs over the lifespan of structures, coupled with its versatile applications in various infrastructure projects such as foundations, superstructures, and more. Additionally, concrete components, including fine crushed rock and river sand, are readily accessible in the environment. Recently, waste...

Author(s): Jonathan Uno and Khaled Marar  

International Journal of Physical Sciences
Modelling the geothermal potentials Energy of Abakaliki Lower Benue Trough Nigeria using Fourier transform of digital aeromagnetic data

April-June, 2024

Aeromagnetic data over part of the Abakaliki Lower Benue Trough has been evaluated to estimate the geothermal energy potential and model the morphology of the basin through assessing the depth to the magnetic basement and modeling prominent magnetic anomalous bodies. The data were acquired, analyzed, and interpreted. Qualitative analysis, using visual inspection of Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI), Residual Anomalous...

Author(s): Usman Ayatu Ojonugwa, Mbachu Victor Mmerichukwu, Okonkwo Churchii Chinonso, Chinwuko, Augustine Ifeanyi and Chizoba Chima Joshua  

International Journal of Physical Sciences
The nexus between land surface temperature and vegetation condition: The case of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

April-June, 2024

Examining the spatial relationship of surface temperature and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) in the urban center helps to balance heat island effect and creates sustainable urban environment. This study identifies the relationship between vegetation condition and surface temperature of Addis Ababa over various land use/cover (LU/LC) types. For this purpose, Landsat 8 OLI and TIR sensor data which were...

Author(s): Dagnachew Sisay Chaka and Binyam Tesfaw Hailu  

Journal of Accounting and Taxation
Analysis of the determinants of asymmetric cost behavior: Theoretical foundation and implications

April-June 2024

This paper investigates the foundational theories and empirical evidence surrounding cost behavior and asymmetric cost behavior, exploring their implications for managerial decision-making, budgeting procedures, performance evaluation systems, and overall organizational performance. Through a thorough review of relevant literature and theoretical frameworks, as well as an analysis of empirical evidence, the study...

Author(s): Sadri Lohrasp

Journal of Accounting and Taxation
Beyond the balance sheet: Unraveling the impact of accounting conservatism and values on tax avoidance

April-June 2024

This research aims to demonstrate the influence of accounting conservatism and Gray's accounting values on the practice of corporate tax avoidance. By analyzing a dataset consisting of 14,500 firms from 75 countries over the period of 2000 to 2022, and utilizing the generalized method of moments (GMM) methodology, the study demonstrates a positive correlation between accounting conservatism and elevated effective...

Author(s): Antonios Persakis and Georgios Kolias

International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology
The heart of transformative operations: How to sustain institutional change

April-June 2024

This paper distills the heart of transformative operations into four core values, essential for sustaining institutional change over the long term. With reference to institutions in Africa, an overview of the transformation achieved since the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885 was provided. The researcher then observes that while transformational leadership facilitated the establishment of modern nations in the relatively...

Author(s): Allan D. M. Bukusi

International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology
Review of the Samburu: A study of gerontocracy, written by Paul Spencer in 1965

April-June 2024

The justification for this research review is to investigate the societal structure of Samburu, focusing on their gerontocracy (age-set) administration system in northern Kenya, as studied by Paul Spencer, a British anthropologist who was immersed himself in the society structure during the 1960s. This review aims at conducting an ethnographic analysis of the document or book authored by Spencer. To address this issue,...

Author(s): Shambel Tufa Telila

Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
Performance evaluation of three selected dryland maize cultivars under different agronomic practices in the Amahlathi Local Municipality, Amathole district, Eastern Cape: A synergetic approach

April-June 2024

Despite the availability of numerous genetically improved maize cultivars, farmers in the Amahlathi Local Municipality (ALM) frequently grow locally available and inexpensive cultivars due to financial constraints and lack of agronomic skills and knowledge, resulting in low maize productivity. Consequently, an on-farm experiment was conducted in Donqaba village to evaluate the performance of three selected dryland maize...

Author(s): Azile Dumani, Simphiwe Mhlontlo, Sibongiseni Silwana, Tembakazi T. Silwana and Awonke Sonandi

Journal of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
Benefits, barriers, challenges and requirements for the application of digital technologies in agricultural extension in selected regions in Ghana: Perspectives from extension agents

April-June 2024

The application of digital technologies in agriculture is noted for effectively contributing to sustaining agri-food systems and improving food and nutrition security worldwide. However, the adoption of these innovations in agricultural extension systems is low in developing countries. The current study sought to examine the benefits, barriers, challenges, and requirements for deploying digital technologies in...

Author(s): John Kwesi Ocran, Isaac Kwasi Asante and Enoch Teye Kwao Ametepey  

African Journal of History and Culture
Hanging by the fibre of a woven cultural thread: Religious body marks of the indigenous Ga Ethnic Group of Ghana

January-June 2024

Body marking is one of the oldest traditions in indigenous ethnic groups and is viewed today as one of the simplest ways to associate an individual with a unique identity, whether for identification, beautification, or religious inclinations. However, in recent times, the practice of body marking has dwindled due to the advocacy for human rights and the condemnation of practices considered 'inhumane'. Body...

Author(s): Alice Korkor Ebeheakey

Journal of AIDS and HIV Research
Prevalence and factors associated with kidney dysfunction among people living with HIV/AIDS in Northern Tanzania: Retrospective cross-sectional study

January-June 2024

People living with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (PLHIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) patients have increased risk for kidney diseases, including HIV-Associated Nephropathy (HIVAN), non-collapsing focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, immune-complex kidney disease, and comorbid kidney disease, kidney injury following long term use of Highly Active-antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) or opportunistic infections...

Author(s): Jacob Henry Kitundu, Kassim Bakari, Japhary Joseph, Kajiru Kilonzo, and Orgeness Mbwambo,  

African Journal of Business Management
Work-Life balance and employee outcome: A multicultural study in Ghana

May 2024

This study investigates how work-life balance practices impact employee outcomes such as job satisfaction, productivity, and well-being in multicultural work environments in Ghana. A cross-sectional study was conducted using an online survey of 336 participants from diverse cultural backgrounds across four regions in Ghana. The findings indicate that factors such as leadership support, flexible policies, fair...

Author(s): Silvia Paschina

African Journal of Food Science
Effectiveness of household-installed bio-sand water filters in Morogoro, Tanzania

May 2024

This study assessed the handling and effectiveness of Bio-Sand-Filters (BSFs) in filtering water for human drinking purposes in households within Morogoro Municipality, Tanzania. Water microbiological parameters (such as Escherichia coli, total viable counts (TVC), and total coliforms) and physico-chemical properties (including turbidity and pH) were analyzed before and after filtration. Escherichia coli levels were...

Author(s): Jamal Bakari Kussaga and Neema Moirana

Journal of Economics and International Finance
Okun's law using structural change with threshold approach: Empirical evidence from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

April-June 2024

This paper employs the structural change with threshold approach to empirically verify Okun's law in the DRC. Utilizing quarterly data, the findings robustly support the existence of Okun's law in the DRC, albeit with a coefficient lower than that originally proposed by Okun. Moreover, the results reveal that the Okun coefficient in the DRC fluctuates significantly over time, irrespective of the economy's...

Author(s): Morisho Mwanabingo Nene, and Minane Mpore Matthieu

Journal of Hospitality Management and Tourism
Adoption of online reservation systems (ORS) among star-rated hotels in Accra: A cross-sectional study

January-June 2024

This study was conducted to identify the forms of Online Reservation Systems (ORS) adopted by star-rated hotels in Accra Metropolis, Ghana. A cross-sectional design and questionnaire were used to gather data from 183 reservation/front office managers of the star-rated hotels through a census. Descriptive statistics, Chi-square test of independence, Factor analysis, and Binary logistic regression were used for the...

Author(s): Peace Ankor, Moses Kwaku Golly, Awusiedu Reginald and Adam Issahaku

African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Clinical and parasitological evaluation of cutaneal lesions in Mesocricetus auratus infected with Leishmania amazonensis

May 2024

Cutaneous leishmaniasis is an infectious-parasitic disease that is vector-transmitted by female Phlebotomus species through a blood meal. The drugs recommended by the Ministry of Health show moderate efficacy and numerous adverse reactions, making it necessary to develop new drugs. However, it is essential to establish new and vibrant diagnostic techniques detecting and quantifying the parasites in experimental animals...

Author(s): Bruno Bezerra Jensen, Claudia Dantas Comandolli-Wyrepkowski, José Fernando Marques Barcellos, Aline Fagundes da Silva, Paula Figliuolo da Cruz Borges, Rebecca Sayuri Barbosa Hanada, Francimeire Gomes Pinheiro, and Antonia Maria Ramos Franco  

African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
An in vitro evaluation of the antileishmanial and cytotoxic activity of methyl gallate associated with conventional treatment for cutaneous leishmaniasis

May 2024

Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a non-contagious infectious-parasitic disease caused by protozoa of the genus Leishmania sp. It is considered a neglected tropical disease and involves public health issues because it affects socially vulnerable populations. The therapy recommended by the Brazilian Ministry of Health as the standard treatment for CL presents numerous challenges. Therefore, it is necessary to look for...

Author(s): Rebecca Sayuri Barbosa Hanada, Bruno Bezerra Jensen, Richaelly Pinheiro dos Santos, Paula Figliuolo da Cruz Borges, Francimeire Gomes Pinheiro, Mayara Arguello da Silva, Ana Caroline dos Santos Castro, Juliana Maria de Morais and Antonia Maria Ramos Franco  

African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Evaluation and validation of limited sampling strategy for estimating individual exposure of mycophenolic acid in renal transplant children receiving concomitant tacrolimus

May 2024

Limited sampling strategies (LSS) for estimating the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) of mycophenolic acid (MPA) in renal transplant children receiving concomitant tacrolimus have been developed, but they have not yet undergone full validation. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the predictive performance of previously published LSS of MPA in an independent pediatric population and to...

Author(s): BROU Nguessan Aimé, TE BONLE Leynouin Franck-Olivier, BALAYSSAC Eric, N’ZOUE Kanga Sita and SANGBEU Bertrand

Journal of African Studies and Development
Religious indoctrination and poor resource management: A critical examination of the Nigerian and African context

April-June 2024

The religious landscape in Nigeria, characterized by the dominance of Islam and Christianity, has witnessed a surge in religious indoctrination, driven by extreme interpretations of religious texts. This phenomenon has implications for social cohesion, exacerbating existing tensions along ethnic and religious lines. Additionally, the questionable management of resources by religious leaders further complicates the...

Author(s): Adams E. Ukeyima

International Journal of English and Literature
Exploring the effects of integrating a research-led activity in the English pronunciation class: An evaluative study with Argentinian pre-service teachers

April-June 2024

The present study aimed to examine the effect of implementing a Research-Led Activity (RLA) on the development of phonological awareness in students of a university-level English course in an English teaching program in Mar del Plata, Argentina. Seventeen students, aged between 19 and 26 years, with English language proficiency levels ranging from B2+ to C1, participated in the study. At the time of the research,...

Author(s): Pedro Luis Luchini and Debora Galante

Journal of Dryland Agriculture
Initial greenhouse observations on use of coal char as a soil amendment: Influences on plant growth and soil water holding capacity

May 2024

A greenhouse study was conducted to begin testing the use of coal char (CC) as a soil amendment. CC is a solid, porous activated carbon material resulting from high-temperature pyrolysis of coal. The objectives of this preliminary trial were to evaluate the impacts of different concentrations of CC added to the soil (0% (control), 1, 5, and 10% (v/v)) on plant biomass yield and soil water holding capacity (WHC). The...

Author(s): Resham B. Thapa, Sean X. Tang and Peter D. Stahl

African Journal of Biotechnology
Effect of incorporating the pulp of the fruit of Detarium microcarpum Guill & Perr. on the quality of the traditional malt-based drinks in West Africa

May 2024

Detarium microcarpum is a forest plant widely used in West Africa. However, it is little known and used for food. This study aims to assess the beneficial effect of incorporating the pulp of the fruit of D. microcarpum on the quality of the traditional malt-based drinks. Thus, the objective was to produce traditional drinks based on composite flour of D. microcarpum pulp and malt, then to characterize these drinks on...

Author(s): Akouloukihi Damien TCHATCHA, Andriano Jospin DJOSSOU, Dossou Awokou OKOUMASSOU, Yann MADODE, Kifouli ADEOTI, Fidèle Paul TCHOBO, Guy Alain ALITONOU, Frédéric HOUNDONOUGBO and Mansourou Mohamed SOUMANOU

African Journal of Biotechnology
Optimization of the sensorial quality of Saka Saka, a dish made from cassava leaves

May 2024

The goal was to improve Saka Saka's sensory quality. The study analyzed Saka Saka samples by pre-treating cassava leaves, mixing ingredients, and optimizing color, odor, and taste. The data was analyzed using Minitab 17.3.1 software, with replicates varying. The sensory evaluation of Saka Saka samples showed acceptable characteristics, with scores ranging from 5 to 8. The most appreciated characteristic was color,...

Author(s): Bertin MIKOLO, Fanny GANONGO-PO, Michel ELENGA and Kedar TSOUMOU

African Journal of Biotechnology
Pathogenic and molecular characterization of Pseudocercospora griseola, the causal agent of angular leaf spot of common bean, in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

May 2024

Angular leaf spot (ALS) caused by Pseudocercospora griseola is the most economically damaging common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) foliar disease in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and elsewhere in Eastern and Central Africa. Information regarding pathotypes distribution and genetic structure that would enable development of appropriate control measures is still lacking in DRC. The study aimed to investigate the...

Author(s): Kijana Ruhebuza, Mathew Abang, Richard Edema, Clare Mukankusi, Fred Kato and Robin Buruchara

African Journal of Agricultural Research
Phenology and growth response of maize and groundnut to different spatial arrangement and intercropping systems

May 2024

Field trials were carried out at the research field of AAMUSTED in two cropping seasons (2021 and 2022) to determine the effect of intercropping groundnut varieties with maize using different spatial arrangements on phenology and growth. A 3 x 3 factorial experiment arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD), plus four sole crops replicated four times, was used. The treatments were: (i) groundnut varieties...

Author(s): Isaac Ntekor, Margaret Esi Essilfie, Harrison Kwame Dapaah, and Samuel Ebo Owusu

African Journal of Agricultural Research
Effects of manure and variety on growth and yield of maize under managed water stress at Salima in Malawi

May 2024

Drought and low soil fertility are the primary constraints to maize productivity in Malawi. An experiment was conducted at Lifuwu Agricultural Research Station in Malawi during the 2016 dry season under furrow irrigation to evaluate the impact of goat manure application and drought on the growth and grain yield of the hybrid DKC8053 variety and the synthetic ZM523 variety. These varieties share a maturity period ranging...

Author(s): S. K. Nambuzi, V. H. Kabambe, W. G. Mhango, M. F. A. Maliro and J. M. Bokosi  

African Journal of Agricultural Research
Adaptability evaluation of US-developed soybean recombinant inbred lines in Rwandan conditions

May 2024

About 70% of the Rwandan population live on agriculture-related activities. Soybean is among the selected priority crops that are supported by the government through the agriculture sector subsidy program. However, the national production and yields per hectare remain very low compared to other countries such as the USA. Yet demand for soybean products and byproducts is increasing. On the list factors limiting soybean...

Author(s): Daniel Niykiza, Tarek Hewezi, Tom Gill, Carl Sams, Tessa Burch-Smith and Vince Pantalone  

African Journal of Agricultural Research
The impact of organic fertilizer on maize, field beans, and cabbages within the agricultural landscape of Kenya: An assessment of efficacy on sustainable development goals

May 2024

The study aimed to address the reduced production in agriculture and offer better opportunities to farmers for a sustainable future through organic farming aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. Data were collected on the growth performance and yield of three crops (cabbage, field beans, and maize) from six sites: Mau Narok, Mwea, Limuru, Molo, and Njabini, between April and October, 2017. The results of the...

Author(s): Eunsung Lee and Ibrahim Tirimba Ondabu  

African Journal of Agricultural Research
Effect of partial substitution of Noug (Guizotia abyssinica) seed cake with graded levels of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) hay on growth performance and carcass characteristics of yearling rams

May 2024

A feeding trial was conducted using sainfoin hay at 0, 10, 20 and 30% on a dry matter basis of inclusion to yearling rams placed on, T1, T2, T3 and T4, respectively, to substitute Noug seed cake in concentrate (wheat bran + Noug seed cake + common salt + wheat straw as a basal diet). Yearling 24 rums were selected on the basis of age and weight similarity and randomly assigned to the four treatments in...

Author(s): Dinku Getu, Solomon Demeke, Taye Tolemariam and Mesfin Dejene  

African Journal of Agricultural Research
Honeybee pests, predators and diseases in the selected districts of Bench-Maji and Sheka zones, Southwest Ethiopia

May 2024

This study evaluates the honeybee pests, predators and diseases in the selected districts of Sheka and Bench Maji zones. A cross sectional study design was used in the study. Four hundred and twenty households were involved in the study and 35 were randomly selected using stratified random sampling techniques from each purposively selected twelve kebeles. Specimens were collected from a hive of 72 households for...

Author(s): Teshome Gemechu, Elias Bayou and Tirusew Teshale

African Journal of Microbiology Research
Resistance profile of bacteria isolated from Broncho alveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of patients with severe acute lung disease at the University Hospital Center of Cocody in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

May 2024

This study aimed to characterize the microorganisms responsible for severe acute respiratory infections in adult patients hospitalized at the University Hospital Center of Cocody in Abidjan. The biological material consisted of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF). Isolation and identification of bacterial strains, along with susceptibility testing, were performed using standard microbiological techniques. The bacteria...

Author(s): Sopi Anne-Michèle Sandrine N’chott, Victoire Gadou, Marc Olivier Koffi, Abalé Anatole Toty, Kigninlman Horo, Adèle Kacou-N’douba, Allico Joseph Djaman, and Hortense Faye-Kette,

Page 8 of 1277, showing 50 records out of 63818 total, starting on record 351, ending on 400