Journal of
Medicinal Plants Research

  • Abbreviation: J. Med. Plants Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1996-0875
  • DOI: 10.5897/JMPR
  • Start Year: 2007
  • Published Articles: 3842

JMPR Articles

New insights of Nettle (Urtica urens): Antioxidant and antimicrobial activities

January 2017

Urtica urens is classified into the sub family of Rosales, belonging to the Urticaceae family. Their well-established beneficial properties to human health were mainly related to their phenolic content. Nettle extracts showed that an antioxidant and antimicrobial potentials. Among the different nettle extracts methanol extract (EMO) has the highest phenolic content (86.5±1.36 mg EGA/g DM) and lowest value was...

Author(s): Lobna Maaroufi, M. Sazzad Hossain, Wiem Tahri and Ahmed Landoulsi

In vitro studies of larvicidal effects of some plant extracts against Anopheles gambiae larvae (Diptera: Culicidae)

January 2017

Larvicidal effects of plant extracts against larvae of Anopheles gambiae were studied in the malaria entomology laboratory at Mendefera. The aim of the study was to evaluate ethanol and hot water extracts from leaves of seven different plants, viz., Azadirachta indica, Eucalyptus globulus, Tagetes minuta, Datura stramonium, Lantana camara, Ricinus communis and Jatropha curcas, as natural larvicides against third instar...

Author(s): Ghebriel Okbatinsae and Adugna Haile

Hypoglycaemic effect of fractions and crude methanolic leaf extract of Phyllanthus fraternus in streptozotocin - induced diabetic and normal rats

January 2017

Treatments of diabetes with available agents come with one or more side effects, hence, the need for continual search of alternative treatment agents from medicinal plants. This study was designed to analyse qualitatively and quantitatively some phytochemicals in methanolic extract in Phyllanthus fraternus and evaluate their hypoglycaemic activity in both diabetic and normal rats. Sixty-six rats were used of which...

Author(s): Nadro, M. S. and Elkanah, G.

The genus Eupatorium L. (Asteraceae): A review of their antimicrobial activity

January 2017

In recent years, the number of infectious diseases linked to the occurrence of bacterial and fungal resistance has increased, leading to extensive search for new drugs to treat these infections. Species of the Asteraceae family and the genus Eupatorium, have high biological potential and are used in folk medicine to treat various diseases. This review article presents the main phytochemical and biological...

Author(s): Antonio Carlos Nogueira Sobrinho, Selene Maia de Morais, Elnatan Bezerra de Souza and Raquel Oliveira dos Santos Fontenelle

Induction of biochemical active constituents of Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis (Link) Schneider) callus affected by hormones

January 2017

The present study aimed to identify some metabolites products obtained from different jojoba callus tissue extracts using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis (GC-MS). It is known that Jojoba, a medicinal and oil-yielding, has multi-purpose uses. In addition, it produces toxins, fatty acids, phenolic compounds and other secondary metabolites from callus identified using GC-MS. Despite the direct effect of 2,4-D...

Author(s): Mohei El-Din Solliman, Wael F. Shehata, Heba Allah A. Mohasseb, Mohammed I. Aldaej, Abdullatif A. Al-Khateeb, Solliman A. Al-Khateeb, Adel E. A. Hegazy  and  Hesham M. Abdel-Moneim

Chemical composition, antioxidant and topical anti-inflammatory activities of Croton cordiifolius Baill. (Euphorbiaceae)

January 2017

Croton cordiifolius is widely used in Brazilian Caatinga folk medicine to treat general inflammation, pain, and gastrointestinal disturbances. Currently, its medicinal properties are not well understood, owing to the absence of chemical and pharmacological studies. The aims of this work were to analyze the chemical composition of C. cordiifolius stem bark and evaluate its in vitro antioxidant and in vivo...

Author(s): Iasmine Andreza Basilio dos Santos Alves, Simone Maria dos Santos, Raudiney Frankilin Vasconcelos Mendes, José Welinton da Silva, Maria de Fátima Rodrigues, Bárbara de Azevedo Ramos, Márcia Vanusa da Silva, Maria Tereza dos Santos Correia, Fernanda das Chagas Angelo Mendes Tenório, Roberta Jeane Bezerra Jorge, René Duarte Martins, Julianna Ferreira Cavalcanti de Albuquerque and Rafael Matos Ximenes, Karina Perrelli Randau

Chemical profiling and chemical standardization of Vitex negundo using 13C NMR

January 2017

Chemical profiling and standardization of the defatted methanol extract of the leaves of Vitex negundo L. were carried out using 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) analysis followed by chemometric analysis of the chemical shift data. Chemical profile was obtained using a k-means cluster profile and chemical standardization which was achieved using a multivariate control chart. The V. negundo samples were made up of...

Author(s): Lolita G. Lagurin, John Daniel J. Magsalin, Anthony R. Zosa and Fabian M. Dayrit

Comparative physicochemical, phytochemical and acute toxicity studies of two Ocimum species in Western Uganda

January 2017

Ocimum gratissimum and Ocimum suave are species belonging to the Lamiaceae family; they have been domesticated and are widely grown in gardens in Western Uganda for its claimed beneficial effect in ethnomedical practice. This study was aimed at comparative evaluation of the physicochemical, phytochemical and acute toxicity potentials of their leaves. Dried leaves of O. gratissimum and O. suave were subjected to...

Author(s): Abayomi M. Ajayi, Annet Naluwuge, Peter Buyinza and Ivan Luswata

Chemical composition and antifungal activity of essential oil and fractions extracted from the leaves of Laurus nobilis L. cultivated in Southern Brazil

December 2016

Laurus nobilis L., popularly known as laurel, is a tree belonging to the Lauraceae family, native to Asia. It has long been used in traditional medicine to treat rheumatic disorders, and as a gastric stimulant. The aim of this study was to characterize the chemical composition of essential oils (EO) and fractions from laurel by column chromatography, and to evaluate their antifungal activity. The EO of L. nobilis leaves...

Author(s): Carla M. M. Fernandez-Andrade, Maurício F. da Rosa,  Édela Boufleuer, Fabiana Borges Padilha Ferreira, Camila Cristina Iwanaga, José E. Gonçalves, Diógenes A. G. Cortez, Cleide Viviane Buzanello Martins, Giani Andrea Linde, Márcia R. Simões, Viviane S. Lobo and Zilda C. Gazim

Flavonoids as photoprotective agents: A systematic review

December 2016

There is a growing need for research of photoprotective molecules from natural sources. Flavonoids have shown significant absorption in ultraviolet A (UVA), ultraviolet B (UVB) region, due to their chemical structure with conjugated double bonds, and may be used as ingredients in cosmetics formulations for skin protection. This systematic review reports what has been researched over the past decade on flavonoid and...

Author(s): José Marcos Teixeira de Alencar Filho, Pedrita Alves Sampaio, Emanuella Chiara Valença Pereira, Raimundo Gonçalves de Oliveira Júnior, Fabrício Souza Silva, Jackson Roberto Guedes da Silva Almeida, Larissa Araújo Rolim, Xirley Pereira Nunes, and Edigênia Cavalcante da Cruz Araújo,

Polyphenols derived from four indigenous Indian fruits for cancer chemoprevention and chemotherapy

December 2016

Cancer is one of the major causes of death worldwide, including developing and underdeveloped nations. Mortality and morbidity data suggest that incidences are higher than those of the cardiovascular diseases. High cost and occurrence of numerous side and adverse effects associated with conventional anticancer regimes has necessitated shifting the focus towards the practice of traditional alternative and complementary...

Author(s): Sutapa Biswas Majee, Vansh Khattry, Vaibhav Agarwal and Gopa Roy Biswas

Assessment of phytochemical content, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of three medicinal plants of Nepal

December 2016

Three indigenous medicinal plants, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L., Phlogacanthus thyrsiformis Mabb. and Lygodium japonicum (Thunb.) Sw., have been investigated for their phytochemical constituents, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. All the three plants tested were positive for polyphenols, terpenoids, glycosides, saponins, flavonoids and reducing sugar. The ethanol extract of these medicinal plants were subjected to...

Author(s): Bimala Subba, Anjana Sharma and Anupa Budhathoki

Preclinical anti-HSV-1 activity of aqueous and methanol extracts of Kenya grown pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium)

November 2016

Due to the opportunistic nature of Herpes simplex viral infections, it is of great public concern in sub-Saharan Africa. To date, there is no vaccine or cure for this viral infection. In this study, anti-viral activity of the Kenyan Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium (Pyrethrum) against Herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) was evaluated in vivo (using Swiss mice). Phytochemical screening for presence of secondary metabolites of...

Author(s): Simon, A. Ogbamikael, Festus, M. Tolo and Anselimo O. Makokha

DNA damages promoted by the essential oil from leaves of Casearia sylvestris Sw. (Salicaceae)

November 2016

The Casearia species (Salicaceae) occur in the tropics and subtropics and their extracts are rich in clerodane-type diterpenes, known as casearins. According to the literature, extracts from Casearia sylvestris exhibit cytotoxic and genotoxic effects in different tumor cell lines, possibly related to the casearins. On the other hand, there are few studies related to the DNA damages of the essential oils from this...

Author(s): Flaviane G. Pereira, Ronaldo Marquete, Letícia O. Cruz, Adriano Caldeira-de-Arujo, Elisabeth Mansur  and Davyson de Lima Moreira

Phytolacca octandra (L.), Phytolacca dodecandra (L'Herit) and Balanites aegypiaca (L.) extracts as potential molluscicides of schistosomiasis transmitting snails

November 2016

Schistosomiasis is a widespread parasitic infection whose intermediate host is aquatic snails and affects more than 250 million people worldwide. Although control of the snails with synthetic molluscicides is possible, it is not greatly preferred due to concerns of environmental toxicity and the relatively high cost of the chemicals. Conversely, organic plant-derived molluscicides are a better alternative that can be...

Author(s): Kariuki, S.T., Kariuki, J. M. Mailu, B. M and Muchiri, D.R.

Pharmacological activities of methanol extract of Phyllanthus acidus pulp

November 2016

The methanolic extract of Phyllanthus acidus pulp was screened in the present study to explore pharmacological activities on laboratory animals. The hypoglycemic activity was assessed by glucose tolerance test and the antidiarrheal activity was evaluated by castor oil induced diarrhea inhibition method. The analgesic and anesthetic activity was determined by Tail immersion method and Thiopental sodium induced sleeping...

Author(s): Farjana Afrin, Sujan Banik and Mohammad Salim Hossain

In vitro antibacterial activity of Cymbopogon citratus, Eucalyptus citriodora, Lippia multiflora, Melaleuca quinquenervia essential oils and Neco® on extended-spectrum ß-lactamases producing or non-producing bacterial strains

November 2016

This study aims at assessing the in vitro activity of Cymbopogon citratus, Eucalyptus citriodora, Lippia multiflora, Melaleuca quinquenervia essential oils and the biobactericide Neco® on extended-spectrum β-lactamases producing or non-producing bacterial strains (ESBL) isolated at the Armed forces hospital of Libreville. The aromatogram and antibiogram were respectively assessed by the agar well diffusion...

Author(s): Jean-Fabrice Yala, Rolande Mabika Mabika, Brahima Camara, Alain Souza, Alexis Nicaise Lepengue, Tuo Seydou, Daouda Koné and Bertrand M’batchi

Acute toxicity study of Sphaeranthus bullatus used as herbal tea in Tanzania

November 2016

Sphaeranthus bullatus aerial part is used by Chaga people in Northern Tanzania as herbal tea. It is usually drunk for the management of diarrhea.  In this study acute toxicity of S. bullatus was evaluated in order to establish its safety to verify its use as herbal tea.  Acute toxicity was performed per Organization for Economic co-operation and Development 423 (OECD) guideline. Six groups of female white...

Author(s): Okumu Ochanga and Musa Chacha

Insignificant activity of Allium paradoxium and Tanacetum parthenium on protoscoleces of Echinococcus granulosus: In vitro study

November 2016

Medicinal plants are now recognized as most important alternative for chemical drugs resource, especially for anti-microbial targets. The current study aimed to determine the scolicidal effect of Allium paradoxium and Tanacetum parthenium as medicinal plants in vitro. Protoscoleces were exposed to different concentrations of chloroformic and hydroalcholic extracts (1, 10, 50 and 100 mg/mL) for 5, 10, 30, 60 and 120 min....

Author(s): Elham Raeisi and Bahman Rahimi Esboei

Antileishmanial effects of the alkaloid-rich fraction of Quassia amara L.

November 2016

Control of leishmaniasis remains a challenge due the high toxicity of the chemotherapeutic drugs presently available. The ongoing search for better leishmanicidal compounds has brought herbal drugs into the limelight as safe and effective substitutes to conventional therapies which have various drawbacks. The current study was designed to evaluate the antileishmanial effect of Quassia amara against Leishmania...

Author(s): Renata S. Gabriel, Ana Claudia F. Amaral, Suzana Corte-Real, Rosana C. Lopes, Celuta S. Alviano, Alane B. Vermelho, Daniela S. Alviano and Igor A. Rodrigues

In silico physico-chemical evaluation, anti-inflammatory and mcf-7 breast cancer cell line growth inhibition effects of trolline isolated from Mirabilis jalapa

November 2016

The in silico simulations and predictions approach in evaluation of pharmacokinetic properties of new chemical entities (NCEs) is fast becoming an acceptable trend in natural products research and drug discovery. This paper focuses on the properties of trolline with respect to its anti-inflammatory and MCF-7 breast cancer cell line growth inhibition effects and an attempt to predict physico-chemical drug-like properties...

Author(s): Mas’ud Eneji Sadiq, Hajia Mairo Inuwa, Mujeeb-ur-Rehman and Khalid Ahmad

Ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in malaria management in South Benin

November 2016

In Bénin, malaria is a major public health concern, especially for children under five years and pregnant women. Considering the inefficiency of the health centers in some regions, people use plants for their primary health care. This study aimed to identify and document the medicinal plants used in the treatment of malaria in four departments (Littoral, Ouémé, Plateau and Zou) of south...

Author(s): Latifou Lagnika, Rock Djehoue, Hounnankpon Yedomonhan and Ambaliou Sanni

Effect of crude extracts from the root of Stemona tuberosa Lour. on the replication of Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus

November 2016

The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of crude extracts from the root of Stemona tuberosa Lour. on the replication of Autographa californica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV). Cytotoxicity of crude hexane, dichloromethane and ethanol extracts from the root of S. tuberosa was tested against Spodoptera frugiperda cell line (Sf9) using MTT assay. The cytotoxic effect, represented as CC50...

Author(s): Ounruan Petcharawan, Dusanee Thanaboripat, Tippanya Karunasoong, Kunlanit Chalernsuk and Jira Sakolvaree

Cytotoxic, antibacterial and antibiofilm activities of aqueous extracts of leaves and flavonoids occurring in Kalanchoe pinnata (Lam.) Pers.

November 2016

Several investigations have demonstrated in vitro antibacterial activity of plant extracts. Kalanchoe pinnata is globally used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases, such as diarrhea, infections, tuberculosis and fever. Among the enteropathogenic bacteria, enteroaggregative Escherichia coli (EAEC) is an important cause of diarrhea in the world. EAEC is also capable of forming biofilms, conformation that...

Author(s): Thiago José de Souza Barboza, Andréa Fonseca Ferreira, Ana Claudia de Paula Rosa Ignácio and Norma Albarello

Elicitation induced flavonoids, phenolic constituents, antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of Artemisia monosperma callus cultures

October 2016

Artemisia monosperma (Delile) callus was induced using seedling explant cultured on Murashige and Skoog solid medium (M&S) supplemented with 1 mg/L naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) and 1 mg/L kinetin (Kn). Cultures were maintained on 2 mg/L 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2, 4- D) and 1 mg/L Kn and treated with different elicitors. Total flavonoids and phenolics were determined by aluminum chloride-potassium acetate...

Author(s): Amal Amin Al-Gendy, Rabab Morad Ali, Dalia Ibrahim Hamdan and Afaf El-Sayed Abdel-Ghani

Genetic diversity and seasonal chemical profile by 1H NMR and cytotoxic activity in Opuntia and Nopalea genres

October 2016

The cactus pear (Opuntia spp.) is known to have bioactive compounds which work in the prevention of various diseases, especially cancer. The objectives of the study were to characterize the chemical profile and genetic diversity, through chromatic tests and 1H NMR, using multivariate analysis, and assess the cytotoxic potential of cactus pear varieties of Opuntia and Nopalea genera grown in the semi-arid region of...

Author(s): Francisco Abel Lemos Alves, Albericio Pereira de Andrade, Riselane de Lucena Alcântara Bruno, Maria Goretti de Vasconcelos Silva, Maria de Fátima Vanderlei de Souza, Cláudia Pessoa, Fátima de Cássia Evangelista de Oliveira, Severino Gonçalves de Brito Filho and Djalma Cordeiro dos Santos

Phytochemical investigation, antinociceptive activity and cytotoxicity of crude extracts of Calea uniflora Less.

October 2016

Calea uniflora Less. is a medicinal plant used in the treatment of inflammation and haematomas in southern Brazil. The aim of this study was to investigate the antinociceptive effects and cytotoxicity of C. uniflora. Regarding phytochemical evaluation, the crude extracts of plant were analysed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Antinociceptive activities utilised models on chemical and thermal stimuli in...

Author(s): Vanessa Nicolau Rodrigues-Torres, Jéssica DeLuca Machado, Luan de Souza Ramos, Renato Paghan, Jacqueline Kautz, Isabelle Rouaud, Aurélie Sauvager, Sophie Tomasi, Françoise Lohézic-Le Dévéhat, Silvia DalBó and Patrícia de Aguiar Amaral

Documentation of indigenous knowledge on medicinal plants used to manage common influenza and related symptoms in Luwero district, central Uganda

October 2016

Herbs are used in treatment of various diseases in Uganda. Influenza is one of the diseases that is treated by herbs, the disease previously known to be non fatal is progressively becoming a threat due to immune complications in people living with HIV, poor diets and the fear of fatal introduced strains like Bird Flu. An ethno botanical survey was conducted to document medicinal plants and preparations used in the...

Author(s): Katuura E., Omujal F., Tumusiime R. H., Nabukalu D. and Byamukama R.

Stem bark extracts of Erythrina excelsa (BAK) and their biological activities

October 2016

The species is known from Southern Nyanza, Migori in Kenya. The extraction of the stem bark was done sequentially using organic solvents starting with the least polar; n-hexane then dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and finally the most polar methanol. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of the crude extract and that of isolated compounds from the stem bark of E. excelsa were investigated. The crude extracts had...

Author(s): N. M. Ombuna, A. K. Machocho, M. M. Ng’ang’a, G. K. Keru, A. W. Wanyonyi and O. Amuka

Sub-chronic toxicity of the leaf aqueous extract of Bidenspilosa Linn (Asteraceae) in male and female rats

October 2016

Bidens pilosa is used empirically for the treatment of various illnesses among which are: jaundice, conjunctivitis, cataract, malaria, ulcers and hypertension. This study is aimed at evaluating the sub-chronic toxicity of the leaf aqueous extracts of B. pilosa. The effects of the administration of the aqueous extracts of B. pilosa on physical (body weight, relative weight of organs), biochemical and histological...

Author(s): Orélien Sylvain Mtopi Bopda, Frida Longo, Fidéliste Boade, Paul Desire Djomeni Dzeufiet and Theophile Dimo

Phytochemical, nutritional and anti-nutritional properties of leaves, stems bark and roots of trees used in popular medicine for the treatment of malaria in South Eastern Nigeria

October 2016

Environmental factors are known to affect genes in various ways. They are affecting the gene products including the production of both primary and secondary metabolites, hence the need to assess the phytochemical and nutritional compositions of Morinda lucida Benth and Alstonia  boonei De Wild growing in Nsukka, Enugu state, south eastern Nigeria. The qualitative analyses of the plant parts showed the presence of...

Author(s): Abu, Ngozi  E.,  Ezeomeke, Somadina I., Azegba, Promise and Davidson, Gloria I.

Assessment of thrombolytic, membrane stabilizing potential and total phenolic content of Typha elephantina Roxb.

October 2016

In this study, the crude methanolic extracts of whole palnt of Typha elephantina Roxb. were directed for screening of thrombolytic activity, membrane stabilizing activity, and total phenolic content. Human erythrocytes were taken for the analysis of both thrombolytic and membrane stabilizing activities and here streptokinase (SK) and acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) were used as standard for both tests, respectively. The...

Author(s): Niloy Sen, Latifa Bulbul, Fahad Hussain and Mohammad Tohidul Amin

Caryocar brasiliense fruit intake ameliorates hepatic fat deposition and improves intestinal structure of rats

October 2016

Caryocar brasiliense (pequi) is an exotic fruit, high in monounsaturated fat acids (MUFA) and bioactive compounds, which have beneficial effects on cardiometabolic risk factors. However, this fruit is poorly studied in this context. In this study, the effects of pequi pulp intake on cardiometabolic risk factors of rats were evaluated. Therefore, 16 male weaned rats were divided into two groups: Control group and Pequi...

Author(s): Lauane Gomes Moreno, Lidiane Guedes Oliveira, Dirceu Sousa Melo, Liliane Vanessa Costa Pereira, Karine Beatriz Costa, João Luiz Miranda, Etel Rocha Vieira, Flvio Castro Magalhes, Marco Fabricio Dias-Peixoto, Elizabethe Adriana Esteves

Screenings of In-vitro antimicrobial, cytotoxic and anti-inflammatory activity of crude methanolic extracts of Crinum latifolium (Leaves)

October 2016

Crude methanolic extracts of Crinum latifolium plant (Leaves) was assayed to identify various pharmacological properties. Antimicrobial potential of crude methanolic extracts of C. latifolium was accomplished by most commonly used disc diffusion method against a wide range of Gram positive (+ve) and Gram negative(-ve) bacteria. Extracts showed slight antimicrobial activity against Gram positive (+ve) bacteria while...

Author(s): Md. Abdur Rahman, Md. Saddam Hussain, Md. Shalahuddin Millat, Mithun Chandra Ray, Mohammad Tohidul Amin and Md. Mizanur Rahman Moghal

Acute oral toxicity study of Mystroxylon aethiopicum root bark aqueous extract in albino mice

October 2016

Acute oral toxicity of Mystroxylon aethiopicum root bark aqueous was evaluated in albino mice of either sex. In this study, five groups of mice were orally treated with doses of 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 mg/kg body weight of crude extract. The mortality, signs of toxicity and body weights were observed individually for two weeks. At the end of the two weeks study, all animals were sacrificed and the hematological...

Author(s): Mhuji Kilonzo, Patrick A. Ndakidemi and Musa Chacha

Antifungal activities of crude extracts of some Nigerian chewing sticks

September 2016

Preliminary screening of both methanol and aqueous extracts of the stem and root of Distemonanthus benthmianus, Treculia africana, Garcinia kola and Anogessus leiocarpus was carried out to test for antifungal activity. This was investigated using disc diffusion technique by measuring the zone of inhibition of the fungi after infusion with the plant extract. This produced definite antifungal activity against the...

Author(s): T. S. Ewekeye, O. A. Oke and A. G. Emoh

Antimicrobial effect of chalepensin against Streptococcus mutans

September 2016

Dental diseases play an important role in public health. The use of conventional antibiotics for treatment can create microbial resistance; therefore, it is critical to search for alternatives to which there is no such an effect. In this regard, we have studied the in vitro effect of chalepensin, from the plant Ruta chalepensis L., against the dental caries etiological agent Streptococcus mutans. R. chalepensis is...

Author(s): Ricardo Gomez-Flores, Marcela Alejandra Gloria-Garza, Myriam Angélica de la Garza-Ramos, Ramiro Quintanilla-Licea and Patricia Tamez-Guerra

Antitumor activity of Pachycereus marginatus (DC.) Britton & Rose extracts against murine lymphoma L5178Y-R and skin melanoma B16F10 cells

September 2016

Pachycereus marginatus (DC.) Britton & Rose is a species belonging to the family Cactaceae. In traditional medicine, it is recommended to treat diabetes and gastrointestinal infections; however, there are no studies related to its use in cancer treatment. The in vitro antitumor effect of P. marginatus hexane, chloroform, methanol, and methanol-aqueous partition stem extracts, against murine lymphoma L5178Y-R and...

Author(s): Humberto Carlos Hernández-Martínez, Ricardo Gomez-Flores, Patricia Tamez-Guerra, Ramiro Quintanilla-Licea, Mario Ángel Samaniego Escamilla, Enriqueta Monreal-Cuevas, Reyes Tamez-Guerra and Cristina Rodriguez-Padilla

Anti-candida biofilm properties of Cameroonian plant extracts

September 2016

Candida infections can be superficial, invasive or disseminating. The virulence of Candida species has been attributed to several factors, including the promotion of hyphae and biofilm formation, adherence to host tissues, and response to environmental changes and morphogenesis. Resistance to many clinically used antifungal agents has led to the need to identify new compounds and drugs for therapeutic use. Therefore,...

Author(s): Zeuko´o M. Elisabeth, Virginio C. Lopez, Sara M. Soto and Fekam B. Fabrice

Antimicrobial activities and preliminary phytochemical tests of crude extracts of important ethnopharmacological plants from Brazilian Cerrado

September 2016

Screening of native plants with therapeutical effects constitutes a valuable way to enhance biological attributes of medicinal herbs and discover new drugs. Therefore, ethanol and methanol extracts from ten plants collected from Brazilian Cerrado were tested to inhibitory effects against Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853) through disc diffusion. The...

Author(s): Caroline N. Maia, Cláudia M. da Silva, Ronaldo R. Júnior, Dario A. Oliveira, Perácio R. B. Ferreira, Carla Soares Godinho, Elio G. Fernandes and Henrique M. Valério

Anti-HIV-1 activity in human primary cells and Anti-HIV-1 RT inhibitory activity of extracts from the red seaweed Acanthophora spicifera

September 2016

First generation drugs such as zidovudine have been extensively used in clinical practice, resulting in the development of HIV resistance to these nucleoside analogs. Several studies have demonstrated the effective anti-HIV activity of natural products derived from seaweeds, suggesting promising sources of substances for the development of novel antiviral drugs. In this paper, the antiviral effect of extracts from the...

Author(s): Caio Cesar Richter Nogueira, Izabel Christina Nunes de Palmer Paixão, Claudio Cesar Cirne-Santos, Paulo Roberto Soares Stephens, Roberto Campos Villaça, Helena de Souza Pereira and Valéria Laneuville Teixeira

Aqueous extract of Bowdichia virgilioides stem bark inhibition of allergic inflammation in mice

September 2016

This study evaluated the anti-allergenic properties of the aqueous extract of the stem bark from Bowdichia virgilioides (AEBv). Oral administration of AEBv inhibited the plasma protein leakage at 30 min post allergenic challenge in Swiss mice actively sensitized with ovalbumin (OVA). AEBv inhibited OVA-induced histamine release in vitro in tissues obtained from sensitized mice. AEBv-treated mice exhibited a lower influx...

Author(s): Juliane Pereira da Silva, Jamylle Nunes de Souza Ferro, Benisio Ferreira da Silva Filho, Luiz Antônio Ferreira da Silva, Tayhana Priscila Medeiros Souza, Heloisa de Carvalho Matos, Vinicius de Frias Carvalho, Renato Santos Rodarte and Emiliano Barreto

Sensitization with babassu mesocarp induces activation of murine splenocytes against tumor cells

September 2016

Attallea speciosa Mart. (babassu) fruit contains a mesocarp that is rich in carbohydrates with immunomodulatory effects. The induction of the tolerogenic response is a tumor escape mechanism, and immunomodulator adjuvants have been studied to reestablish host immunogenicity. This study evaluates the adjuvant potential of babassu mesocarp carbohydrates in a tumor model. The babassu mesocarp extraction (BME) yield was...

Author(s): Leticia Prince P. Pontes, Josemar M. F. Godinho Jr., Elza Moraes, Diego S. Arruda, Caroline S. C. Almeida, Mayara C. Pinto, Graciomar C. Costa, Rosane N. M. Guerra, Luce M. B. Torres, Vanessa F. Oliveira, Flávia R. F. Nascimento and Ana P. S. Azevedo-Santos

Curcuma comosa ameliorates cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity: COX-2 expression and ultrastructure changes

September 2016

To determine the protective effects of ethanol extracts of Curcuma comosa on kidney injury by cisplatin, mice were randomly assigned into 4 groups: Control, cisplatin control (12.5 mg/kg body weight (BW), i.p.), C. comosa+cisplatin (pretreatment with C. comosa at dose 200 mg/kg BW orally for 4 consecutive days before cisplatin injection), and C. comosa control groups. After five days, the renal tissues were collected to...

Author(s): Alan Chuncharunee, Valainipa Habuddha and Aporn Chuncharunee

Bioactivity of Platycerium angolense Flavonoid Fraction on Biochemical Parameters of Acetaminophen-induced Rats

September 2016

This study evaluated the effect of flavonoid fraction (FF) of Platycerium angolense on acetaminophen-induced liver damage in rat with a view to considering the possibility of utilizing the extracts of the plant for the management and treatment of liver related ailments. Powdered leaves of P. angolense were extracted with methanol 70% (v/v) to yield methanolic extract of P. angolense (MEPA). The MEPA followed successive...

Author(s): Akinlalu, Akintunde Oluseto, Komolafe, Ige Joseph, Ogunsusi Mayowa and Oyedapo, Oluboade Oluokun

Chemical Composition antimicrobial and free radical scavenging activity of essential oil from leaves of Renealmia thyrsoidea (Ruiz &Pav.) Poepp. & Endl.

September 2016

Renealmia thryrsoidea  (Ruiz & Pav.)  Poepp. & Endl is a plant used by the Amazonian indigenous people of Ecuador for its various medicinal properties. Its leaves exhibit a remarkable aroma with a hint of spiciness. The essential oil extracted from its leaves was analyzed by GM/MS, using two systems with columns of different polarity, in both was confirmed  the presence of terpinolene (26.32%),...

Author(s): Paco F. Noriega, Erika A. Paredes, Tatiana D. Mosquera, Edison E. Díaz, Angelika Lueckhoff, Jessica E. Basantes and Andrea L. Trujillo

Distribution of phenolic content and screening for antioxidant capacity of different parts of tea plant (Camellia sinensis L.)

September 2016

Tea is a medicinal beverage manufactured from the plant, Camellia sinensis L. The bud and two adjacent leaves (tea flush) are generally harvested in this process. Currently, it is also used as an ingredient in cosmetic products. The present study was carried out to screen the antioxidant activity and the distribution of phenolic content in different parts of the tea plant for their utilization in other industries....

Author(s): Piumi Dasanayake, and Preethi Soysa

Effects of extraction solvents of dietary plants on lipid lowering activity

August 2016

The present study aims to investigate the effects of five dietary plants including Azadirachta indica A. Juss. var. siamensis Valeton (flowers), Bombax ceiba Linn (pollen), Citrus hystrix DC (leaves), Polygonum odoratum Lour (leaves), and Solanum torvum Sw (fruits) on activity of pancreatic lipase, micellar cholesterol solubilization and bile acids binding. Two different organic solvents (methanol and ethanol) and...

Author(s): Acharaporn Duangjai, Nanteetip Limpeanchob, Kanittaporn Trisat and Anan Ounaroon

Antibacterial, antifungal and in vitro cytotoxic activities of three extracts isolated from mint

August 2016

A number of reports have been focusing on chemical compositions and functional properties of essential oils isolated from mint. However, there is little data available on the biological activities of non-volatile constituents. In this study, the antibacterial (against 2 gram-positive bacterial strains: Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus cereus; 2 gram-negative bacterial strains: Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas...

Author(s): Dongbo Liu,, Liqin Hu, Xuehui Liu, Xincong Kang, Yongquan Hu, Hongqi Xie, Zhilan Xia and Ling Xie

Impact of Colombian yellow fruits and tropical fruits drinks consumption on the antioxidant status of healthy women

August 2016

Reactive oxygen species are responsible for causing different types of damage in the body which are associated with the onset of chronic non-communicable diseases. A strategy to counteract these effects is by a diet rich in antioxidants compounds found in fruits. The aim of this study was to determine the antioxidant capacity in plasma and the content of total phenolic compounds in healthy women who consumed a drink...

Author(s): Ana Cristina Gómez-García, Jeanine Peñaloza, Julio Cañas, Benjamín Rojano, Ana Rosa Ramos and Maria Elena Maldonado

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